hair loss - is it the diet?

Hey everyone, so this is starting to really bug me - I have been losing hair (as in more than a usual amount) for the past 3-4 weeks. Various internet sites say that a possible reason for that could be a sudden weight loss. Now my weight loss hasn't been that sudden (overall lost about 15 kilos since February).
So my question is, is it just me or is hairloss a normal consequence of a successful dieting?


  • christinathompson1
    christinathompson1 Posts: 144 Member
    are you getting enough protein? that's the only thing that i could think of that would be related to your diet.. /:
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    My hairdresser told me to expect hair loss when dieting. She said don't worry, it will stop once your body figures out what is going on. Plus, here at least, it's summer so that could add to the situation.
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    Iron and thyroid issues are two MAJOR reasons for hair loss. Now the thyroid thing is unlikely, but most of us don't get nearly enough iron. Women are especially vulnerable because we have a monthly source of blood loss, and any blood loss means loss of iron. If you can, have some bloodwork done.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    Yup, its just the weight loss. You might not be getting enough nutrients though. My best friend who was anorexic (not saying you're anorexic) lost huge amounts of hair to the point where she had bald spots. She started seeing a nutritionist and her hair is coming back. Try some more protein or a multivitamin if you're not taking one already.
  • mauswood
    mauswood Posts: 137 Member
    I lost 40 pounds over about 5 months and my hair too started to fall out. Not immediately, but a few months after. I researched it a bunch and it was totally from the weight loss. I started making myself a protein shake every morning and it stopped falling out. So I would just make sure you're getting enough protein. It might take a little while, but mine stopped falling out within the first week or so of eating more protein.
  • KellieErinJohnson
    I've lost a lot of hair protein and hormones are fine and its not in my family...I take enough vitamins to be sure and don't use anything harsh on my hair and yet its been happening to me too...for a lil over a year now...I've lost 130 lbs but its been gradual...last thing I can check is a if all else is ok on your end it will either level out or talk to a dermatologist...not sure if that's what u wanted to hear but you are not alone! :)
  • Momcharisma88
    Momcharisma88 Posts: 94 Member
    i would say iron. after having my daughter and i started exercising and getting back to me i thought it was just after pregnancy hair loss but i went back to the doc for my check up and found out that i have an iron deficiency and most days the iron pills do the trick for me. def. get some blood work done and talk to your doctor. if you do have an iron deficiency once you start getting more you will be less tired (that is if you are now). now that im taking iron i dont feel tired all the time.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,280 Member
    I post this just in case everytime I see a post like this. Are you eating more fish? Fish is low calorie but too much mercury causes hair loss. If not ignore. It happened to my neice and just don't want anyone else to have the same issue. Her hair got better when she stopped eating so much tuna.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    you could very well be eating too little and be a bit malnourished.
    15 kilos is 33 lbs right? times 2.2? (I think....)

    in 16 weeks that's about 2 lbs per week which is an aggressive loss best for the obese.

    You're like ten pounds away from your goal, you should be set at HALF a pound a week, not 2. You should be eating 1600 or so calories of good quality nutritious food. If you were unknowingly doing the TOO LOW 1200 that everyone tries to do, you are most likely underfeeding, ESPECIALLY if you tend to come in at less than 1200 often.

    If your diary was viewable I could tell better, but its closed so I can only GUESS that you are set at 1200 and have no idea if you are meeting that MINIMUM nutritional requirement or not.

    If you aren't, please do so, and take a multivitamin too!
  • kate_newlifestyle
    You're going through hair loss most likely as the result of dieting/cutting calories. A lot of people, including myself, have experienced or are experiencing this issue. It is temporary, but you probably need to make sure you're getting enough calories, proteins and healthy fats in your diet in order for it to stop.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Thank you for this post...I have been freaking out for the last 3 weeks and I tried to convince myself it was because of summer coming. I am totally going to follow up on some of these tips.
  • CodyD18
    CodyD18 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm always losing hair. It's kind of weird... haha. My hair is pretty thick though.
  • catusha
    catusha Posts: 11
    wow, thank you all!
    so, iron and protein should be on my list to take. also yes, i am on 1200 calories but usually overeat them by a 100 or 200. will change my goals then.
    I haven't been to see a dr yet, but def thinking about doing the bloodworks.
    So if I change my intake of iron/protein (assuming thats what the problem is all about), the whole thing should go away in about a month? I am getting married in October and a bold bride is not exacctly the look I was going for :-)