Independence Day from the Old You



  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Rest day today. Although I am at work and have some sort of sinus issue. Not fun when the right side of your face hurts and you have to go up and down and pressurize and depressurize for 4 legs. I tired and going to bed. Great job everyone. Looking forward to a workout tomorrow and a drugstore. Keep it up . I think I only swore once today lol.
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    Nutrition: Mostly good, could be better. Baked some fries for a quick family burger meal. I had my burger wrapped in lettuce, but I wish I would have grabbed the sweet potato fries instead.

    Exercise: 30 min on a high-resistance elliptical session, plus w1d1 of the 100 push up challenge (column 3...pretty good for a girl).

    Goal: This thread has definitely worked its magic today. Wasn't feeling up to the workout, then I remembered I'd promised to do 15 min/day. More than doubled it, so all is good...
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Hey guys - geez a lot of us rocking our goals. The first couple days are easy, but then it gets more challenging. If you fall off, most will, just jump back on. Come on!

    Day 2.
    Exercise: 2-3 mile run outside, added 4-5 HIIT sprints for fun
    Food: none. kind of a long story, but did a fast all day by accident. won't eat now that I'm in my hotel.
    Goal: no diet pop today, I had about 4-5 coffees over the course of the day, all black, no fake sugar.

    I'm getting up in 7 hours to hit the gym at the hotel with the brass section, should be fun, then I'm going to destroy a breakfast buffet like you've never seen.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Rest day today. Although I am at work and have some sort of sinus issue. Not fun when the right side of your face hurts and you have to go up and down and pressurize and depressurize for 4 legs. I tired and going to bed. Great job everyone. Looking forward to a workout tomorrow and a drugstore. Keep it up . I think I only swore once today lol.

    Get some meds man! That stuff can knock me on my *kitten*, I'm really wussy when it comes to being sick. The last sentence made me laugh for real.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Wow we're all off to a great start. Day 1 and 2 were v clean. Kept fruit to 3 pieces and no sweet things. Did kettle bells and intervals yesterday and a 10k and some one legged squats, abs work, press ups and pull ups (assisted) today. Rest day tomorrow.

    Im going to bed soon. Enjoy the rest of your day x

    I was thinking about you today, after my squats, I saw a kettlebell in the gym and thought about adding some swings, but I wanted to stick with the program, so didn't.

    that's an amazing workout... KB, intervals, 10k, 1 leg squats, abs, pressups, pull-ups.... geez Gail....... Don't beat anyone up.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Morning kids. We're looking like we're off to a good start!

    Yesterday I did well nutrition wise, though protein and total calories were low. Got a last minute call to teach boot camp, so I did that last night.

    I went on a job interview this morning for an accounting type position, and I wanted to die in that place. It was in an old house, with all of these maze like hallways. The offices were tiny with one tiny window. I didn't like the "feel" of the people there. Plus it's a bit more of a commute than I wanted. On the bright side I did well with the interview, and it looks like the pay will be good. Benefits - eh. Pricey. I so don't want to go back to this crap. Ugh. They're gonna give me a second interview, but the place felt like a coffin.

    I have a meeting later today with the gym owner of the boot camp classes I'm teaching, and I am hoping to discuss where my position is going to be after this week. I don't know if I will transition into working there right away, or if that's a down the line kind of offer. Thus the other interviews. I hope this works out. I have this awful feeling that if I have to take another office job, my goals are going to have to go on the back burner.

    Well, got to go prepare tonight's workout.
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Steve that was 2 days of training. I think I would have died doing it together!! I am loving the kettlebells but its hard. Im using 10kg now but had to move to the 6 for windmills, keeping it high while i bend sideways is really hard for me.
    Today kept sugar low and had 2&portions of fruit.
    Rest day today.

    Hope you feel better too Jay, I get sinusitus a lot.
    Jess great news about the opportunities hope you get what you want.
    Tn2010 I am thinking about the 100 day challenge!!! You have got off to a great start.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Well the Claritin worked no pain in the air today, I did Just arms in the hotel gym and it was great! Good day again for food. I slipped a little on the potty mouth today will have to do better tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well. Tatooed hope what you want works out and Gail keep up the kettlebells!
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    Nutrition: I done did good.
    Exercise: Yup
    Goal: I did my minimum 15 minutes while I had something baking in the oven.

