Anybody tried Atkins or Plateo?

Thinking of trying a different approach as I have no motivation at the moment and need to get into gear! Anybody gave any advice or info that that help me?


  • caralinem2014
    caralinem2014 Posts: 2 Member
    I started Atkins seven days ago and so far lost 3.6kg. I feel good!
  • brookej8688
    brookej8688 Posts: 93 Member
    I tried paleo it was amazing, but due to my traveling a lot it was really hard to keep up. plus i need coffee lol
  • shaunmac997
    shaunmac997 Posts: 12 Member
    atkins/keto type diet is the shitt. difficult to get into but once you do its awesome. secondly will gain back if youre not clever with it
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I started Atkins seven days ago and so far lost 3.6kg. I feel good!

    You lost 3.6kgs, of what?

    I'd say mostly water - carbs make you hold fluid, so eating low carb will obviously see this disappear.

    Your fat(and muscle) loss will be due to being in a deficit not due to you doing Atkins.

    OP, if you aren't motivated to just track calories and eat food you like in a deficit, how is restricting your dietary choices going to make a difference?
  • mrsleman
    mrsleman Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks guys
  • kcoty001
    kcoty001 Posts: 15 Member
    I adhered to Paleo for over a year felt great, maintained and had a lot of energy! I noticed right off the bat(week 1-2) all my indigestion and digestive issues id been having completely disappeared. My skin was great, hair and nails grew super fast and overall was pretty healthy! Currently I am doing Atkins, as a jump start after being lax for a few months and pretty much free eating and binge drinking at my leisure. Going back to unhealthy eating habits after maintaining about a year the weight came back very fast. I put about 17lbs on between Aug-Dec! I moved in that time frame and there was a lot of eating out going on! This weekend will be week 1 of induction down, I am guessing depending on progress I will stay on it about a month before phasing up. I'm currently down about 6 lbs from this week on induction and I am sure it will slow up next week. Its been great so far I love cooking and I always save all my recipes. It helps that there are always people over for dinner and I usually cook so we are all eating the same good healthy food choices, even if they have no intentions of low carbing other wise ;)
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Is the Plateo diet based on philosophy?
  • Buckeye_Dave
    Buckeye_Dave Posts: 59 Member
    Is the Plateo diet based on philosophy?

    I think it's for Mickey's dog... :wink:
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    Here are some tips to help you get started (yes, I copy/paste... it's good advice!):
      - Buy a food scale and use it religiously! You need to know exactly how much you're putting in your body. If you "guesstimate" you will be wrong 100% of the time. - Log everything you eat. Don't get in the mindset that you can only log sometimes. You need to have a history of what you eat to help you know what your triggers may be, know what you are lacking, etc. - Don't change everything all at once or you will just burn yourself out quickly. Make small changes and continue to add to it and a few weeks or months later you will be living the lifestyle you want. - Don't give up just because you go over. Make up for it during the week or just take it as a lesson and move on. Bumps in the road will happen, this is not a straight line - You are accountable for you. Everyone here can push you, but if you aren't honest with yourself, it won't matter what anyone else does. - PERSONALLY: Calories In vs Calories Out (CICO) is the way to lose weight. Anyone who says you HAVE to eat clean, low carb, keto, etc. are fooling you. While they may lose weight faster, it is not something you can normally stick with. Science has proven that CICO is how you lose or gain weight. So eat that pizza, eat that burger, don't force yourself to have salad every single day. Eat the way you want to live your life, just learn to do it in moderation.

    As far as Paleo and Keto and Atkins and everything else... go for it, but don't expect to do it for the rest of your life and don't expect the results to last. I lost 150 pounds doing South Beach and it was amazing (though other than water weight, it was because of the fewer calories that I lost the weight). But once I stopped doing the no carb/low carb, I started to gain very easily because I was no longer eating at a deficit or maintenance. You REALLY should learn to eat real food, the way you want to eat for the rest of your life, in moderation so you can do it forever.

    Good luck to you and add me if you like (as well as anyone else)
  • Rynay
    Rynay Posts: 9 Member
    My family did a 'biggest loser' challenge a couple years ago and 5 of us decided to use the Adkins diet. We lost a lot of weight (I lost about 20 pounds in 2 months). Unfortunately, whenever you go off the strict diet, you will often gain that weight back plus some extra. Your body becomes unused to dealing with many carbs so it stops producing as much of the natural insulin needed to counteract the carbs. So, when you do go back to eating a higher number of carbs, there will not be enough insulin to counteract it which will cause a sugar spike. When your sugar spikes, it puts your body in fat storing mode and converts what you are eating into fat. I have found that it works better to still consume some carbs, just make them 'good' carbs (unprocessed, nonGMO, etc.).
    About lacking motivation, I totally understand that. One thing I have found that helps is to do a challenge with friends or family... set a date two or three months in the future and see who can lose the most weight in that amount of time. Having everyone weigh in each week helps, too. Plus, if you want an added incentive, have everyone in the challenge put in $5 to $10 and let the one who loses the most weight win the entire amount (if you have 5 people competing, the winner could end up with $25 to $50).
  • Proguy101
    Proguy101 Posts: 55 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm on day 4 of keto. ... but I did a lot -I mean A LOT of research before starting it!!! I haven't stepped on a scale yet ( maybe in a week) and log everything I eat. I will say its a lot of work so far dealing with specific food/weighing food etc, but I expect it to get easier.
    I did it purely to loose a bunch of fat and retain the most muscle I can. This is a great video to watch with some research if your interested
    I feel great never hungry and enjoy it so far.