Help with soda pop



  • Burnitup
    Burnitup Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not sure what can help you with the caffeine craving, but I love drinking sparkling water. I have a favorite brand called Arrowhead. There are a lot of different flavors to choose from. I'd recommend instead of going cold turkey with the soda you cut back a cup every couple of days. I'll make the change less drastic and more obtainable. :)
  • Chupiite
    Chupiite Posts: 55 Member
    Reading this thread... I never realised how people can get addicted to soda. I hope you all will find the way to quit it.
  • Kvm11628
    Kvm11628 Posts: 7,386 Member
    I would suggest tapering vs. cold turkey. Change the size of glass/can/bottle first, then, change the frequency, substituting what you would normally have with sparkling water. If it takes a bit to get used to the flavor change, start the substitution by mixing half seltzer with half 100% juice (and count those calories). Every couple of days, reduce the amount of juice you are mixing in until you are at straight seltzer.

    I used to drink way too much soda, and now I have 1-2 servings a week, if that. I know it is not healthy, but sometimes I have a craving and I just indulge a bit. I travel a lot for work in the fall and the spring, and sometimes I just need the boost.

    Overall, I try to avoid just cutting something out entirely. If I say something is off the table, I crave it. I try to build in my indulgences into my daily or weekly food plan. That way I can look forward to enjoying my "treat", enjoy it, and move on.

    Good luck. You can do this, and you will feel so much better when you do!
  • MyBoyG
    MyBoyG Posts: 104 Member
    Chupiite wrote: »
    Reading this thread... I never realised how people can get addicted to soda. I hope you all will find the way to quit it.
    I've had a few friends addicted to it like some are addicted to coffee. Had o drink it first thing in the morning and throughout the day. It's the sugar and caffeine combo. The more sugar one consumes, the more the body craves it. Caffeine is a stimulant that works on most, but not all. The heaviest person I know drinks Diet Coke every day. And also drinks OJ. Lots of sugar in OJ, and diet sodas really aren't any better than their regular counterparts. I drink water or unsweetened tea with lemon, root beer is reserved for slow cooking pork :)
  • cocoricocogirl
    cocoricocogirl Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not sure what soda pop is, but I had an addiction to sodas, the feeling of bubbles, and I'm clean for two years now . before, I'd drink coke zero or Lipton sparkling ice tea everyday. I couldn't help myself. .I didn't even think anymore. Just buying the stuff and drinking it like water. I realized one day that there was a soda bottles on almost every selfie I had taken in the last years. I was shocked. Realizing also the amount of money that went in there, coupled with ecological concerns: making coke requires loads of water.
    So, I decided to pay attention. To my feelings. To what I felt when I drank the coke. To why I wanted to drink it in the first place. It was a slow process. I realized that I had pain in my stomach at every sip from this stuff. I was bloated. Farting/burping all day.
    I also understood that, when I was about to drink coke, my brains were expecting a "high", some sort of good feeling and relief, and taste pleasure, some sort of instant happiness, if you see what I mean. The next step was paying attention to what uI really felt after drinking, and there was no high, no satisfaction, only at the moment the bubbles hit my palate, but as soon as it was swallowed, it was bloating and pain in the stomach. Wtf? Why did I keep drinking it all these years, when it actually never ever made me feel good?
    So, the next day, I'm at the store, about to grab a bottle of coke, without even realizing it. I stopped halfway through grabbing the bottle. Do I really want to drink that? Nope. All kinds of nope.
    I went cold turkey after that, occasionally relieving a bubbles craving by drinking sparkling water with mint and lemon. Now, I live soda free. I drink a real coke sometimes when I'm going out, or for special occasions, but it's very rare since I'm a stay at home working mom, I've got no free time to go out hahahaha!
    So, that's how I did it. I quit soda by paying attention to how I felt. Before during and after. By consciously choosing what to eat or drink.
  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    Just out of curiosity, why do you want to give up soda? Are you drinking too much? Do you not want caffeine? Is it the calories? Or are you just trying to not "need" it. As a lot of people on this site will tell you, no one food/drink is evil. Maybe I am biased because I drink Diet Coke every day! I don't drink too much of it (one - three a day), the caffeine doesn't bother me and I don't drink coffee. No calories in Diet Coke. And I don't think that I "need" it but I like it!
  • lolly2414
    lolly2414 Posts: 186 Member
    edited January 2016
    dch1028 wrote: »
    Hey all, I have been struggling with quiting soda pop for about a year. I'll do great for a couple days then I will have one and fall back into the grove. I have tried to substitute the caffeine crave with other sources.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I have the same problem. I've been on and off with pop for years. This time I just quit cold turkey and don't allow myself any even if I'm eating out. I'm trying to drastically reduce added sugar in my diet so I won't crave it so much and because I have fatty liver and digestive issues and I'm sure added sugar and "bad" carbs don't help. Oh and I only buy the pop that I don't like (for my husband) so I don't have the temptation to drink one.
  • dpkolanda
    dpkolanda Posts: 20 Member
    I had the same problem but have switched to the Soda stream soda you can get it in regular or diet, I prefer the regular and the carbs are only 8 grams per 8 ounces.