    Tomorrow could be tricky, I need to think through my plan tonight.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Another awesome bootcamp on the books last night. I'm 1000% comfortable in this role. I don't worry anymore about forgetting the moves, or looking like an idiot. And I am so impressed with some of the women in my class. Two girls with quite a bit of work ahead of them really knock my socks off with their effort and push really hard. I love it. I love seeing people "getting it." There was this totally rocking moment at the beginning of class yesterday, where one of the girls mentioned how sore her legs were. EVERYONE in the class started rubbing their own legs and started talking about how sore they were too, comparing their sore spots to each other. One girl even started talking to me about it, as if she'd never experienced such a thing before. It was awesome! I picked up another class Saturday morning. But I didn't end up having the meeting with the gym owner, so I still don't know where I stand. But on a positive note I did find an opening for a nutrition and wellness coach that I applied for last night. So, if this doesn't pan out or doesn't offer the hours I need, maybe that will be another option.

    I did great with my diet yesterday. I haven't been logging my workouts. It seems too complicated to try to figure it out, and really, it doesn't matter. It's not like I'm not getting the work in! One more thing, and then I'll quit gushing about my class. I never really realized last night that I worked out too. I'm so busy leading the warm up and cool down, demoing the moves, running from person to person and getting down with them and DOING it, to make sure they understand, that time flew, and it wasn't like working out. As I was driving home I realized I was totally saturated and soaking wet, and thought to myself, when did that happen? LOL.
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Nutrition- did really really well yesterday and today, staying within my macro allowance
    Exercise- legs session yesterday followed by cardio, chest and triceps today, followed by cardio, yup all good
    Habit- well, my main goal for paying more attention to macros is going really really well. Unfortunately no Japanese for the past 2 days. Hopefully I can get back into that tomorrow.
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    I did not report in yesterday and i'm sorry for that.

    1. no fast food made crock pot cheeseburgers which is a recipe i yanked from here!! sooo good
    2. hit the treadmill for just under a half hour and had to stop when i realized i burned a hole in my fave workout pants boooo
    3. met my water goal and had NOTHING else to drink! :) yeah!
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    Nutrition: great until dinner, but I knew that was coming. Staff party for end-of-the-school-year. Aside from the wine, I did really well.
    Exercise:Fit in my 15 minutes (although I was still a little buzzed from the wine). Finished w1d2 of push up challenge.
    Goal: see above
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Nutrition: I done did good.
    Exercise: Yup
    Goal: I did my minimum 15 minutes while I had something baking in the oven.

    Tomorrow could be tricky, I need to think through my plan tonight.

    Yeah! That's exactly what I do. On tricky days, I plan way ahead to make sure I get what I want out of my daily life!!! Nice!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Another awesome bootcamp on the books last night. I'm 1000% comfortable in this role. I don't worry anymore about forgetting the moves, or looking like an idiot. And I am so impressed with some of the women in my class. Two girls with quite a bit of work ahead of them really knock my socks off with their effort and push really hard. I love it. I love seeing people "getting it." There was this totally rocking moment at the beginning of class yesterday, where one of the girls mentioned how sore her legs were. EVERYONE in the class started rubbing their own legs and started talking about how sore they were too, comparing their sore spots to each other. One girl even started talking to me about it, as if she'd never experienced such a thing before. It was awesome! I picked up another class Saturday morning. But I didn't end up having the meeting with the gym owner, so I still don't know where I stand. But on a positive note I did find an opening for a nutrition and wellness coach that I applied for last night. So, if this doesn't pan out or doesn't offer the hours I need, maybe that will be another option.

    I did great with my diet yesterday. I haven't been logging my workouts. It seems too complicated to try to figure it out, and really, it doesn't matter. It's not like I'm not getting the work in! One more thing, and then I'll quit gushing about my class. I never really realized last night that I worked out too. I'm so busy leading the warm up and cool down, demoing the moves, running from person to person and getting down with them and DOING it, to make sure they understand, that time flew, and it wasn't like working out. As I was driving home I realized I was totally saturated and soaking wet, and thought to myself, when did that happen? LOL.

    This makes me so happy :)

    This is how I felt when I started - I really love it so much, it makes me smile knowing you're doing it too!

    As for logging, I just made up one class name and use it for everything. Estimate the calories, just so I have logs here. I'm actually thinking about switching my workout logs to because there's more meat for workouts there.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    OK, time to face up for last night.

