I need motivation big time!

AngelaDFW Posts: 7 Member
edited January 2016 in Motivation and Support
My weakness is since I don't sleep well at night, I'll feel hungry and snack on whatever. I need motivation to stop at night. I'm on task during the day. Also I need more water. Think fit.... be fit. Help me!


  • AngelaDFW
    AngelaDFW Posts: 7 Member
    AngelaDFW wrote: »
    My weakness is since I don't sleep well at night, I'll feel hungry and snack on whatever. I need motivation to stop at night. I'm on task during the day. Also I need more water. Think fit be fit. Help me!

  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Pre-log your day. If you know you're going to snack at night then leave some calories specifically for that.
  • AngelaDFW
    AngelaDFW Posts: 7 Member
    @Ninkyou .....good idea. Thank you. I know if I could sleep, I wouldn't have that problem. I will take that into account. May need to burn more calories during the day.
  • Imomw2016
    Imomw2016 Posts: 93 Member

    That's great advice! I would also recommend to drink water instead of eating right away. Not the best time to drink water because now you'll have to get up to pee, but perhaps it is the lesser of two evils. Good luck!
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Why aren't you sleeping at night?