What do you put in your coffee?



  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I am absolutely addicted to DaVinci sugar free flavored syrups in my coffee. My favorites are the hazelnut and caramel flavors, but they have french vanilla, Kahlua and many others. They are sweetened with Splenda, so 0 calories in 2 TBSP. With that, I add a little Sweet & Low and just enough powdered creamer to lighten the coffee. My coffee tastes like something decadent from the coffee shop, but it's only 24 calories per cup!
  • pedalpusher5
    I know some folks would take issue with the chemicals, but I use Sugar Free Coffee Mate, French Vanilla, 1 TBSP 15 calories. I only use 1 TBSP and I only drink 2 cups of coffee, so it doesn't add up to all that much.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I drink mine with international delight vanilla, in the morning, and some equal. I have two cups every morning. Every evening I have one more cup of coffee because I like to end my day with a cup of coffee and it also is filling! My night time cup I have either coffee mate caffe latte or coffee mate sweet italian cream and equal. Coffee creamer is something I chose to not change and I just work into my food diary! It must be just fine because I have lost 112 pounds. I just don't think you should totally give up things you enjoy! You have to have the will power to have whatever in moderation and work it into your food diary.
  • Lovelystrumpet
    I learnt to like black, and even get on espresso's sometimes now! I HATED coffee this time last year...just kept forcing it down until I'd got used to the taste, but to be honest I only have it if I need a shock start wake up if I get up early, I usually drink green tea.

    I used to love lattes at Starbucks until I found out how many calories they had. NEVER again!
  • purplebutterfly28
    1 sugar and semi skimmed milk x
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Thanks to this thread I'm going to "cut" my half and half with some almond milk to reduce the calories :drinker:
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    I drink it either straight black or with Irish whiskey.
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    I don't know how HEALTHY my coffee is for me but it certainly isn't derailing my calorie counts.

    8oz brewed coffe
    1Tbsp Torani sugar free french vanilla syrup
    2tsp non-dairy powdered creamer

    Total: 22 Calories and 2 carbs
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I drink it black. If you have good quality coffee, it's wonderful that way. You can try flavored coffees too, and drink them black.

    Another thing I do with my coffee (esp. now that it's hot out) is I add it to my protein shake (which I always have after my w/o), over ice. So it's like an iced mocha. I get my coffee and protein all in one!
  • Poniesarepretty
    Poniesarepretty Posts: 77 Member
    I like using diet Swiss Miss hot chocolate packets (25 cal per packet) to mix with my coffee. Kinda makes a low cal Mocha =)
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    I use 1/4 cup of silk milk (almond milk) unsweetend only 9 cals and splenda
  • rlynnst
    rlynnst Posts: 14
    Stevia has different flavored typesof sweetners. The vanilla is awesome. i can't give up my creamer but I don't use flavored.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    4 TBSP twice a day as i drink a cup in the morning and after supper. Thats 140 cals of Coffeemate Hazelnut Creamer in my coffee twice a day and i will not give it up or do i need to. People don't get fat drinking coffee sorry.
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I use 1/2 tbsp SO coconut milk and Truvia or I have a coffee, natural cocoa powder, unsweetened vanilla milk and banana shake blended with ice.
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I can't exactly drink all too much coffee or I get sick, but I'll take a 20 oz cup and put in some agave nectar (usually around a tablespoon) and then fill the cup about 1/3 w/ nonfat milk and then fill it the rest of the way w/ my light roast coffee.
    I know ppl think it's gross but I think it's pretty good and it helps me to wakeup w/o all the splenda/coffeemate controversy.
    Plus I get the satisfaction of knowing I'm getting almost a serving of milk which is something that I am not very good w/ drinking.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Skim Milk, about 1/2-1 tbsp. per cup. Other than that s/f & f/f flavored creamer, runs about 25cals a tbsp.
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    I don't skimp on my fat free coffeemate creamer either...I wish I did because depending on the day, my creamer calories is 100-200 calories! However, because I work out everyday and I do enjoy my morning coffee with creamer, I think it's worth it! I don't want to give it up because I know if I give up everything I enjoy, that'll be a recipe for disaster...

    Maybe one day I'll give it up, who know?!:)

    God bless
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    i use the free stuff at work...2 teaspoons per 8 oz cup with 2 packets of splenda...At home I use International Delight...Fat Free French Vanilla
  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    I mix cinnamon and a dash of vanilla or almond extract with the coffee grounds before I brew (french press) and it's lovely! I'll usually add a couple splashes of almond milk (5 calories for 1/8 cup).

    that is a good idea
  • etchvee
    etchvee Posts: 9
    I drink it black most of the time, if it's too strong add a bit of hot water. If it's too bitter, chew a sugar free fruit gum after or with it.