    I got wasted (on like 5 beers.... seriously - I'm such a lightweight it's pathetic.) and partied. I warned the kids on tour that the old Steve was coming out to play and they all better get ready. Man, it was fun. My nutrition has been:

    Mon: (rest day)
    Breakfast: Meaty Omelet
    Dinner: Carb Up buffet. Mildly ugly.

    Tue: (ran 3 miles)
    Fasted all day - just water and coffee

    Wed: (lifted StrongLifts 5x5)
    Breakfast: 2,200 calorie Eggs/sausage/bacon/fruit - post lifting workout
    Dinner: 10 grilled chicken wings at night. (and 5 light beers)

    Thu: (Asylum Cardio)
    Lunch: Meat omelet - post cardio
    Dinner: 5 Double Stack burgers - no bun
    Dinner 2: 3 Double Cheese burgers and side salad - no bun

    Perfect numbers today.

    Tomorrow I have lifting scheduled. I really can't wait to cook for myself and workout in my gym again. It feels like way too long!

    No diet soda yet - 4 days down.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Just checking in... everything is going good with my diet and workouts!!! So far ive also keep up my new habit of the Dead Sea Salt exfoliating each day and man my skin is feeling soooo soft from it!!! Love it!!! Today was Asylum Strength and man that one bout got the best of me today.... seems like we just did that one.... oh wait we did Sunday!!! Anyways i did it with 20lbs Sunday and today i did it half with 20lbs and half with 15lbs because i just felt so wiped out!!! Thank God tomorrow is a Rest Day because i think my body is crying for one!!! Saturday we have a 5k we are running and that just so happens to be Game Day and Overtime as well!!! GREAT!!! We decided we will run a slow steady pace and not push too hard since we have that killer workout to do, and then of all things the hardest workout to me Vert Plyo is Sunday!!! What was Shaun T smoking when he came up with this schedule!?!?!? Anyways hope you all have a good weekend and if i survive mine i will catch up with you all on Sunday or Monday!!! ;-)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Another awesome bootcamp on the books last night. I'm 1000% comfortable in this role. I don't worry anymore about forgetting the moves, or looking like an idiot. And I am so impressed with some of the women in my class. Two girls with quite a bit of work ahead of them really knock my socks off with their effort and push really hard. I love it. I love seeing people "getting it." There was this totally rocking moment at the beginning of class yesterday, where one of the girls mentioned how sore her legs were. EVERYONE in the class started rubbing their own legs and started talking about how sore they were too, comparing their sore spots to each other. One girl even started talking to me about it, as if she'd never experienced such a thing before. It was awesome! I picked up another class Saturday morning. But I didn't end up having the meeting with the gym owner, so I still don't know where I stand. But on a positive note I did find an opening for a nutrition and wellness coach that I applied for last night. So, if this doesn't pan out or doesn't offer the hours I need, maybe that will be another option.

    I did great with my diet yesterday. I haven't been logging my workouts. It seems too complicated to try to figure it out, and really, it doesn't matter. It's not like I'm not getting the work in! One more thing, and then I'll quit gushing about my class. I never really realized last night that I worked out too. I'm so busy leading the warm up and cool down, demoing the moves, running from person to person and getting down with them and DOING it, to make sure they understand, that time flew, and it wasn't like working out. As I was driving home I realized I was totally saturated and soaking wet, and thought to myself, when did that happen? LOL.

    Jess im soooooo happy for you, i knew you would be GREAT doing this!!! You are amazing and i know only good things are in your future!!! Love ya girl!!!

    oh when you have time drop me a line and let me know how things are doing!!! ;-)
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    checkin in.

    today was my official rest day because i needed it but would have loved to have hit the treadmill and burned my anger off as today was horrific. personal life is nonsense right now. :(

    Nutrition: still avoiding fast food staying under my cals blew my fat tho! :( my goals and nutrition are kinda mixed together)
    Exercise: rest day today back to the gym tomorrow!
    Goal: Drank my water another day of not drinking anything else but water. :) I have Widmer Bros beer in th fridge LOL funny how i kinda forget about them.

    things have got to get better. this lil challenge is really pushing me to stay on point and keep to my self promises. so thanks for that :) its a positive distraction.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Sorry cats, missed yesterday's check in. I flew a whole bunch and actually made it home a day early at 11:15 last night. Another rest day and I will need it becauese today is a heavy day with the kettlebells, I will be hurting when its over.

    Great progress everyone, oh and I caught myself yesterday 2 times letting bad words slip through my lips. I am trying though but need to do better.