Daytime work people... What do you eat?



  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    I need to break it up every few hours or I will binge, I start with a cheese stick, a turkey stick. A couple hours later its carrots or protein shake, two more hours its usually chicken. I am usually good till dinner then 200-300 calories and off to workout. got to admit love me the eggs and they are easy. my diary is open, although you will scoff at the calories, I am under doctors care and it is working without feeling flat or tired. but then again 35 days in!
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    This morning I had a 4oz yogurt, and instant oatmeal.

    Lunch was leftovers from Sunday's dinner

    For whatever reason I have no time in the mornings, so I keep instant oatmeal in my desk for "emergencies". I try to make a fruit smoothie in the morning, so I can drink it on my commute. Sometimes I make overnight oatmeal, and just grab it before I leave. This week it hasn't worked out. Kids have been super slow in the mornings due to coming back from winter break.

    Lunch is usually dinner leftovers.
  • jennsavage3
    jennsavage3 Posts: 9 Member
    I do make up some "breakfast brownies" on the weekends...I use my brownie pan and mix up some eggs, some kind of protein/meat, bunch of veggies I have left in the fridge and maybe some low fat cheese and bake them. I then have small, portioned eggs I can freeze/use during the week for lunches...just heat up quickly in the morning and on my way. Other times I have plain greek yogurt with protein powder (and sometimes some natural peanut butter) or a protein shake. Lunches I LOVE to make up a big pot of homemade soup on the weekend and have it for my lunches all week. I could eat soup every day of the year lol! If I don't have my soup, I can bring leftovers/salad, etc, for lunches. I do SO much better when I spend some time meal prepping/cooking and planning on the weekends. Good luck!
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I tend to eat either yogurt & granola, a protein shake, fruit, or porridge at my desk on weekdays. Plus coffee. And then a salad, sandwich, soup, a ready meal, or a jacket potato for lunch.
    We all eat at our desks in my office, and our fridge and microwave are in our main workspace, so no worries about food smells, because we're all equally guilty.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I usually bring either oatmeal or Greek yogurt with some fiber one mixed in or cottage cheese mixed with berries. You could also make smoothies or a sandwich. If you have a microwave you coud make pretty much whatever you want
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    when i worked for someone else i rarely ate breakfast.

    now i eat something but mainly because i need the energy for the gym lol

    if i eat at home i eat yogurt, oatmeal, english muffin with peanut butter, whatever feel like making.

    a LOT of the time i grab breakfast on the road at mcdonalds and will get a fruit and yogurt parfait cup or eat a half a sausage egg and cheese mcmuffin and give the other half to my dogs (they like those days LOLOL)
  • Ayebee299
    Ayebee299 Posts: 5 Member
    I eat breakfast, lunch and snacks at my office. I just cannot wake up in time to make breakfast at home, even just to blend a smoothie.

    My breakfasts are usually one of these- an egg casserole made with cottage cheese that actually heats up nicely in the microwave (I'll bake it on the weekend), a veggie burger with cheese no bun, or miso soup in a jar (using the water jug's hot water spout). I'm not big on breakfast foods!

    Lunches are either leftovers from dinner or a big kale salad with beans and whatever veggies and fruits I need to eat in my fridge. I do sometimes feel bad that I eat curries for dinner so often and then reheat them at work... oh well.

    I don't really snack much but I do sometimes keep a tub of hummus and carrots in the office fridge in case of hunger.
  • Speckle38
    Speckle38 Posts: 53 Member
    For breakfast, I usually eat low fat natural yoghurt, fruit and granola OR 2 slices of wholegrain toast with whatever topping I choose.
    For lunch, I often take leftovers from dinner, or I'll take bread and fresh ingredients to make a sandwich at work. I keep a few things in the fridge too, like cream cheese spread. We have a fruit bowl, so I just eat fruit from work for snacks. There are usually bananas and whatever fruits are in season. The other girls keep frozen Lean Cuisine in the freezer for emergencies as well.
  • 2kidsandatrip
    2kidsandatrip Posts: 98 Member
    Why are eggs not an option?

