Weight fluctuation but no tangible loss

I have been haveing issues with tons of weight fluctuation and I'm not seeing too much results.
I go to the gym for at least 3 hours a day, about 5 days a week and I've been doing Brazilian jujitsu the other three. (Though that's recent)
I'm just getting to the point where I'm just tired 24/7 and I'm darn near the same weight. (176-178) (I did start at 182)
Any ideas?


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    without being able to see your food log, almost all of us will tell you that you are likely eating more than you think you are.

    also, if the workout regime is new to you, you may be holding on to some water weight.

    and 3 hours a day of working out??????
  • mataliaadavenport
    mataliaadavenport Posts: 18 Member
    Is there a way of allowing you to see it?
    Since I have had this I have been matuculous of my food logs, though not as much with my exercise because it annoys me when I'm putting in info at the gym when I could be doing more (I'm not a great phone multitasker, sorry.:( )
    But I work out until I literally can't anymore when I do go. A normal gym day for me stats with 30 min of running (I'm terrible at only 4.5) weights- usually start with legs and go for an entire body (takes about an hour or so) then I do another form of cardio (bike, elliptical etc) free weights, then abs again then what ever machine I haven't been on yet.
    Some things I'll admit I'm weak on but i have been progressing from being a total weenie. Lol
    I absolutely have to loose this weight so there is no room for fibbing to myself.

    Though I have no idea how to log some of these workouts anyway. But I do have a fitness watch thingy with a heart monitor and it usually says I burn around 3000 and some Calories a day.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    okay... you lose weight in the KITCHEN,not the gym. in the gym you gain fitness and overall health. there is NO reason for you to be torturing yourself like that lol i mean, i LIKE to work out and would say screw it to that lol

    click on your exercise tab, then settings, and there should be a place somewhere in there to make your diary visible to mfp members.

    also, knowing your stats will help (age, height, weight m/f, etc)
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    How much weight have you lost in how long?
    Assuming your diary is accurate and what you describe about your training is true, then I would suggest you step away both from the gym and calorie counting and seek professional help.
  • mataliaadavenport
    mataliaadavenport Posts: 18 Member
    So I made everything public I think. Food is accurate, workouts are not as much. (I'm sorry for the bad loging on my part for that. I mostly use this to track calories and the fitness watch thing for the rest since its supposably accurate)

    I'm going to the doctors today for an ongoing cold and I guess I can toss the question on why I'm still fat.
  • mataliaadavenport
    mataliaadavenport Posts: 18 Member
    Well I stated at 182 and I had gone down to 170 at some point by I just have now been staying in my weight range. And it's been a few months, but only a little while since I've started to use the app. But the initial weight loss mostly came fast from getting off birth control.

    A recruiter had actually told me to start eating 500 calories and take laxitives often but.....no. Not going to do that.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Well I stated at 182 and I had gone down to 170 at some point by I just have now been staying in my weight range. And it's been a few months, but only a little while since I've started to use the app. But the initial weight loss mostly came fast from getting off birth control.

    A recruiter had actually told me to start eating 500 calories and take laxitives often but.....no. Not going to do that.

    Then something is very wrong with your logging. What you describe is simply impossible.
  • CourtLHM
    CourtLHM Posts: 181 Member
    Ok. You need to stop and reassess!! Your burning 3000 calories a day with your workouts and wondering why your tired!? Your starting with a 4.5 RUN before you lifts weights and then cardio again?! And then more weights and whatnot!? And you don't know why you're worn out!? Stop! Stop stop stop!! Haha! Your body needs recovery time. You are totally setting yourself up for failure right now. And injury. I don't know what was said or done for you to get to this point but I suggest you hire one of the personal trainers at the gym, a nutritionist, and therapist to help you get balanced. Please! <3
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited January 2016
    I looked into your diary, and it goes back one week.
    First, it is not accurate. The half a portion of X and two pieces of Y, it is not really telling you much. Use a food scale, at least at first.
    Second, your diary indicates you are completely panicking. No one ever survived on 400-700 calories for long. This is not how you lose weight, this is how you exhaust yourself after a week and then spend the next week eating everything in site.
    Set your goals on MFP. Aim for a loss of 1 lb per week or so. Yes, it is "slow". But it is sustainable.
    Use a food scale. Eat when MFP tells you. Not less.
    Get a reasonable exercise routine. Choose something you like: walk, run, lift weights, join a class, get into a new sport. Realise you are doing this for fitness, not to lose weight fast. So, choose something you feel you can stick with. No panic and 4 hours at the gym, with a half-hearted attempt to burn tons of calories. Something like 3-4 hours exercise per WEEK is reasonable for most people.
    When you do exercise, eat half of the estimated calories back. Do not trust heart rate monitors unless you are doing cardio, use the database entries instead. See how things are going in a month, and if you are losing too slow or not losing, maybe do not eat these calories back at all. If you are losing too fast or have no energy, eat more exercise calories back.

