Is pregnancy effecting my workout or am i just weaker?



  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    edited January 2016
    It sounds like you may have contracted a serious parasite. This parasite will sap your energy and steal your nutrients (and time and money and life). It's too late for all that now, but I recommend coming up with a plan to eject it within 9 months or it will not bode well for either of you.
  • mrsaniamanning
    mrsaniamanning Posts: 56 Member
    you give me hope for more energy in my next trimester :D

    I'm in the 2nd and it's ~*magical*~, haha! I feel like my old self again, except there's this bump sticking out and getting in the way of everything. First trimester was definitely more difficult with getting the exercise done. Now I feel like I can knock out my workouts and still do more if I wanted to. Hope you see an improvement in a few weeks! :)
    yay this is wonderful news because i am going into my second trimester in 2 weeks (same time i start up graduate school) and it will be going to class from 8 am to 10 pm mondays- saturdays yipee... :| lol
  • mrsaniamanning
    mrsaniamanning Posts: 56 Member
    girl when I got pregnant I was barely not even a month far along and I used to run 8 miles per day and as soon as I got on the treadmill I felt like I was going to pass out That was how i found out I was pregnant you should really take it easy because your baby iS most important then being fit just try to eat healthy and enough because when I was pregnant I tried to exercise and I almost miscarried at 14 weeks so good luck and remember the baby if the most important now

    oh my gosh i am so sorry to hear that! that is one of my biggest worries is a miscarriage! did your baby make it ok? because you said almost
  • mrsaniamanning
    mrsaniamanning Posts: 56 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    There should be no concern i am just wondering why sonething that was a breeze for me for so many years has become difficult all of a sudden and i see pregnant moms walking out of the gym or lifting weights and i even saw a mom with a six pack online that made me wonder why walking with incline is bad.. My mom even hiked up a 14er a week before my birth so thats why i am just wondering :/ i dont want anyone to be concerned i am just curious.. I have trust issues with all doctors because they have given me false diagnostics in the past that made things way worse

    I think you're making a lot of assumptions and/or missing a lot of context.

    You're doing something, it's just harder than it used to be. You see pregnant people walking out of the gym... do you assume it's not harder for them, as well? Do you think they are doing the same exercises at the same intensities they were before?

    I'm sure it is harder for them because they are further along in their pregnancy lol

    Question, and I am 100% not trying to be a jerk asking, did you research pregnancy, aside from how one becomes pregnant AT ALL before you conceived?

    Different trimesters of pregnancy come with various challenges. My "easiest" trimester was my 3rd.

    yes i am well aware of what it takes to conceive lol and i am aware of side effects but like i said before my role models made it sound like pregnancy was barely there in their day to day life constantly up and about

    Your role models are probably stretching the truth a lot little.

    lol well i guess they could be.
  • mrsaniamanning
    mrsaniamanning Posts: 56 Member
    DopeItUp wrote: »
    It sounds like you may have contracted a serious parasite. This parasite will sap your energy and steal your nutrients (and time and money and life). It's too late for all that now, but I recommend coming up with a plan to eject it within 9 months or it will not bode well for either of you.
    LOL this made my day haha they are my little alien <3

  • FitGamerSmoak
    FitGamerSmoak Posts: 224 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    OP, I'm sure it's pregnancy related. Your intensity is pretty low, so I doubt that has much to do with it, probably more related to calorie needs and a shift in your biological priorities.

    On a side note, regardless of the perceived benefits (or lack there of) of medicine, doctors, etc... I love the fact that we all just assume more people is a good thing.

    Talk about coming out of left field. OP was asking about fatigue/strength issues. Not whether or not she should have the kid. What the hell man. :confused:

    Sorry, maybe I should have directed my comments more clearly. The first was directed at the op. The second was at the folks arguing about the merits of medicine/doctors/etc.

    People are arguing the merits of doctors in here???



    There was a lot of it on here. Apparently the mods deleted it all. There was some nutbag going on about how doctors are snake oil peddlers.
    wow i missed this lol bummer!

    Yeah I was one of those people going against the one going against medicine and doctors. I got caught up in the trolling and shouldn't have lol. It got deleted real quick lol. But I was essentially trying to defend every woman who uses doctors and medical advice. It was bad. And yes op my 2nd trimester was the best. I had so much energy
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    yes i am well aware of what it takes to conceive lol and i am aware of side effects but like i said before my role models made it sound like pregnancy was barely there in their day to day life constantly up and about

    Just wait until after the birth, there are going to be a lot of things going on with your body that your role models hide don't talk about. Hormones, stretch marks, temporary (or not) hair loss, great expectations can be a nasty btch.
    OP smarten up and listen to your doctor....pft geez.