    Eggs are not "not" an option, I enjoy eggs here and there, but I find when I eat eggs everyday I get bored of it quickly and end up eating things I shouldn't be, but also because I have high cholesterol so I try not to eat much of the yokes and there is just only so much you can do with an egg white as an everyday option.
  • 2kidsandatrip
    2kidsandatrip Posts: 98 Member
    Thank you all, your ideas all sound so good. I have noticed that alot of people eat yogurt and fruit or granola in the mornings. :) I will definitely have to try some of the suggestions.
  • sjohnson__1
    sjohnson__1 Posts: 405 Member
    I skip breakfast until I'm thinking, okay, I'm starting to feel like I could eat lunch. Then I eat oats... About 2 hours later I eat lunch. I either go to chipotle or brown bag something high protein high fat 55-60% of my protein and 50-75%% of my fats for the day. This leaves my postworkout meal and dinner for simple carbs (PW), complex carbs (dinner) and some more protein and fat. Typically brown rice, potatoes or pasta, veggies, some kind of meat (red if I have enough fats), and some form of dairy.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    My diary is open! I work in an office setting 8 hours a day, 5 days a week (7 days a week during the holidays). My typical day is as follows:

    Breakfast (8AM): Chobani yogurt and coffee OR Raisin Bran Crunch with sliced banana, 2% milk and of course, coffee
    Lunch (1PM): leftovers (chicken or turkey with steamed veggies), tuna with celery or salad
    Snack (4PM): apple
    Snack (6PM): Clif bar or trail mix
    Dinner (8-9PM): protein (typically steak or salmon) and steamed veggies or salad
    Dessert (optional): popcorn or yogurt covered raisins

    I eat every few hours so that I don't get too hungry. I'm usually at the gym from 7:15-8:15PM, therefore my dinner is eaten pretty late (I have an hour drive to and from work also...) unfortunately.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,627 Member
    Why are eggs not an option?

    Eggs are not "not" an option, I enjoy eggs here and there, but I find when I eat eggs everyday I get bored of it quickly and end up eating things I shouldn't be, but also because I have high cholesterol so I try not to eat much of the yokes and there is just only so much you can do with an egg white as an everyday option.

    Eating the whole egg actually lowered my bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

    True story.
  • RhiannonBecks
    RhiannonBecks Posts: 189 Member
    edited January 2016
    As I begin once again on my weight loss journey I am perplexed at the things that I could be or should be eating for breakfast and lunch while at work. I understand that I need to eat something that will keep me satisfied, but everyone's immediate go to seems to be eggs and while I enjoy an egg here and there it is not a feasible option for everyday. I would love to hear your suggestions on options for breakfast as well as some suggestions of what people eat for lunch at work, things that are healthy other than just bringing salad to work everyday.

    I do "Egg muffins" make them during my meal prep on Sundays. They are very easy and healthy, you can pop them in the microwave or if you don't mind cold egg (eww to me) then you can just grab one & go.

    --12 eggs
    Veggies of your choice, 1/2 cup of shredded cheese, meat if you prefer
    mix all together, pop in muffin pans ( I would suggest using either silicone pans or just spray the pan, muffin liners are NOT helpful)
    Then bake @ 350 deg for about 20 mins. I just threw mine into a gallon size baggie and put them in the fridge, and then eat one at work.


    This last batch I added spinach, onion and broccoli (quick sauté in pan) and cubed up some black forest ham pcs.! They are quite delicious. And if you don't like eggs daily, you can always add 1/2 whole grain English muffin so it is like a sandwich.

    For lunch I usually do salads or leftovers.

  • bjsweatt
    bjsweatt Posts: 8 Member
    I understand your struggle well. I work 10+ hours a day and my home feels like I'm visiting from out of town. I like Quaker's Steel Cut oatmeal. I like the one with blueberries and Cranberries. 170 calories per pack. If I'm still hungry, which isn't often, as the oatmeal is surprisingly filling, I will eat a banana. I may eat fruit, or nuts, during the day. Lunch, I eat salads but use baby spinach. Sometimes I buy boars head ham or turkey and make a sandwich without the bread. Like Jimmy John's lettuce wrap. I, also, really like Dannon's fit and light yogurt with fruit. I have to eat out a good bit due to my job. But as I kept digging there is surprisingly a good bit I can eat, with some effort and control on my part. My town is big on things such as local, organic, steroid free, etc. So, I luck out in that area. I try to drink tons of water all day. I have no idea if this helps, but hope the rest of your week is well.
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    I work nine hour days at an office so I eat breakfast and lunch there. For breakfast I switch between Greek Vanilla Yogurt (with Raspberries, a small serving of Fiber One cereal and an apple) and Quaker High Fiber Instant Oatmeal (with whole milk, raspberries and an apple). Lunch is either left overs from dinner or canned chicken with canned rotel and fruit. I also keep peanut butter at my desk for a quick snack that is filling.