60 year old female who needs to lose weight and tone up. Are you like me?



  • Awesomechic64
    Awesomechic64 Posts: 33 Member
    You can add me, I am soon to be 52. Gained weight having a baby at 40 and 2 bad knees and other health problems. I have since had 1 knee replaced (still waiting on the other) and am slowly dropping weight since I joined MFP. I have lost 39 lbs by logging food only. I still eat what I want but I am more aware of portion size and consequences. (And the fact that I don't want people to see that I ate 1/2 pie etc!!) LOL This year I am motivated to walk off some of this weight as long as my bad knee will allow. We CAN do this!
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Hi, 66 years old, 5'2.5" and I've lost 52 lbs. over the last 2 years counting calories and increasing my activity. Don't use age as an excuse! You can do it. Check out this thread.

  • Betsey206
    Betsey206 Posts: 34 Member
    you can add me for support. i'm 64 & am struggling to lose 76 lbs. my plan is to slowly lose weight as it took a lifetime to gain it.
  • Scousemaggie
    Scousemaggie Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 61 year old female with a degenerative disease of the spine, feet and knee problems whose aim is to monitor my food intake and walk away at least 28lbs. I'd like to reach my target by August as I've a family wedding. Is this achievable? Would love to join some like minded individuals so we can help and support each other. Please feel free to add me
  • obriendp762
    obriendp762 Posts: 9 Member
    It seems like we can help each other a lot. I am not on Facebook and can not send friend requests. I am just learning this ap. For my weight loss I am struggling with physical set backs. Walking is still quite painful. I damaged my left shoulder and ribs as well (bad fall a few weeks ago) so for now, food control is my main tool. In two weeks, or so, I should be able to be more active. My goal is to get under 200 lbs by mid April. I will reassess then. Slow and steady.
  • obriendp762
    obriendp762 Posts: 9 Member
    Had a ah ha moment this morning. Stepped on the scale and saw the ounces at 7. Thought I gained. Got depressed and climbed back in bed. Later, got up and weighed myself again. The ounces were at seven, but the lbs were down. I was focused on the little number and never looked at the big one. How silly. I need to keep my eyes on the big picture. Keep on trucking!
  • obriendp762
    obriendp762 Posts: 9 Member
    Has anyone used the restaurant app. I am traveling for the next two weeks. I will not be cooking. I need suggestions for how to get honest calorie counts for my meals. I do not expect to be in chain restaurants for most of my meals.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    I need new friends. 61 with 50+ to lose. I know we can do it. Feel free to add this Texas girl.
  • calmandpeaceful
    calmandpeaceful Posts: 95 Member
    Oh, yes, it does seem harder now than ever before. I'm 54 and my metabolism is now my enemy. I can gain 5 pounds overnight, and it takes me weeks to lose a pound. I have close to 50 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me. I need more friends that are my age.

    Um - yeah! I get it!! I am 55 years old and can also gain 5 lb overnight. I do like ice cream and charndonnay - so it's not just hormones. I want to lose 25 lb by June. Change that - I am going to lose 25 lb by June. I won't be skinny minny, but I will be healthy and happy and lighter.

    I just need to get into a routine and commit to it in my head and in my actions.
  • calmandpeaceful
    calmandpeaceful Posts: 95 Member

    Also OP it's not harder as you age! it's easier...older is wiser and more stubborn [/quote]

    I LOOOOOOVE this!! We are certainly older and wiser. This is a major PLUS for us!! The world may be telling us we need to smooth out our wrinkles, darken our gray roots, be quicker on our I-Phones....but we KNOW that being our age bring with it wisdom and strength. Thank you for reminding me of that. Sometimes I look at my physical self and feel very disappointed (Menopause has finally struck, and, wow , it all happens SO fast). Inner strength and maturity are OUR weapons.
  • terio818
    terio818 Posts: 13 Member
    I would love to be a part of this support group. I'm new to MFP, but not new to dieting unfortunately. I'm 53 & menopausal with 40 Lbs to lose. Just 5 years ago I was 137, running, doing yoga daily. Divorce and then a new relationship where we ate and drank too much and now I'm 180!!!
    I'm trying to do things different. Starting around Thanksgiving, I gave up sugar. After Xmas, I'm have limited alcohol to one time per month. Luckily I never stopped exercising, it's just harder!
    I want to at least lose 15 by May because I'm going to Europe.
    I would love the support and I appreciate the accountability favor.
    We are getting older but we are absolutely getting better also!
  • deb9615
    deb9615 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi !

