60 year old female who needs to lose weight and tone up. Are you like me?

Is it really harder the older you are? I need to loose 55lbs that I took seven years to gain. Join me on this journey.


  • jesansoucy
    jesansoucy Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, 55 years old here with 50 to lose. My vow for 2016 is simply to know my numbers, weight blood pressure, and calories consumed. Knowledge is power, right? I have tried other apps but this one is far superior. I would enjoy being part of a group in this challenge. Ciao for now, Juli.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    It depends.... Your metabolism may have slowed down, you may have hormonal issues that make it more difficult, you may not be able to do certain exercises or a certain intensity.

    You can still eat at a deficit though, and do exercise of some description to create a bigger deficit (or to enable you to eat more food).

    Resistance training is good for your health regardless of age, and it's not too late to start if you don't already!

    You may enjoy things like walking, biking, swimming, dancing, tennis, golf, yoga/pilates, social things that incorporate exercise.... Find things you enjoy! Makes it much more fun
  • TigerNanny1956
    TigerNanny1956 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi 60 years old today and I am determined this year to lose weight. I love myfitness pal and really find it helpful. Would love to make new friends to share this journey with.
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm 59 and I've managed to lose 2 stone(28lbs, i'm in UK!) over 18 months with the help of MFP. My only exercise has been walking. Good luck! I'll encourage you if you like.
  • Arboleassheila
    Arboleassheila Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I would like to find a slimming buddy! I am 61 and need to lose 45lbs! I think walking is going to be my favourite excercise. This has got to work!
  • timetochange52
    timetochange52 Posts: 66 Member
    Oh, yes, it does seem harder now than ever before. I'm 54 and my metabolism is now my enemy. I can gain 5 pounds overnight, and it takes me weeks to lose a pound. I have close to 50 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me. I need more friends that are my age.
  • VeryCarrie6969
    VeryCarrie6969 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, 53 and need to lose 20lb. Knee injury will keep me from walking for who-knows-how-long and running is probably out forever. So, I'm changing my diet and exploring and experimenting with knee-friendly exercises.
    Feel free to add me :smile:
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Your metabolism does slow down with age, but I believe the bigger problem is that our activity level drops as we age.
    After packing on weight in my 30s and 40s, due to eating more and moving less, I reversed it in my 50s by eating less and moving more.

    So, it may take a little bit more effort now at 60 versus 30, if you put in the effort, you will reap the rewards.

    Best of luck.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited January 2016
    I started MFP 3/12/12, 60 years old at the time, 290#.
    Lost over 160# by 11/7/13, at maintenance since then @ around 130#, give or take a few pounds.
    I read things for years about the difficulty of losing weight over 40, and bought in to it for years, and never really tried to lose, just kept adding on the pounds. I was told about MFP. Started reading the success stories and thought to myself, maybe I can do this too. The success stories here were a major contributing factor to my own success, and kept me motivated.
    Everyone is different, but I truly do not think it is easy at any age. Do not let age be a factor. If I can do this, I am serious, anyone can. I got out of breath, just walking up a flight of stairs, before MFP. I joined a gym on 1/23/15, and on Feb 1, 2016, I will have been at the gym everyday for 1 year. Who says you can not teach an old dog new tricks? Anyone can do this if they have no health issues that prevent it. Just be honest, log everything you eat and drink, stay within your calorie budget, and try to move more. It works! You can do this!
  • obriendp762
    obriendp762 Posts: 9 Member
    Is it that simple, will power and honesty? I hope so because I can handle that. Thanks
  • Floridaman789
    Floridaman789 Posts: 109 Member
    You also have to serious about your life style changed thank of it ad a life style change not ad a diet. I have been on many diets have lost weight but didn't stay on the diet. So you have to be focused and serious out it. Makes sure you drink plenty of water because water can fill you up. Eat a healthy soup before you eat you diner it helps fill you up also. You will find lots of support on here .
  • cathie2016
    cathie2016 Posts: 4 Member
    Need to lose lots to get knee ops?!
  • 2012retiree
    2012retiree Posts: 36 Member
    Everyone is different in how their weight loss journey goes, but it can be done. From a 60 year old that has lost 65 lbs. since last May.
  • obriendp762
    obriendp762 Posts: 9 Member
    Looking for suggestions for snacks that will meet my cravings for sweet or salty. I already eat a variety of fresh fruits. I will cook and pre portion control. What has worked for you? I am serious. Thanks
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    It's easy if you log everything that goes in your mouth after weighing and measuring it first and stick faithfully to your daily calorie goals. You can do it!
  • amypet469
    amypet469 Posts: 8 Member
    56 here, I have been working out for 4 years now, very little actual weight loss, but I have toned up to the point where I am now a petite medium instead of an extra large. With just working out you can look great and get strong. My physician hasn't said anything about my weight in over a year because so much is muscle. it's hard to do the food part, but I keep trying.....
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited January 2016

    Hi all

    I'm coming in from the other side ..having lost 53lbs, gone from obese to having the resting heart rate of an athlete and getting my body back to being tight and taut

    I'm 48

    Yes it is true that on average your TDEE reduces by about 100 calories per decade (that's a slice of bread or an apple a day) but the reason is not your age ...it's because you move less, because you've lost muscle mass...and you've put on weight because you eat more than you use

    The solution is easy

    Log your calories, weigh all your food on a scale (throw out your cups and spoons), log carefully
    Move more...walk more...up your daily activity
    Follow a progressive resistance programme...this will help preserve your LBM as you lose weight, but will make you stronger, tighter, tauter...keep it going and you can build back muscle if you choose

    Good luck all

    If couch potato, mother of two, full time working lazy old loves my food can do it, and maintain it for almost a year ...so can you


    Also OP it's not harder as you age! it's easier...older is wiser and more stubborn
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Looking for suggestions for snacks that will meet my cravings for sweet or salty. I already eat a variety of fresh fruits. I will cook and pre portion control. What has worked for you? I am serious. Thanks

    I don't snack. I generally eat 3-4 meals, any more and they are like snacks and I don't find them satisfying or satiating. As my meals are bigger they satisfy me longer, and if I get hungry in between I just suck it up.

    Do you eat enough salt? If you feel like something sweet, have it - i often make protein pancakes and waffles with yoghurt, nut butter and fruit. My pancake mix includes vegies so I get more nutrients in.
  • obriendp762
    obriendp762 Posts: 9 Member
    My doc tells me to eat three meals and a snack. Breakfast with in an hour of rising, then a meal every three to five hours with a 100 to 200 cal protein snack if my hunger calls for food before the three hours. I realize this is a little rigid, but they have me on a track to have bariatric surgury if I do not loose on my own. I want to try to comply with their guidelines. I also find that if I do not have defined meals, most with family, I do not feel that I am satisfied. You know when your stomach is full but you still want to eat, the brain thing That is what happens. That is why I am looking for snack suggestions.
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    WALK WALK and WALK some more. I lost 50 pounds just walking and watching what I ate. I didn't starve myself but I did not grab that potato chip when I wanted to.... I chose a carrot instead. Now I do more cardio and weights but I lost all my original weight just walking. Totally doable for you too!