Social Life

ehte_h Posts: 295 Member
What affect has eating healthy and exercising regularly had on your social life? I can honestly say i'm seeing a lot less of my friends than usual.. And whilst its good for me on the health front, I miss going out. All they do is eat fast food, drink and smoke


  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Well food has traditionally been a very social tool, people often come together to share food and drink as a sign of community or family. Even in business, people share some kind of eating and drinking activity as part of the socializing process.

    That being said, my opinion is that you should never be at either extreme in your eating habits.

    The smoking, drinking, and fast food on a routine basis is definately bad for you and (no offense to your friends) it's probably for the best long term not to have to engage in that lifestyle or deal with people that have those as their main habits.

    At the other extreme is the person that can't go out without it being a calorie counting exercise. Refusing to break their diet even for one social occasion, constantly logging in every item immediately into a smart phone ap. Militancy is also a very anti-social behavior.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    It hasn't affected me too much. I'm young.. I'm only 23.. and thats what we do, go out to eat and drink!

    I figure that as long as I'm staying with in my calorie goal and now going crazy, then it won't do any harm. There was one girl in my social circle who was on a diet and when we first met her at our small group from church hardly ate anything because of the type of diet she was one(I think it was Atkins) , yet she went out with us not a week later and was eating everything in sight.

    So while it pays to not do it, it's gonna drive you crazy eventually.. which would prob. mean that moderation is best.
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I get where you're coming from. My friends go to the pub a lot and I enjoy going with them. So I either just forget about the calorie counting for a night and have it as my cheat day once a week, or if we go out more than once a week I just have 1 or 2 drinks and make them last the WHOLE night if I can haha. The other week I made 2 small beers last 4 hours. But I'm lucky because most of our activities revolve around drinking and not eating so much.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    none at all, which is possibly why I am losing terribly slowly as I enjoy a good beer with friends.

    Thankfully most of my friends appreciate quality food - and are relatively health conscious. By that I mean if someone has a BBQ there are more inventive options than the standard burger and sausages, and plenty of salads. Plus we like to dine out for good food and wine. So yes there is lots of food around but because it is higher quality I tend to eat less of it and enjoy it more.

    If anything, this is helping me to be more inventive with food and welcome others into that. But then I am not following a low-fat, low anything much plan, more of a clean eating proper food plan and a bit less of it.
  • ehte_h
    ehte_h Posts: 295 Member
    so how can I get round it?
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I'd either go out less, and then don't worry about calories when going out, or go out, but would make sure to stay within my calories. The goal here is to lose weight. I'd rather do that than go out to eat.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Eat before going out, so that you can minimize eating badly. Only have a few drinks while out.
    Exercise that day to "bank" some calories.
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    eating healthy actually has had a positive impact on my social life.

    i am so much more comfortable with my body i love finding an excuse to get dressed and go out, with friends, or just with my husband.
    i dont mind getting a grilled chicken salad with no dressing while everyone else eats their steak and fried foods.
    and yeah, once in a while i'll eat those "bad" foods too, and then do double time at the gym or park.

    i tend to consume more calories drinking than eating when i'm out, but if you plan your day properly its totally doable within your calorie bracket.

    bottoms up! :drinker:
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    eating healthy actually has had a positive impact on my social life.

    i am so much more comfortable with my body i love finding an excuse to get dressed and go out, with friends, or just with my husband.
    i dont mind getting a grilled chicken salad with no dressing while everyone else eats their steak and fried foods.
    and yeah, once in a while i'll eat those "bad" foods too, and then do double time at the gym or park.

    i tend to consume more calories drinking than eating when i'm out, but if you plan your day properly its totally doable within your calorie bracket.

    bottoms up! :drinker:

    EDIT: sorry for the duplicate post, but it wont let me delete
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I want to go to a club but i havnt yet. I still drink wine 2 glasses is about 200 calories. Been tot he movies and out for all you can eat sushi. Mmm I will taste a chip or 3 but i wont eat half a bag when people bring them out. I also dont do the late night pizza that we used to do on weekends. What has changed is now we all go out and play outside instead of indoor hangouts. It allows me to eat more food that day too so i love it.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    You don't have to give up your social life, you just have to say no to temptations. Food and alcohol are social activities so no matter what age you are, you're going to encounter that. If you go out to eat with friends, look at the menu ahead of time and nutrition facts, if available, and select a healthy meal you will enjoy. If they don't have incredibly healthy options, only eat half. When it comes to drinking, you can let yourself have a little bit of alcohol occasionally. Vodka has the lowest calories and you can mix it with a diet or low-cal beverage. Or, if you prefer the beer route, opt for a light beer that has less than 100 calories per serving.

    While it's important that you are staying healthy and getting into shape, your social life is important as well. Friends and social activities are good for the spirit. You have come this far, you can say no to things!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Eat before going out, so that you can minimize eating badly. Only have a few drinks while out.
    Exercise that day to "bank" some calories.

    ^^^ This
    Even at fast food places there are typical one or two healthier options. And if you expect ribbing, think of some smart-alec responses...

    Or, if you can, start inviting your friends over to your place - they can bring their own drinks and maybe even snacks but you can have a couple lighter options available too and just stick with eating those.
  • googagene
    googagene Posts: 32
    I usually reserve drinking for friday or saturday. I make sure to workout (especially cardio) before going out to lose the guilty feeling. Then once I'm there I try to stay active. I'll dance or at least try to stand and move around to keep going. As for eating out, there's always a best choice on the menu...just be sure you make it.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    With my friends, it's never food that is a concern. It's the beer and booze!
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Me too! I can talk them into to going to healthier options like Thai, I am also totally into the asking for a box when my food comes and putting half of it straight in. Do not pass go! But alcohol is the bane of my existance, traditionally my friends get good and sloshed once a week (usually Thursday) I am working on drinking less when I go out, and working out. If I eat on track and work out for 500 calories then I have 5 glasses of wine or 4 or so beers, not terrible. And if I slip up, well reset tomorrow do not dwell. I have an advantage though in New York City where I live all chain restaurants are required to list calories on the menu so I know what to order and how much to box!
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    I adapted. I switched from margaritas (600+ cals) to a light beer. I also have been doing well at not eating my whole meal. Granted, it takes time NOT to devour half a pizza or an entire bowl of chips and queso, but just give it time. Everntually, being overly full and bloated isn't worth it. Keep your head up!