What scares you or freaks you out?



  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I couldn't agree with you more on the spiders!!!! When I lived by myself I use to just drop phone books on spiders....then I'd trip over all the phone books scattered around my apartment.

    Bwahahaha this made me laugh....a few coworkers and I were in the work room of one of our branches (I work for a commercial bank) and there was this god awful looking bug on the ceiling...with like a long horn like thing on it's head.....we all rushed to one side of the room and one of the girls brought in a chair and a giant phone book, climbed up on the chair and jumped off while throwing the book at the ceiling...all while doing a crazy Xena warrior cry. She then swears she saw it on the floor, threw the book on the floor and did a wrestling type of jump off the chair on the book....lifted the book and nothing.

    I was laughing so hard I was in tears...but the funniest part was when I pulled up the security cameras and watched it in slow motion. Freakin hilarious....

    Though the ceiling panel falling down wasn't hilarious...or the fact that we never did find a corpse....

    Laughing so hard....
  • smason1284
    smason1284 Posts: 25 Member
    Here are a picture of my babies.... The one with the black head was a gift from my boyfriend after her mom and brother were killed by a dog :( The all white one I bought to keep Lucy company :) There about 4 months old now :)

    I think the monster spiders I see are just Wolf Spiders which are "harmless" according to the internet but when I see one I run away and scream like a 6 year old that just saw the most popular barbie on the shelf during xmas time.

    I saw one in the garage a month ago and started yelling for my boyfriend and ran away and he was pushing it around with a broom and squishing it and sweeping it towards me....he quit when I almost started to bawl my eyes out...LOL

    Spiders scare me they are so weird and creepy and ugly!

    Other than spiders...hmmm Seaweed is probably number 2...if I'm swimming and it touches me it's over I freak out and can practically walk on water to get away from it...haha..... I love to swim but lakes weird me out because if I cant see the bottom idk how tall the seaweed is and if I jump in and it touches me...aaaah
  • _Johanna_
    _Johanna_ Posts: 125 Member
    SPIDERS! - that crunch sound - right there with you! Can't leave them alive, and can't kill them for fear of the sound!!

    I have been known to spray one with hair spray, so it freezes and can't move, just so I didn't have to hear the crunchy sound!! :) I've also captured them in cups to leave for my dear husband when he gets home ;)

    I have a fear of heights - actually froze solid while walking across a bridge that had a grate to walk on!

    Most fears I have are insect related - stinging ones and ones that spread diseases, like roaches *cringe*

    the worst is attempting to hide these fears from my daughter so I don't pass them along to her! so far, so good!
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 306 Member
    Rodents....mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, etc.....Yuck, yuck, yuck.

    There was quite a comical scene (not funny at the time) recently of me trapped in a 1/2 bath with my cat and a mouse playing ring around the rosie around the commode while I sat screaming with me feet up on the wall.....funny now but I was petrified at the time. I was screaming at the cat that I would gas him if he ever brought another mouse in my house to the top of my lungs like he had a clue what I was talking about. The mouse finally went up the side of the trash can and into it. I jumped up, tripped over my pants (lol) grab the trash can can to the back door and sit it outside where it stayed for two days until my husband got home and could check to make sure there wasn't a mouse in it.
  • smason1284
    smason1284 Posts: 25 Member
    SPIDERS! - that crunch sound - right there with you! Can't leave them alive, and can't kill them for fear of the sound!!

    I have been known to spray one with hair spray, so it freezes and can't move, just so I didn't have to hear the crunchy sound!! :) I've also captured them in cups to leave for my dear husband when he gets home ;)

    I have a fear of heights - actually froze solid while walking across a bridge that had a grate to walk on!

    Most fears I have are insect related - stinging ones and ones that spread diseases, like roaches *cringe*

    the worst is attempting to hide these fears from my daughter so I don't pass them along to her! so far, so good!

    I couldn't do the cup thing I don't even like to get near them!!! There isn't any hairspray in the house but their is air freshener! Next time I see one it's on...

    There was actually one about a month ago coming down diagonally from the ceiling to the far and I hide behind a pillow with some monster screen cleaner spraying at it....my boyfriend thought I was on crack and got up and squished it with my phone to which I almost had a stroke about because then I had to clean spider off my phone...eww
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    fish and deep water. which is kind of funny because i used to be a varsity swimmer in high school. its not so much drowning that i am afraid of... it's the fact that there are things potentially bigger than me swimming underneath me. always gived me the shudders. lol
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    I, too, am afraid of spiders! I love that cell phone commercial out right now where the girl goes crazy cuz the spider shows up when the guys phone rings and the other guy smashes the crap out of it! I so can relate.