  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    During my first trimester I pretty much had narcolepsy. If I didn't keep moving I fell asleep, mostly on my desk lol. I got my energy back later and re-decorated my whole apartment by myself. So just listen to your body and your doctor your body is going through so many changes. Kick back relax and enjoy your pregnancy......until the heartburn oh god the heartburn.
  • FitGamerSmoak
    FitGamerSmoak Posts: 224 Member
    During my first trimester I pretty much had narcolepsy. If I didn't keep moving I fell asleep, mostly on my desk lol. I got my energy back later and re-decorated my whole apartment by myself. So just listen to your body and your doctor your body is going through so many changes. Kick back relax and enjoy your pregnancy......until the heartburn oh god the heartburn.

    Lol the heartburn ... I slept upright because of it
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    The OP is only 12 weeks pregnant so the entire increase in cardiac output and blood volume hasn't occurred yet but is ongoing.

    By the end of the second trimester blood volume increases by 50% so your body has to build a bunch of extra plasma proteins and red blood cells and retain water and sodium. By the end of the second trimester resting cardiac output goes up by 50% too. Half of that is an increase in stroke volume and half of that is an increase in heart rate. There was thought at one time that female athletes were pregnancy doping as these adaptations remain for at least the first year postpartum.

    Your body is actively building an entire new organ - a placenta which by the time the kid is born is pretty much the size and weight of half a liver. That costs energy.

    But the real reason you feel breathless in the first trimester (because nothing is big enough to press on your lungs and reduce vital capacity yet) is the elevated amount of progesterone. Progesterone shifts the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve and increases minute ventilation. If you took a non pregnant lady and infused IV progesterone she would start to breathe faster and may feel a little breathless.

    Both the SOGC in Canada and ACOG in the US have guidelines for exercise in pregnancy. I suggest the OP looks them up. Continuing with usual activities is not a problem generally as long as you scale it back so that you pass the talk test for cardio.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    There should be no concern i am just wondering why sonething that was a breeze for me for so many years has become difficult all of a sudden and i see pregnant moms walking out of the gym or lifting weights and i even saw a mom with a six pack online that made me wonder why walking with incline is bad.. My mom even hiked up a 14er a week before my birth so thats why i am just wondering :/ i dont want anyone to be concerned i am just curious.. I have trust issues with all doctors because they have given me false diagnostics in the past that made things way worse

    Honey, are you dense? Pregnancy takes a huge toll on a woman and affects every woman differently. Just because your mom/grandma/sister/friend did something some way while SHE was pregnant. Doesn't mean you can. I got blasted by tons of women when I was pregnant because I stopped working at 8 months pregnant, while they worked up until a day before they were due. They didn't take into account I was working an extremely physically demanding job while they sat at desks.

    aw well i mean i understand that every woman is different but i guess that my main surprise is that i am only in my first trimester and i didn't expect to be huffing and puffing until my third :/ lol but yes i get a lot of crap from my mom for it

    So that bolded section is really the crux of the issue/question, huh?

    yes :)

    The first trimester is when the body is doing everything in preparation for the baby, it is very taxing on the body. It is the part of the pregnancy where the fetus is doing the most development. Like someone else said, each trimester has their challenge but just because you don't have a big belly yet does not mean your body isn't working very hard, it is.

    Don't compare yourself to others. I was a runner before pregnancy and planned on running through my whole pregnancy. I mean, why not? Lots of other women did it. I was not able to. It was not physically possible for me. And it had nothing to do with pushing through it. I cried when I gave up running (there were pregnancy hormones, give me a break), I didn't want to, I had to. People have very different pregnancy experiences. Even the same woman will have differences with different children.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    personally when I was preggers I found it hard to exercise. I was constantly nauseous for the first 6 months and after that when that finally passed I started to turn into a blimp, which made it hard to actually DO anything more than walk or go on a stationary bike.

    And I was one of those people who was active (I trained capoeira minimum 3x / week) and thought that "oh yes - pregnancy is not a sickness I will be able to continue being active and fit and healthy the whole way through".


    Listen to your body. If you're having troubles - slow down.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    or swim. I ended up having to swim in the last trimester.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    or swim. I ended up having to swim in the last trimester.

    That's what I did from about 5 months on.
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    I swam too. But I my second pregnancy I did nothing but walk. I mean, I had a toddler and I was just wiped.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I suggest listening to your doctor for sure. I also agree with the poster who mentioned the talk test.
  • ingehooper15
    ingehooper15 Posts: 16 Member
    Im 16wks pregnant myself (baby number 3) and was shattered the first trimester. Iv just got energy back to do workouts (low impact) where as I just walked 40-60mins a day 5 days a week with school runs to do in the first trimester. Listen to your dr and your body. If you are tired and out of breath stop. Every bt of advice on exercise in pregnancy says to stop if you have any pains or get out of breath. I only workout to a level of exertion where Im breathing heavier but can still have a conversation if I have to! Today I did that while telling my 2 boys to tidy away their mess while I did a low impact aerobics workout x