How to overcome the 1 lb weight gain at the weekly weigh in.

I've been doing great for the last 8 weeks and have lost 10 lbs. So proud of myself. But this morning I weighed in and I'm up 1 pound, which to me feels like I just feel on my face even though I know it is only a small set back. I lost a pound during the week of xmas, which I thought was a huge success. I don't really think the gain is about female cycle.

Just wondering what you do to emotionally get past these small set backs. It is so damn frustrating to put in all the hard work and not see the results on the scale when that is my form of measurement on a weekly basis.

Thanks for any feedback!


  • cessi0909
    cessi0909 Posts: 654 Member
    The scale measures all, that's what I remind myself. It measures if I'm holding extra water weight or if I have not pooped for a couple days-- gross but true.

    Do you weigh at the same time of the day? Do you weigh in the nude? Or the same clothing?

    Maybe also focus on inches lost, what belt loop you're on, more non-scale victories.

    And remember you are doing amazing-- the scale number never defines that
  • RWC10025
    RWC10025 Posts: 90 Member
    edited January 2016
    What motivates me when I don't loose weight or up a little bit is keeping the focus on the quality of my food (homemade healthy clean food, and more vegetables ) and weighing, measuring my food.
  • beckyhauser
    beckyhauser Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I do weigh in first thing in the morning and need to remember the non scale victories. Thanks so much!!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Well I have been weighing myself for a long time and know that these types of fluctuations are perfectly normal so I just flip the scale off and go on with my life.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    It's probably water retention. Unless you ate 3500 calories over your maintenance levels, you didn't actually gain a pound. It could come from anything though... sodium, increase in carbs, glycogen replenishment, exercise, muscle repair, ovulation, period, sunburn... there's tons of reasons for it.

    Don't let 1 week determine your successes or failures or you'll just be spinning your wheels.
  • beckyhauser
    beckyhauser Posts: 34 Member
    Well I have been weighing myself for a long time and know that these types of fluctuations are perfectly normal so I just flip the scale off and go on with my life.

    Lol!! That is pretty much exactly what I needed to hear! Thanks!
  • beckyhauser
    beckyhauser Posts: 34 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    It's probably water retention. Unless you ate 3500 calories over your maintenance levels, you didn't actually gain a pound. It could come from anything though... sodium, increase in carbs, glycogen replenishment, exercise, muscle repair, ovulation, period, sunburn... there's tons of reasons for it.

    Don't let 1 week determine your successes or failures or you'll just be spinning your wheels.

    Great feedback! Thanks so much!!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    When you have been weighing in for a longer time you will see that going up and down and up and down is completely normal. You just have to accept it and not worry.

    My philosophy is to celebrate the victories and let the set backs just float away.

    If I gain weight, I use it as a reminder to be extra careful that day. That's all, no negative self talk.

    When I lose weight, I celebrate! I log it on MFP and another scale app. When I go down to the next pound, I move a marble from my fat jar to my beautiful jar. My beautiful jar is purple and sparkly and sits in a window where the sun shines on it.

    I have moved 121 marbles over so far. Only 29 to go!
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Oh, and I never move the marbles back. Even when I went up 10 pounds due to weight I gained when I got off my blood pressure medicine. I just kept at it till I got back to where I was and moved the next marble when I got to the next pound down.

    This is symbolic of the fact that I NEVER will go back to where I was!
  • BojiPat
    BojiPat Posts: 5 Member
    Very normal. Remember that some fat will convert to to lean muscle. A better gauge is how your clothes are fitting.
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    You have to be very, very patient with weight loss. I weigh myself every day and track it in a separate app. You should see how much it fluctuates! Yet I've lost over 40 lbs in 4 months. This week is a prime example. My official weigh in day is Sunday. Last Sunday, I weighed in, had lost 3.2 lbs from the week before. Now, every day since, I've gained. I'm up 2.2 from Sunday. But I'm not worried. I am absolutely sticking to my exercise regimen and staying well under my calorie goals. I'm doing everything I should be doing and can be doing. The scale will cooperate when it feels like it. I also have NSVs to fall back on, like the fact that I no longer have to shop in the plus size store!

    Take a deep breath, and keep reminding yourself that this is a long term lifestyle change, and the scale is only ONE measure of success. Weight loss is not, whatsoever, linear. You'll have to get used to the ups and downs, and be able to persevere through those times, if you're going to succeed in the long term. You can do it.
  • beckyhauser
    beckyhauser Posts: 34 Member
    Wow!! Thanks so much for all of that info. Makes perfect sense! Glad to hear your support. Very helpful!! Congrats on your weight loss!!!
  • TheCrawlingChaos
    TheCrawlingChaos Posts: 462 Member
    My advice is to start looking at more than just your weight. I've been through a lot of loss and gain, and me falling off is always due to me just listening to my scale. This time around I started tracking WAY more data points. I weight myself daily to get a nice average for the week and a trend line (through an app called Libra) and just use my Sunday weigh in logged to MFP, as well as 8 different measurements on my body every week (arms, thighs, hips, waist, 2 inches above and below belly button). I've also started taking progress pics at every milestone I hit.

    This extra data is encouraging when I maybe don't see a drop in my scale for a weekly weigh in, but maybe my trend line is still heading south. Or maybe I've lost inches. Even if there's a gain, seeing past data graphed out shows me that in my overall progress it is no big deal and I can continue on, make up that minor setback, and do better next week.
  • joinn68
    joinn68 Posts: 480 Member
    It happened to me my 2nd month of weight loss and I started tracking daily with Libra, just to get comfortable with the ups and downs. With 3 months of data now I can zoom the weight loss graph in (oh, not much change) and out (wow, what a plunging!)
    40 months in and 30+ lbs down I think I can now withstand weekly weigh in with higher number. My mantra to go through that small sense of defeat became "trust the process"
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    It will not be the last time you see a gain but I think it gets easier the longer you do it and accept that there are ups and downs. Sometimes a gain is just a random fluctuation and your body retaining water, and other times it's an actual gain, but both are normal and healthy and a part of the process. You're doing this for the long haul which means not being perfect all the time! As long as you are doing more good than bad and your weight is going in an overall downward direction, you're on the right track! Good luck! :)
  • LionessWhispers
    LionessWhispers Posts: 69 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »
    When I lose weight, I celebrate! I log it on MFP and another scale app. When I go down to the next pound, I move a marble from my fat jar to my beautiful jar. My beautiful jar is purple and sparkly and sits in a window where the sun shines on it.

    I have moved 121 marbles over so far. Only 29 to go!

    This is so beautiful AS ARE YOU!!
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Measuring tape.

    This had a good side effect. I have regained some weight but my inches are smaller than the last time I weighed this much. It's motivating to know I still have muscle under all this!