Biggest Loser - Losers



  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I've never watched this show and never would because it's just never appealed to me. It's clear from just the commercials that they're using extreme methods to make for drama. In other words, it's regular old "reality" TV stuff that gets old after a couple of commercial breaks.
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    While I share the same sentiments about the show in general, I'm not going to judge how someone poorly copes with traumatic things in their lives. They're obese, I was obese. I clearly was using food to cope with something, too. The realizations that they're obese because of poor choices because of life situations and not making excuses anymore is the first and only step to changing.

    Side note, they're ain't no way in hell I'm going through the torture of that show to gain that weight back. 80% gain it back because the way they lose it on the show is not teaching them how to maintain the rest of their life.
  • Jonquin
    Jonquin Posts: 1 Member
    I never could get into the show myself because of a lot of what you mentioned. A gentleman named Drew Manning actually gained weight and then took it back off to see how it feels. His website is Apparently there is going to be a show on A&E with this as the basis.
  • lizwrites1313
    lizwrites1313 Posts: 160 Member
    I was considering watching it so thank you :)
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I used to be a regular watcher in the earlier seasons. The contestants didn't start off as heavy as they are in the last few seasons so I found it more relatable back then. I fast forward through the fluff now and usually just wind up seeing a few episodes and then the finale. So much nonsense and product placement now. It doesn't need to be a two hour show IMO. As far as the emotional aspects everyone deals with tragedy differently. I fell off the wagon when I had an ill parent that eventually passed so no judgment there but the shows a choice like anything else. Don't watch if you don't want to.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    MikeInAZ wrote: »
    I had to fast forward through about 90 minutes worth of crying, counseling, and drama just to get to the good stuff of the show.

    You found "good stuff" in an episode of Fat Shaming Weekly The Biggest Loser.

  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    Thank you moderator, or who ever corrected my AUTO CORRECTED MISSPELLING! I was trying to, but there was no way to edit it.
  • malanvdw
    malanvdw Posts: 9 Member
    While I share the same sentiments about the show in general, I'm not going to judge how someone poorly copes with traumatic things in their lives. They're obese, I was obese. I clearly was using food to cope with something, too. The realizations that they're obese because of poor choices because of life situations and not making excuses anymore is the first and only step to changing.

    Side note, they're ain't no way in hell I'm going through the torture of that show to gain that weight back. 80% gain it back because the way they lose it on the show is not teaching them how to maintain the rest of their life.

    Well put, mommanurse. Judging, belittling, and making fun of people in pain, who may or may not have poor emotional intelligence and understanding of poor lifestyle habits, never helped anyone.