Ladies over 50!



  • snowbrocade8
    snowbrocade8 Posts: 19 Member

    You are so right it is about habit change! And it is the old habits that scare me. . .

    Welcome! Keep us posted on your progress

    Canevagirl welcome also!
  • EKBeeps
    EKBeeps Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone! Happy 2016! I will be 50 in May and have been struggling with my weight for a long time. (I was a skinny kid and very fit in the Army, but now 80# over weight) I am sick of being out of breath and out of shape. My boyfriend and I joined ed the gym but havent gone much. I want to really get active and eat healthier. I am pre-diabetic and have hypertension and high cholesterol. I always say that if I just lost weight I would get rid of my health problems......but can't seem to do it. It really is all in my head! I am a know the consequences. Looking for new friends on here so we can support one another. Be strong everyone!
  • LeslieinOC
    LeslieinOC Posts: 14 Member
    dia_nruf wrote: »
    MsDonaB: Glad you found our group. Thanking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do to help yourself and your husband. I'm sorry to hear what he is going through. Hopefully this surgery and next round of chemotherapy and radiation is just what is needed to get him on the road back to good health. Let us know how we can be of support for you.

    Snow: I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday and have followed through with your desire to get back to your program. Wow on the great weight loss this past month!

    JB: Great self analysis. Glad your flame is still burning bright. Keep up with your goals and it will only get brighter.

    Today my husband and I started training for our up coming hikes this summer on the Appalachian Trail. I am hoping we will be able to get out for a minimum of 4 - five day hikes. Last year was the first time since I was in my late teens where I went on overnight hikes. I am really happy we chose to get back into it. I love to hike and boy do you burn a lot of calories doing it! What an added bonus.

    I hope everyone is having a great day.


    Beth, will be interested in hearing about your hikes along the Appalachian trail. I'm planning an overnight hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back with my daughter and son-in-love for late Spring. We're also planning to walk the Camino De Santiago within 2 years. Big plans/dreams but it keeps me motivated and gives me goals to shoot for.
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    LeslieinOC: It sounds like your up coming hike in the Grand Canyon will be great fun. Spring time should be beautiful and cooler than later in the year. When I lived out west in So. California I visited there many times but never hiked it.

    We live in Maine so we have been section hiking the AT in Maine or New Hampshire. Last year we spent most of our time hiking the 100 mile wilderness area. One important lesson we learned was grams = ounces = pounds and pounds = pain. The first hike I was outfitted with 35 pounds on my back. I was in pain and if it had not been the love of hiking I would never had tried it again. A blessing of having a zero day due to rain we would never had the opportunity to meet someone of the through hikers (Georgia to Maine) who wised is up about the new light weight equipment available. To give you an example the first backpack (empty) weighted 4.3 pounds. My new light weight backpack weights in at 26 ounces. Completely outfitted (food and water) I carry 20 - 22 pounds for a 6 day hike. If you would like more information about this topic let me know.

    My thought for today:
    I am in charge of me! I have the choice to make a good or bad decision. I choose today to make the best decisions I can for the situation I am in. I also choose to log my food correctly and exercise today.

    I hope everyone has a great day!

  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Oh dia I will pick your brain about go-lite gear! Sounds like you are doing some wonderful hiking. I hike a lot too & would like to get into simple overnights without the kids.
    Welcome newbies.
    Are you guys interested in moving to a new thread over in challenges where we can keep checking in on each other all through the year? Just something to think about...
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Yesterday I was back down to my lowest weight before Christmas but today I spiked back up. Looks like my weekly average will be 4/10ths of a pound over my last weeks, which is exactly what happened at Thanksgiving. I'll take it! I'm eating well & logging some good workouts which will show up on the scale about 2 weeks out in the future. I'm seeing that pattern in my stats consistently. Both good and bad behaviors take about two weeks to really come home to roost! Hahaha
  • EKBeeps
    EKBeeps Posts: 3 Member
    Keep up the hard work sister!!
  • macdrp22
    macdrp22 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm writing here for the first time because I ate three bags of M&Ms today. Haven't done this in a long time so I'm bummed. i'm 58 (what??) started on MFP a couple of years ago and have lost since then about 30 pounds. I'd like to lose about ten more which sounds so easy, but not! I've been having trouble for a few months in keeping the momentum going after meeting my first benchmark, so I'm happy for the support so I stay in forward motion.
  • wardshelia63
    wardshelia63 Posts: 5 Member
    You are an inspiration to me. I see that there might be hope for me. I am currently at 215 and having really been trying hard only the past month or so. But I desperately want to lose my weight. I wish I could see some progress. Please tell me what you did or give me some pointers so I can lose weight too.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    G'morning all. This was my first week back to a promise of logging & losing - I didn't do great but at least I paid attention. This morning all I want to do is borrow Beth's lightweight backpack and go out hiking with my dogs for a week. That would keep me out of trouble in the kitchen!

    35 years ago I carried a 70 lb pack while out trekking in the wilderness. Think Cheryl Strayed's "Wild". A couple of years ago I carried 15 lbs of weight in a little pack and nearly croaked hiking through a local park. Ha.

    Leslie, I'm envious of your Grand Canyon plan! What an incredible place. And Beth, great you're able to hike the AT, it must be beautiful.

    Welcome wardshelia, EKBeeps, macdrp, Canevagirl, bcovely, and sweepypie. I'm currently working to remove 20 lbs that "mysteriously" reappeared over the last 3 years! I'd originally lost 65 lbs. by logging everything I ate, walking a lot, and staying under goal. Felt so good but I eventually became lazy with logging. If I can offer any advice, it would be to Keep Logging. If you goof up one day and eat M&Ms or something, it's ok, just give yourself a good, solid pep talk and remain positive. If we let frustration rule our mindset, we often self-destruct. I think we need to look at it differently and praise ourselves for little bouts of progress.

    It takes lots of diligence and desire to do this. Treating ourselves with kindness is key. Easy for me to say, but not easy for me to do. Every day I pick myself back up and chisel away at it. Don't give up!

    Scolaris, you're absolutely right about good and bad behaviors, haha.

    Happy weekend, let's keep tabs on each other. :)

  • swwass130
    swwass130 Posts: 23 Member
    I am so glad I found this group. I am going to turn 60 this coming summer. Over the last year I have put on 15 lbs., that on top of the 15 I already had makes for a big 30 lbs I need to lose. I thank you for your motivational entries. I am going to be visiting this everyday to find the motivation. Thanks everyone
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Well, my Monday is winding down for me. Thank goodness. I have been absent for a few days because of work.

    Welcome to all who is new!

    Got in my walking today. Logged all my food. Yea!

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    Anyone struggling with those last ten pounds? I'm making progress, but it really seems slow here near the end.
  • Sandyscandy47
    Sandyscandy47 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, I'm new to all this. Started Jan 1st and ran across this over 50 s discussion. I'm 54 trying to lose 50 lbs I sadly put on over time. I find staying at 1,200 call a day challenging, but most of all I can't seem to keep my sodium intake at bay.

  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    I'm right there with you. It appears that I have stalled or the best at a snails pace. I know and keep reminding myself that this is normal. The upside to the slowwwwww pace is it will help cement in my brain all that I have learned from this journey to move forward into maintenance.
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Sandra: are you sure you are taking in enough calories? MFP suggested I eat only 1200 calories also. I could not do it so I choose to up to 1325. That helped me tremendously and I no longer feel hungry. Also is your food diary open for us to look at to see if we spot something that is loaded with salt?
