New to this! But excited for a new beginning!

I'm 29 and decided I need to make a lifestyle change, not just start another failed diet! I am shamed to say I need to lose 50lbs.


  • erinsiren
    erinsiren Posts: 8 Member
    No shame on here! I need to lose 40 lbs to weigh what I did two years ago. Let's luck 2016's *kitten*!
  • hellovickykitty
    hellovickykitty Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you!
  • Floridaman789
    Floridaman789 Posts: 109 Member
    No shame I need to lose 130 lbs
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    You can do it! I'm down 45 lbs so far and ready to love the last 30 lbs in 2016! Add me as a friend.
  • hellovickykitty
    hellovickykitty Posts: 40 Member
    You can do it! I'm down 45 lbs so far and ready to love the last 30 lbs in 2016! Add me as a friend.


  • hellovickykitty
    hellovickykitty Posts: 40 Member
    No shame I need to lose 130 lbs
    You can do it! I hope I can too! I've tried so many times and them I'm like "eh" I give up. But really going to try this time.
  • neereryka514
    neereryka514 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm looking to cut my weight in half. And be something I have never been...healthy . ready for a change :D:)
  • MichaelaTheHobbit
    MichaelaTheHobbit Posts: 13 Member
    I'm trying to lose about 100 pounds! Being short is difficult when it comes to weight! Feel free to add :)
  • hellovickykitty
    hellovickykitty Posts: 40 Member
    I'm looking to cut my weight in half. And be something I have never been...healthy . ready for a change :D:)
    Me too! Cheers!
  • hellovickykitty
    hellovickykitty Posts: 40 Member
    I'm trying to lose about 100 pounds! Being short is difficult when it comes to weight! Feel free to add :)
    Well I'm tall and it shows on this body lol
  • shimmernova
    shimmernova Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone :)
    Hope your all doing well, I'm kind of new to this, I tried logging my meals a while back but just gave up on it due to lack of motovation etc. But now I'm ready to give this another go and do my best to adopt a healthy lifestyle
  • hellovickykitty
    hellovickykitty Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone :)
    Hope your all doing well, I'm kind of new to this, I tried logging my meals a while back but just gave up on it due to lack of motovation etc. But now I'm ready to give this another go and do my best to adopt a healthy lifestyle
    You got this! I'm ready too! I'm tired of all my excuses.