    And most important: Unless you have a prescription by a dr and your weight loss is medically supervised, stop with the supplements and weight loss pill, unless your plan is to ruin your health.
  • mataliaadavenport
    mataliaadavenport Posts: 18 Member
    That's another concern.
    But I do use the barcode scanner for the foods I eat that have it and portion religiously .
    I realized I made a few typos . I ment to say I went down to 170 and returned to the 176-178 range. My problem is that I'm at a stand still dispite my work.
    With my initial 1200 calorie allowance I almost always eat under (I think I had one mistake )
    That's not factoring exercise .

    Like I said I'm terrible at loging exercise .

    I literally eat under 1200 calories.
    No un logged foods. I break out the measuring cups just to eat. No unloged grazing . Strictly cold turky gotta log it if I eat it.

    At this point I'm thinking it's just not good enough and imma start doing p90x with a friend too.
  • mataliaadavenport
    mataliaadavenport Posts: 18 Member
    I'm pretty new to this app, and have been bouncing between apps. This one seems to be the best.

    My goal is to loose this weight fast. I have to do it. I'm just getting back on my feet and I have to or I won't be able to join the military in a timely manner. My recruiter wanted me doing the 500 calories and laxitives thing, like I said , that was a no.

    I'm dead serious about the amounts. Most of the time I over estimate because I rarely finish my food anyways. I'm still getting used to eating regularly again anyways.

    I seem to be hitting a wall again and again with my weight and I'm just trying harder and harder to loose it. And the harder I try the....more ineffective it seems.

    I'll take a rest day (can I do yoga though? I don't really count yoga as much)

    Cool it in the supplements for a bit.

    I can't say much on the food cause i have a tendency to forget to eat meals at all if I don't literally feel hunger. I'll try.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I'm pretty new to this app, and have been bouncing between apps. This one seems to be the best.

    My goal is to loose this weight fast. I have to do it. I'm just getting back on my feet and I have to or I won't be able to join the military in a timely manner. My recruiter wanted me doing the 500 calories and laxitives thing, like I said , that was a no.

    I'm dead serious about the amounts. Most of the time I over estimate because I rarely finish my food anyways. I'm still getting used to eating regularly again anyways.

    I seem to be hitting a wall again and again with my weight and I'm just trying harder and harder to loose it. And the harder I try the....more ineffective it seems.

    I'll take a rest day (can I do yoga though? I don't really count yoga as much)

    Cool it in the supplements for a bit.

    I can't say much on the food cause i have a tendency to forget to eat meals at all if I don't literally feel hunger. I'll try.

    There is no such thing as losing the weight fast, you are on a path to getting ill, simple as that. Which will probably result in adding more weight while you recover.
    1-2 lbs per week is the best you can hope for. Your body does not know about deadlines.
    You need realistic expectations regarding time frame and regarding how many calories you can eat. Or you will keep repeating the same thing over and over and ending back where you started.
    You will not lose weight by starving and you will not lose weight by getting injured by doing pointless exercise at the gym.
    You need to change how you think about this. And focus on the big picture. One week of starving and endless hours at the gym for brief periods of time, this is not how you lose weight.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited January 2016
    how long has it been that your weight has been stalled? You've been logging here for a week I believe. If your weight has been 176-178 for less than 1-2 months, then you're being impatient. Accurately weigh and log your food for 4-6 weeks. 1200 (based on your MFP goal) + 25-50% of your exercise calories. (Since you're not sure your # is accurate for exercise calories, eating just part of them compensates for the lack of precision.) Eating enough to fuel your body, otherwise your workouts are going to wear you down. You already know that eating at a very low level is potentially dangerous.

    Did you put on the weight in a few weeks? Certainly not! It will therefore not all come off in a few weeks. 1-2 pounds per week is a realistic expectation for weight loss. But it may take logging for 4-8 weeks to see the trend since water weight from sodium, stress, TOM/Hormones, sleep disruptions, etc. can mask it.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member

    I literally eat under 1200 calories.
    No un logged foods. I break out the measuring cups just to eat. No unloged grazing . Strictly cold turky gotta log it if I eat it.

    This may be your problem. Try a food scale for all solids (cups are for liquid) and log by the gram.
  • mataliaadavenport
    mataliaadavenport Posts: 18 Member

    how long has it been that your weight has been stalled? You've been logging here for a week I believe. If your weight has been 176-178 for less than 1-2 months, then you're being impatient. Accurately weigh and log your food for 4-6 weeks. 1200 (based on your MFP goal) + 25-50% of your exercise calories. (Since you're not sure your # is accurate for exercise calories, eating just part of them compensates for the lack of precision.) Eating enough to fuel your body, otherwise your workouts are going to wear you down. You already know that eating at a very low level is potentially dangerous.

