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How do you give up your biggest downfalls?



  • changeNeeded87
    changeNeeded87 Posts: 17 Member
    Alcohol is also a downfall of mine. Not because of the liquor but because of the food I want while I'm drinking (hello whole bag of chips, pizza, wings or fried tenders). I'm learning to limit the number of days I consume alcohol.
  • RetroPolkaDot
    RetroPolkaDot Posts: 83 Member
    I love savory fast foods. Like burgers, tacos, and pizza! I eat smaller portions, with veggies on the side to fill me up. Giving these up was never a consideration for me.

    Potato chips/crisps are hard for me to moderate, though. I do admit even after a year of maintenance, I still need to buy these by the single serving packet, else I won't stop until I hit the bottom. Such salty, greasy heaven...why do I love you so?

    This! I'm learning I have to do the same thing as well. I switched from regular chips to Kettle chips and I'll still finish the bag of Kettle. Lately, I have been purchasing 1 individual bag at a time. It's more expensive but it keeps me honest.

    are you talking the less fat kettle chips or the baked ones? I highly recommend the Kettle brand baked chips. They are seriously the only baked chip I have ever had where I couldn't tell that they were baked. They have a wonderful crunch and flavor.
  • RetroPolkaDot
    RetroPolkaDot Posts: 83 Member
    There are foods that live at the grocery store instead of coming home with me. I can have them but I have to make a special trip to get them. When possible I buy thing in single serve packaging. I have gotten pickier. For example bakery cakes are often disappointing so I usually pass those up now but I will have a small piece of a homemade cake with real buttercream frosting.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    edited January 2016
    Moderation through good planning. Setting yourself up to succeed, not fail.

    Example: I love Oreos with milk. I don't keep them in the house or I will eat them up. Maybe not a whole package at once (thankfully) but they would "bother me" until I managed to have 6-8 every night with milk and over the course of 2 weeks I'd eat them all and they are not very nutritious and pack quite a calorie punch to boot. So no. A few times a year when I really crave them, I specifically go and buy a six-cookie packet or a roll of nine cookies, maybe, from the convenience store and a little carton of milk and go to town.

    Another sweets related example: My husband and I are ice cream, chocolate, donut loving people unfortunately. If we have NO treat type food in the house, we run the risk (especially when busy and stressed) of "treating ourselves" by going out for ice cream or something. While that's fine & good occasionally...we can't do that 3 times a week! So we keep things in the house that we can control ourselves around, like tiny Biscoff or Biscolata cookies that we can actually have 2 cookies with a cup of hot tea or coffee and feel satisfied.

    Stuff like that has really helped. Planning ahead for meals helps so much too, whether it's a list/outline for the week ahead or purposely eating a small, super-nutritious breakfast and lunch when I know I'm meeting friends for a burger and beer that night.
  • hmontigney
    hmontigney Posts: 56 Member
    I'm a huge junk food person (Duh... I gained the weight somehow). I will devour fast food, cupcakes, ice cream, chips, soda and pizza like it's nothing. These last few months have been difficult (Winter always is for me) but I've just started not buying certain things. I don't buy soda. No one in my house really drinks it, anyway. If I want chips, I'll buy the single serving bags. As far as sweets go (cupcakes, chocolate, ice cream, etc), I usually just eat these if I crave them and can fit them into my calories for the day. Today I have 189 calories left (this isn't even including my exercise yet) so I'm definitely eyeing up that Cookie Dough Ice Cream for later.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I just cut back on my favorite not-so-healthy things and moderate my portions. For those "trigger" foods - I just don't buy them or let them get near me.
  • jandw122912
    jandw122912 Posts: 66 Member
    edited January 2016
    I didn't give up my favorite foods and never will... Why? Because I can eat what I want (in moderation) and still lose weight! I had a medium french fry for lunch yesterday and was still under my calorie goal for the day! I had a much healthier lunch today... It all balances out!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    There's no way I'm giving up what I love. That would be sad. So I had to learn moderation because I figured that one delicious chocolate (or two for smaller ones) is better than none. Life is too short not to enjoy delicious food.

