Evening snack - tips on how to avoid.



  • bdorri00
    bdorri00 Posts: 38 Member
    I have the same problem--I've been drinking a cup of hot tea with splenda or 1 tsp of honey. Helps you feel full because of the warmth of the tea.
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    oooops..... THIS month..... "say no to LNS" is under "challenges" not "motivation and support" sorry about that
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I don't avoid it. I eat dessert every single night. I just fit it into my macros.
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    If you really feel you need to cut out the need to snack, I would suggest a distraction, I know for me, I'll go read or book or I like to crochet (though I'm terrible at it, lol). However, I don't think a light snack after dinner is so bad as long as you plan for it, also, I don't know what you usually snack on but maybe just try having healthier snack options ready to go: baggies of grapes, hard boiled eggs, cold brew coffee (blend with some ice and a little milk-yum!), or get yourself some sugar free ice cream, or frozen yogurt to keep on hand, a little cup of that won't break your calorie bank and it'll satisfy that craving for something sweet!
  • smcrimmon84
    smcrimmon84 Posts: 135 Member
    I have a post-dinner snack most nights too. A lot of my workouts are done at night after dinner and sometimes I am just STARVING after a workout and will have a snap. Some popcorn, a banana, small smoothie, etc is usually what I go for.

    I dont think an evening snack is necessarily a bad thing - as long as it doesnt turn into eating an entire bag of Doritos or a pint of ice cream ;)
  • superspork2
    superspork2 Posts: 99 Member
    The time between dinner and sleep is just too long for me, and I always get hungry. So either I'll plan for a snack or night time is usually when I'll have a protein shake and some cinnamon apple spice tea with honey which is good for a sweet tooth.

    If you are truly hungry in the evening, then you should eat, or try eating a bigger dinner. But if you are bored, try to find ways to sooth that whether it be tea or gum or even take up knitting! Scarves for everyone!
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I look forward to my measured, pre-logged serving of ice cream and almonds every night. If I eat too much during the day, I don't get to have it and it makes me sad. My evening sweet-treat is actually my reward!
  • marylovesnini
    marylovesnini Posts: 41 Member
    I USED to have the same problem but I started drinking Sleepytime tea plus something else like a piece of dark chocolate or nuts
  • melbooley
    melbooley Posts: 1 Member
    Brush your teeth when ever you feel hungry in the evening.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I have a cup of hot chocolate. Not a lot of calories but it kind of helps with the sweet craving. Then brush your teeth and go to bed!!
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I pre-log a snack every night.

    Me too. I'm a nighttime snacker, so I always leave calories for after dinner.

  • asweigart
    asweigart Posts: 7 Member
    So I have a treadmill and I'm pretty sedentary at work. I will often walk slowly on the treadmill to get my steps in late at night (Fitbit user but I started with a pedometer) Generally I won't feel like snacking after that. Or walk my dogs.
  • roxymuller
    roxymuller Posts: 29 Member
    Hi. I will usually have an orange, apple or a bowl of cereal. the best thing to do is plan on incorporating a snack into your calories for the day. You don't want to deprive yourself because that is when you will go on a hog wild snacking binge. I will even have a couple pieces of chocolate squares depending on how many calories I have left. It is now at the the point those couple of chocolate squares satisfies my craving for something sweet. that is much better having that than having a whole chocolate bar, which I have done but counted it in my allowed calories. That hurt?? Also prepackage snack food into small baggies of the allotted calories for that snack so you can see what you are eating instead of eating out of the original bag. they say you can have everything in moderation, other stuff is better that others. chew peppermint gum, that also takes the urge to eat away. Good luck!!