    Did you put on the weight in a few weeks? Certainly not! It will therefore not all come off in a few weeks. 1-2 pounds per week is a realistic expectation for weight loss. But it may take logging for 4-8 weeks to see the trend since water weight from sodium, stress, TOM/Hormones, sleep disruptions, etc. can mask it.

    Over all it has been more than a few months. I started in October with focus on my work out at eating heathy and from then it's been adjustment after adjustment until I'm at the point I'm at now.
    The only real difference is now I'm a bit more tone and firm.

    Initially when I gained all the weight I'm trying to loose came from birth control because I never responded well to it in the first place (some cause blood clotting for me and a Few trips to the emergency) and gained 50lbs after it we found a suitable one. Do you perhaps think I'm still adjusting to not haveing those hormones?

    Also I do not use liquid measuring cups for solid foods. And I usually try to abide serving sizes listed on food.

    I'm sorry, this had been such an ongoing problem that I'm just at a loss.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    If your plan is to join the military the last thing you want to do is go on a crash diet and lose more muscle mass than you normally would. Basic Training is grueling enough, you don't want to make it worse on yourself.

    If you are getting the pressure from a recruiter to lose fast, I suggest either ignoring their expectations or find another recruiter to work with. The military isn't going anywhere so it's not like you have to make weight by next week or else. I had to lose weight to join as well and I was lucky enough to have a recruiter that was willing to work with me, was patient, and didn't pressure me to lose weight fast.

    Along with a food scale you need to make sure that you are using the correct entries in the database. You have a lot of generic food entries. Go into the Most Helpful announcement on this forum and read the Logging Accurately thread to learn how to find the correct food entries. Even if you are using the barcode scanner it's a good idea to double check. There is no guarantee that the information is correct.

    As far as your calories out, a heart rate monitor is only good for steady state cardio (like running). You are probably way overestimating your burns if you are using it while doing your strength training. At the very least log your cardio.

    I really suggest that you scale back on the exercise a bit and properly fuel your body so that way you make sure that you don't have any issues or increased risk of injury once you get to BCT.
  • mataliaadavenport
    mataliaadavenport Posts: 18 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    If your plan is to join the military the last thing you want to do is go on a crash diet and lose more muscle mass than you normally would. Basic Training is grueling enough, you don't want to make it worse on yourself.

    If you are getting the pressure from a recruiter to lose fast, I suggest either ignoring their expectations or find another recruiter to work with. The military isn't going anywhere so it's not like you have to make weight by next week or else. I had to lose weight to join as well and I was lucky enough to have a recruiter that was willing to work with me, was patient, and didn't pressure me to lose weight fast.

    Along with a food scale you need to make sure that you are using the correct entries in the database. You have a lot of generic food entries. Go into the Most Helpful announcement on this forum and read the Logging Accurately thread to learn how to find the correct food entries. Even if you are using the barcode scanner it's a good idea to double check. There is no guarantee that the information is correct.

    As far as your calories out, a heart rate monitor is only good for steady state cardio (like running). You are probably way overestimating your burns if you are using it while doing your strength training. At the very least log your cardio.

    I really suggest that you scale back on the exercise a bit and properly fuel your body so that way you make sure that you don't have any issues or increased risk of injury once you get to BCT. [/ ]

    Alright. I think you're right.

    Though I have been eating pretty genericly. :dizzy: like when I said steamed white rice and grilled chicken I literally had that. It's become a joke uninhabited my family to ask me "how's your bowl of sadness?"
    Perhaps I have been too hard on myself by only eating for fuel.

    Oh the thing I have is the lifetrak c200 (Orr 250 idk)

    How much do you think I should cut back? An hour? A day a week..?

    (Also since you've been though basic can you give me some advice for a female in basic? )

  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member
    It doesn't look like your even eating for fuel. I don't trust your numbers because unless your under 4' you wouldn't be able to gain on that. I'm 5'7" male 157 I eat around 1500 and lift 3 times a week but it's an hour or less. Still losing. Granted I am taller and a guy but your reporting over my total daily intake in just ecercise. If your stats where right you would be dropping weight not gaining also on a road to bad health from extreme dieting and over exercising.
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    Just to be clear, are you using a digital food scale to measure your food by the gram? It's the only way to be accurate.
  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member
    edited January 2016

    Initially when I gained all the weight I'm trying to loose came from birth control because I never responded well to it in the first place (some cause blood clotting for me and a Few trips to the emergency) and gained 50lbs after it we found a suitable one. Do you perhaps think I'm still adjusting to not haveing those hormones

    Also with this don't shift the blame to some birth control pill. Unless the company pack it into cupcakes (which you could work into your daily calories) there is no way for them to make you fat. Increase water retention sure, increase apitite maybe, but you put the food in. Now it's time to take it off. Understanding and being in control of our own weight is how you keep it off, no believing in magical dingle that put fat on or off of us.