    I did give up what isn't worth the calories though, like sub par treats, bad quality chocolate, or high calorie drinks (heck I don't drink any calories anymore).
  • SWink06
    SWink06 Posts: 73 Member
    edited January 2016
    A fun-size packet of peanut M&Ms (90 calories) is something I look forward to every day. I usually can't stop eating when I start, but this has helped limit me to a small snack. I enjoy my chocolate fix and it fits nicely within my daily calorie allotment. I've found it surprisingly satisfying -- even more so than when I used to eat them by the handfuls. *blush*
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I agree with everyone on here who says moderation is the key. HOWEVER- I do keep trigger food out of the house as much as possible- I can't just eat a few potato chips (pringles especially) and cookies- I find it hard to stop eating them if they are good and especially if I come home and I'm hungry. So yes, moderation is the key, and hopefully I will be able to eat just a few chips or cookies at some point, but for now I don't buy them for the most part.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Things I can't be controlled around I don't buy/keep in the house. If I have room for it, I'll buy a single serving. Otherwise I have some "substitutes" (I hate that word because it sometime has a negative connotation here)-but I truly enjoy whatever I'm eating. I probably won't ever have real peanut butter in my house...until my boyfriend and I decide to move in together. And he'll get a rude awakening because I'm going to eat it all in two days.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Cold turkey on soda. It gets me craving more.
  • thunder1982
    thunder1982 Posts: 280 Member
    I started a 12 week food program so went cold turkey on my beloved coke. Withdrawal was hard (I'd gotten up to about 5 cans of coke a day). It wasnt forever it was giving up for now as I had some short term weight loss goals I wanted to meet over the 3 month period. About Week 10 I had coke again. I think I had 2 on that weekend. After my 12 week program ended I probably had coke every other day and then everyday on holidays. Usually only 1 a day. I am probably having it every other day (1 can) now. Though I surprised myself when I bought one at the shop the other night and then didnt end up drinking it when I got home.

    Really after the initial withdrawal it was about changing the habit trigger. I would always have a drink with lunch and dinner and my drink of choice was coke. I stopped having any drink with a meal, lunch I would refill my water bottle after washing plate/throwing out rubbish. Dinner I was drinking mineral water while cooking and then again afterwards but not with. If I go buy lunch/dinner then I do tend to slip into my old habit and have a coke.

    I can keep coke at home. But cans go into the fridge/freezer one at a time. We have a 2ltr bottle sitting in the fridge. If I open it I'll drink the whole thing (otherwise it would be wasteful) but I am not desperate enough to open the bottle. I will never give up coke for good but I have come along way towards not having it every single day.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I will never give up chocolate. I eat it every day. Certain foods are harder for me to eat in moderation, like peanut butter m&ms because yum. And you buy a big bag and it's so easy to just take a handful of them and then another, and those suckers are high in calories! So when I really crave them I will buy an individual bag so I'm not tempted to eat a half pound bag of m&ms. I love being able to tell people that I've lost 77 lbs eating chocolate every day. ;)
  • kathy0224
    kathy0224 Posts: 43 Member
    Mine is donuts!... I'm obsessed with donuts.. but I don't give them up I make sure I allow myself ONE cheat MEAL a week after eating clean and fitting the right foods into my macros.
    . Once I learned most franchise donut chains have their donuts shipped in frozen, it was easy to quit.

  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    Mine was snack cakes and diet coke. Since I can't eat just one snack cake, I don't buy them at all. Instead, if I want a dessert, I have to make it from scratch. The diet coke I still drink, but I only buy X amount at a time, and I don't run out and buy more as soon as I run out of it at home. Instead, I wait until I go to the store. And I buy them in much smaller packages. No more 10 2 liters at a time. Instead, maybe 2 or 3 1 liters or a pack of those little 12 ounce bottles.