Post baby weight loss

Help. I had my baby, lost the weight and then gained it all back to what I was at 40 weeks! I was 130 pre baby and was 155 at delivery. I'm 150 now. I have no energy. I am a night shift nurse so between eating at night and baby during the day I am exhausted! What works for everyone on here? Any supplements to help jump start energy at first? More cardio or weight lifting? Or both? Helppppp!


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Help. I had my baby, lost the weight and then gained it all back to what I was at 40 weeks! I was 130 pre baby and was 155 at delivery. I'm 150 now. I have no energy. I am a night shift nurse so between eating at night and baby during the day I am exhausted! What works for everyone on here? Any supplements to help jump start energy at first? More cardio or weight lifting? Or both? Helppppp!

    With your schedule, I would focus on diet and definitely not upping exercise right now. You are already exhausted and you will need to seriously up your exercise to create a calorie deficit this way, which does not sound at all realistic in your case. Rest, and focus on lowering calories a bit for now.
  • kf1834
    kf1834 Posts: 43 Member
    I could have written this! I don't work night shifts but have very long days and a long commute - and then 2nd shift with the little one - so a lot of the weight gain is from eating to just stay awake and functioning. However since starting with MFP and eating mostly veggies and protein (to keep my carb and sugar #s in range) I've found I have more energy. Who knew? Its so hard to keep up when life is busy and I want to just cram something quick in my mouth to keep going. What has helped is trying to plan ahead as much as possible - making soups or other meals for the week on days off, stocking up on hand fruit or crunchy veggies to snack on. I carry a ridiculously large lunch bag to work full of healthy meals and snacks just so I won't be tempted to buy convenience food. When all else fails ice water or unsweetened iced tea help keep me awake. Good luck and congrats on baby!