
not doing very well...i feel so ashamed of myself for getting this big...I lost 1 pound in a week and I worked is more than discouraging.


  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    I just signed up, don't know how much I can lose in a week, but I'm here to try. I lost 50 lbs 3 years ago and now I've gained it all back. I'm ashamed of that. I was so happy when I lost it, then I let things really slide the past year.

    We can support each other on here w/o judging like I deal with in real life.

    Good luck, at least you lost one, didn't gain :)
  • lisa_milbourn
    I agree fully - celebrate the pound!
    It looks like there will be lots of support out there for us newbies.
    I guess its a pound at a time and smile at every one - I did lighter life for a bit and one thing that really encouraged me was actually seeing a pound of fat - brilliant motivation if rather grim.
    Keep going!
  • Tinalynn15
    Tinalynn15 Posts: 25
    Please don't be so hard on yourself! This is journey and we all have up's and down's. You can do this and reap the small rewards right along with the big success!
  • rebgeo
    rebgeo Posts: 23
    :( That is discouraging. But chin up and start a new week!!
    One pound lost is beter than one pound gained!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Hang in there my friend. :heart: You have to embrace where you are right now, in this moment, before you can make a change. 1 lb is great! :drinker: Don't minimize any lost. Don't try to compare yourself to anyone (especially not someone you see on tv.) If you keep at it and are honest with yourself, the weight will come off. It isnt' easy, but it is very worth it.

    Know that regardless of how much you weigh, you add value to the people around you. :flowerforyou: Keep your chin up and Keep up the good work!!
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Safe weight loss is actually 1 - 2 lbs a week. More than that is unhealthy. So, you are really right on track. Just make sure you are making healthy food choices, and drinking plenty of water, and you will see the bigger losses come with some time. Also, if you are not drinking enough, you may be retaining water.
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    dont b sad all of u, u just need 2 stick to it , it will happen, u should get lots of friends on here so u can get constant motivation and encouragement. I have found mfp totally fantastic for me, Feel free 2 add me.x :bigsmile:
  • denyse24
    denyse24 Posts: 62
    don't get discouraged think of your 1lb lost as a pound of butter and that is how much 1 lb less is and that is alot. Also you did not put on all that weight in a week so don't expect it to come off in a week either it is lost of hard work but MFP and your support system are here for you. I say be happy about that 1 lb or at least I am happy for you :)
  • tishamendiola
    It's a pound lost and it is a great thing!! CONGRATS! You really should be proud! Also, remember that your body can fluctuate up and down 2lbs based on different chemical things so try to always weigh yourself at the same time.

    Food for thought: 1 lb a week adds up to 52 lbs a year!!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    not doing very well...i feel so ashamed of myself for getting this big...I lost 1 pound in a week and I worked is more than discouraging.

    Oh, no! You've lost a POUND--don't be discouraged, be happy! Look at it this way--in a year, do you want to look back and wish you'd stuck with it, or do you want to look back as someone who's 48 POUNDS LIGHTER? Because that's where a pound a week will get you! Think--if you give up, then you will absolutely be right where you've been, in the place that makes you so sad. So stick with it--a pound a week is something to be proud of.

    I still weigh over 300 lbs. I totally "get" sadness and being discouraged. And I absolutely understand shame. But now it's your time to make a difference, and by losing a pound a week, you ARE making a difference! Also, remember that not all victories are on the scale. Just being here, working, watching what you eat, learning new ways, you've already achieved . . . AND you're losing weight!

  • SACox65
    SACox65 Posts: 6
    I am new to MFP as well and I've alredy lost 3 pounds (in just 2 days!) but I could gain 3 the next time I weight in. You have to create a lifestyle change. I would be happy with even a half a pound because in the end, it's a half a pound less thatn before. Anyone interested in adding me as a friend, I'd love the support!! It's not always going to be easy but together, we can kick FAT's butt!!
  • Adynata
    Adynata Posts: 128 Member
    A one pound loss is absolutely fine, ignore anyone that says it isn't. Weight loss is not easy, and it takes time. It's annoying as hell at first, I understand, but if you can consistently lose 1lb every week then you'll see the benefits in no time.
  • Granna45
    Granna45 Posts: 1
    I was in the same boat. Lost about 40lbs last year and because of added stress in my life .....well I regained it and then some. I found this site and it has proven very helpful in keeping me motivated and accountable. My advice is to exercise. I walk 2 to 4 miles a day about 5 times a week at a brisk pace. I have also taken up to juicing fresh veggies and fruits for breakfast and lunch. I have dropped 3 lbs in 2 days. I have to make myself eat. I have no appetite but lots of energy so far. Keep with it. It has been my experience that you will hit plateaus from time to time....Mix up your exercise routines. Hang in there. :)
  • AdorablePanda
    AdorablePanda Posts: 125 Member
    As a lot of people have already said. Don't be discouraged! :-) it's like kicking any habit. it's hard at first, but eventually you will reach your goal. You just have to keep at it. :-D
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Dont be sad!! celebrate that earned it!!!
  • mcalabrese79
    hang in there!!! 1 pound is better than +1 pound :-) be proud of yourself for it.
  • sherrishift
    sherrishift Posts: 20 Member
    Don't be sad! We all have those weeks. Just keep reminding yourself, YOU lost a pound! That is nothing to be sad about. Feel free to add me, you can never have enough support!!
  • Wertyou
    Wertyou Posts: 2
    Wow, I am shocked at all the responses already! It really helped to think of it as in one year I can be at goal if I lose 1 pound every year will come whether or not I do this, so I better keep it up. Thanks everyone.
  • Danthewatcher
    There is much to learn, much to read and much to understand, your body is a complex mechanism.
    Weight control and balance is a specific thing where you must pay attention to details.

    You're in luck, as you've come to the right place!
    I truly believe MFP is the best thing out of the 21st century so far.

    Just prepare to understand that this journey is yours, as your body and it's requirements are unique.
    Be prepared to handle adversity as there will be moments that will make you feel like nothing is working.
    There is no 24hr fix to suddenly make you the way you ultimately strive, desire or dream to be.

    Stay with it, educate, seek help, it's all here.

    One step at a time, one issue at a time, don't focus on the end result all the time.
    Soak in the journey.

    You will acheive.
    You will notice the negative emotions subsiding as you do, as you reach the waypoints along the way.
    Don't sabotage yourself by telling yourself it's not worth it, because it sooo is.
    You are worth it.

    Chin -up, shoulders back, and claim that vision.
    Because it's yours.

    Good luck and welcome, sincerely...

  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Wow, I am shocked at all the responses already! It really helped to think of it as in one year I can be at goal if I lose 1 pound every year will come whether or not I do this, so I better keep it up. Thanks everyone.

    That's exactly what I say to myself when it gets really hard..."one year from today, when you look back, how will you feel if you've given up vs if you've worked hard?" And the answer is the same no matter what I might weigh at that point.