    I can relate to what you have said for sure. My name is Debbie and live in the UK. I'm 47 and have been peri-menopausal for about a year. Two years ago, I too was about 137 and so much more active. Divorce, a new relationship, more meals out and more red wine have resulted in a 2 stone (plus a few pounds) weight gain. Determined to just lose 7 lbs for a wedding in March !!
  • tracycmrn129
    tracycmrn129 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me
  • obriendp762
    obriendp762 Posts: 9 Member
    I do not feel older, I just look that way to other people. Here is what I have learned from this chain (so far):
    1 weigh and measure, and record everything that goes in your mouth.
    2 get walking or moving in a way you can handle
    3 do resistance-strength training to rebuild your muscle mass
    4 do not deprive yourself. This is not a diet. This is a lifestyle change.
    5 find like minded fellow travelers to support and be supported by.

  • Double__Tapp
    Double__Tapp Posts: 83 Member
    I will be 55 in 9 days, I have lost 75 pounds since 2011 and am in the best shape of my life. It takes determination and stick-to-itivenss. I worked out whether I wanted to or not and then before I knew it I was hooked and felt guilty when I didn't.
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    56 year old here. Lost 40 lbs last year and on track to lose another 40 this year. I am taking it slow, no fads, no special "diet". I am eating the foods I want to eat for the rest of my life, just eating less of them. Lets face it I'm already flabby and saggy, so trying to shed the pounds quickly will only make that worse. I have not been motivating myself AT ALL lately to exercise more often. Accepting any and all friend requests from those in a similar boat
  • Ibeachlover
    Ibeachlover Posts: 66 Member
    Obreindp, I think it does get harder when you get older. However, so much depends on your current physical and health condition...maybe mental too, a bit. I'm 62 but have worked out all my life, so today, I'm still lifting weights and able to walk the beach for a few hours, or hit the aerobic machines. However, it is hard for me to lose weight, which is frustrating considering how much exercise I get. However, it is true that proper nutrition is equally as important so I'm trying to be more consistent. I think the older we get the more important exercise becomes...if we can't 'get moving' it really becomes a challenge. If you want to add me as friend, I'm always willing to support or chat.
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    I will be 55 in 9 days, I have lost 75 pounds since 2011 and am in the best shape of my life. It takes determination and stick-to-itivenss. I worked out whether I wanted to or not and then before I knew it I was hooked and felt guilty when I didn't.
    Great job! Now if I could only motivate myself into that mindset

  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    Obreindp, I think it does get harder when you get older. However, so much depends on your current physical and health condition...maybe mental too, a bit. I'm 62 but have worked out all my life, so today, I'm still lifting weights and able to walk the beach for a few hours, or hit the aerobic machines. However, it is hard for me to lose weight, which is frustrating considering how much exercise I get. However, it is true that proper nutrition is equally as important so I'm trying to be more consistent. I think the older we get the more important exercise becomes...if we can't 'get moving' it really becomes a challenge. If you want to add me as friend, I'm always willing to support or chat.

    I'm in the same boat as you. 62, have worked out in some form or another all my life. The last few years I've put on some extra pounds mainly because I had this mindset that if I hiked 5 miles I should be able to eat what I want. In 2013 I lost 25 pounds on here, then gained back 15. Now I'm back, realizing that I'm not getting any younger and may not get many more chances to shed these excess pounds.
  • pizzagirl007
    pizzagirl007 Posts: 13 Member
    I am 59 and need to lose 100+! Crazy