    I, too, have a size issue with them - anything over a dime - right there with you. I can kill them - if they aren't too big. You might try spraying them instead - you don't have to touch them or hear the squish or anything - they just shrivel up and die.

    I can handle most everything else - don't like to kill things - let most bugs back outside - but spiders that encroach on my space - don't stand a chance - I just am so afraid of them!

    Good luck! I love goats, too - they are so cute in their own way! :embarassed:
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • smason1284
    smason1284 Posts: 25 Member
    fish and deep water. which is kind of funny because i used to be a varsity swimmer in high school. its not so much drowning that i am afraid of... it's the fact that there are things potentially bigger than me swimming underneath me. always gived me the shudders. lol

    I was white water rafting in West Virginia once and they let us get out and float over the smaller rapids, while we are in the water our guide says a train fell off the tracks we just floated under about 50 years ago and they sent divers down to find it since that part of the river is very deep....he said one of the divers came back up and said leave the train down there I'm not going back in I saw something swimming under me that was bigger than I am..... I was like let me back in this raft right now...LOL

    Karen I couldn't bring my Lab with me to IN since I am living with my boyfriends mother right now and she won't let me keep my house dog in the house, so my boyfriend gave me a goat and I have her all leash trained and everything she sits on my lap in the car, they both eat outta my hand, the newest one when I pick her up she cuddles right up to me and smooshs her head into mine..LOL
  • Riane22
    Riane22 Posts: 18
    I hate roaches! If i have one in my house i will put a cup over it and then a book on that and wait for my husband to come home to kill it!
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    Eating food that someone else has prepared.... and not knowing what ingredients were used... I hate not having contol over my macros!!

    This!! The idea is Paralyzing. I hate pot-lucks, picnics etc where food is just brought in.

    My biggest fears though are clowns and geese. Yes, I said geese.
  • Riane22
    Riane22 Posts: 18
    Oh yes, and sharks scare the crap outta me to, i only swim in pools now hahaha
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    basement stairs (esp. if they are 'open' at the back of them......perfect for grabbing ankles) and small spaces. The thought of someone looking in my window, at night.............
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    Spiders, and some bugs, if they are in the house. I can handle bugs outside (except spiders) but I hate hate hate bugs in the house. How did they get there? *shudders*

    Also, I am afraid of the dark, but only certain kinds of dark. I don't mind the dark in my house (except the bathroom), mostly because I live in a really small condo in a really big city, but the dark at my parents house is creepy because they live in the country and the house is 3/4 surrounded by woods. I can't be alone at my parents house at night, some ax-murderer might kill me!

    Also, after watching a scary movie (which I love) I cannot be alone or in the dark.

    Also the dark bathroom thing, did you ever play Bloody Mary when you were a kid? That's what that stems from, I CANNOT look in a mirror when it is dark. CANNOT do it, I either turn the light on, or keep my eyes on the floor.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    Cockroaches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ewwww Gross!

    Yep, this. And, millipedes, centipedes - pretty much anything that has that many legs just freaks me out!!! And, talk about a crunch when you step on those... ack...
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I'm the spider-killer (or releaser) in my house. DH is afraid of them... go figure. What freaks me out is open water (lakes, rivers, oceans). I'm trying to get over that, as DH has a newly found love of kayaking, and I'd love to be able to kayak with him.

    I am afraid of open water too, a little bit. It's the fact that I don't know whats under the surface.

    I have discovered.. that I make the exact same scream when my foot touches an icky piece of seaweed.. that I would if being eaten by a shark.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Clowns, murderers and rapists.
  • Tinalynn15
    Tinalynn15 Posts: 25
    Okay for me it's FEET, they freak me out! :indifferent:
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    Spiders don't have sh it on house centipedes. Seriously. I used to shake in my knickers upon sight of a spider. Since moving out here, house centipedes have usurped the "Make Me Piss My Pants Like a 2 Year Old and Cry Like a Sissy Bi tch" Throne.

    Let me whip out the pic:


    These mofos *eat* spiders. So, they don't run away from you... they run AT YOU. Nasty, heebie-jeebies causing *kitten*.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Oh for the love of all that's holy... you're going to give me nightmares with that centipede! How do you ever SLEEP???
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