Restarting and need motivation



  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Im restarting as well!
    I gained about 40 lbs after reaching my GW two years ago.
    Feel free to add! Id love more friends :)
  • mareez
    mareez Posts: 13 Member
    Just to repeat what you have all said above... Yes I too am about to get tough with myself AGAIN! bring on 2016 I say and please feel free to add me (would love some companionship)
  • Flashlightis
    Flashlightis Posts: 10 Member
    Hi All, I too ride this damn weight-a-coaster and am trying to drop 30 lbs. I'm logging in multiple times a day to record everything. Feel free to send me a friend request and I'll do the same, cause I could definitely could use some motivational help. No worries if you don't accept, all good. Good luck everyone, you can do it!!
  • cayman07
    cayman07 Posts: 77 Member
    restarting too got around 10kg/22lbs to lose feel free to add, day 6 for me in logging what I eat again, after a "break" and also focusing on steps and exercise.
  • PoisonDartFrog
    PoisonDartFrog Posts: 220 Member
    Restarting too...but got sick today (some how hot toddies are not on any diet). Hope to be back at it tomorrow. Have been cooking healthy daily since the second (New Years is always Ham and Scalloped Potatoes - heavy cream and cheese)
  • Docmack
    Docmack Posts: 3 Member
    You got this girl, we can do it together :smile:
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    good for you!! Trust me, one day it will stick.... and this might be the one time it does!! Who cares about all the other times, thats history. You got this!

    Tip... never ever ever ever ever give up. Even if you miss a week here and there, even if its July and you miss the entire month! Dont wait until New Years to start again, start in August! Thats the key, year round fitness and better food choices.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • kristinak48
    kristinak48 Posts: 110 Member
    Hey Ladies and Gents. I've been on here for a year now successfully. Although there have been ups and downs. I've kept off 37 lbs. Had lost 43 but gained some back over the holidays, as you do! I'm always looking for new friends if you want to add me please feel free :smiley:
  • sesabee
    sesabee Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I need some support too! As have lost some of mfp buddies along the way! Please feel free to add me. Since doing well after 2nd baby, I went back to work in May & have put on over a stone, gutted! But back here again! To get back on it!
  • micwolf93
    micwolf93 Posts: 1 Member
    Really need to be held accountable. I tend to binge and I really want to lose weight to be healthier.
  • amy13a
    amy13a Posts: 32 Member
    Take it one day at a time and don't expect change right away. Set little goals for yourself, that helps me. Good luck to everyone!
  • writerridersleepereater
    I deleted my old MFP account and started fresh this year to begin anew. I need friends to HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE. We can do this!
  • steph_vt
    steph_vt Posts: 38 Member
    Im the exact same way im just having a rlly hard time sticking to it would also love some people to help me along the way xx
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Restarting myself. My best friend died at Canadian Thanksgiving (extremely unexpectedly) so I threw eating and such out the window for a while. Getting back on track. She'd have my head behaving the way I have. :-) (sad smile).
  • vortex15
    vortex15 Posts: 19 Member
    kit_katty wrote: »
    Restarting myself. My best friend died at Canadian Thanksgiving (extremely unexpectedly) so I threw eating and such out the window for a while. Getting back on track. She'd have my head behaving the way I have. :-) (sad smile).

    Wow! That is really terrible. I hope your ok. Taking care of yourself is extra important during tough times. Look forward to seeing you here.
  • headlock_lynn
    headlock_lynn Posts: 79 Member
    Well, I think I have you ALL beat! I'm trying again for the millionth and one time!. I hear what you all are saying and I've also been there and done that. Could kick myself because I did get to a great weight a couple of years ago. (I remember it was hard, lots of commitment, eating well, lots of bike riding). Then one thing after another happened. The bikes rides got fewer and further between. The portions got larger and larger. Surprise, surprise, I seemed to get larger and larger too. They say the camera doesn't lie so it must be true. Besides which my clothes just don't fit anymore and I'm down to wearing one or two things with elastic in them. Bummer. But, joking aside, I hate myself. I'm mad with myself. I let myself go after working so hard. Why can't we just turn back the clock? Why do we do this to ourselves? I also binge. I eat for comfort. I like crinkle cut chips in the evening with a glass of wine. I hate winter and putting on boots and coats and scarves and fighting against the ice and snow to walk the dog. (which I do everyday). Now hubby says let's go to Mexico for a week in February and I'm like aargh...what am I going to wear? I hate the way I looks. I've put all the 50lbs back on that I worked so hard to lose. Help! please add me. Help me to become motivated not to overeat. To get back on the exercise bike (since I can't ride my regular one in the snow). Good luck to you all. Please befriend me.
  • lauraminardi
    lauraminardi Posts: 11 Member
    I'm loving this!!!
  • Nellium88
    Nellium88 Posts: 10 Member
    Feeling a lottlw defeated with my daily diary.calorie limit seems like its not enough. In need of some motivation. I know i can do just wish i wasnt feeling so hungry. Add me. Supporting others gives me motivation
  • partpig
    partpig Posts: 6 Member
    It's time to start this again. I did this 4 years ago with great success. Then life throws a few curve balls, lost my job, lost my mom, and fighting with my own health issues. Just need to stay focused and take one day at a time. Hope you guys will add me to your friend list.
  • soozey1
    soozey1 Posts: 102 Member
    hey! I'm restarting my weight loss journey for what seems to be the millionth time! I would love friends to help motivate me!!
    Would love to help, happy to add me too