I need to lose over 150 pounds

I am 312 pounds and 5'2" tall I need to lose over 150 pounds I am new to MyFitnessPal and I really would love the extra support I would love to meet people with similar weight-loss goals that know what it's like to be in my shoes I am hoping to help support others and for others to help support me as well because I am definitely not getting the support I need from my family and I really don't have much in the way of friends


  • Sheks41191
    Sheks41191 Posts: 90 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend, my current weight is 207, but I was 253 at one stage.
  • anbraddock9
    anbraddock9 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I am unsure how to add people could you add me or tell me how I can add you thank you and by the way congratulations on your success keep going you're doing great
  • Tauris75
    Tauris75 Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2016
    I started my journey at 330 pounds, am at 321 pounds now and need to lose 146 more pounds to get to my goal weight. I am working on one day at a time, one meal at a time and trying to log my food before I eat it so I can see if it's worth the calories. I know this is a life change not a diet just to lose weight and I am tying to learn how to make good choices. It's a daily struggle but if I keep going then hopefully this time next year I will be much closer to my goal.
  • 20months
    20months Posts: 62 Member
    I started at 349, and 20 months later I am at 157. You can do this!!
  • blessingsfromabove721
    20months wrote: »
    I started at 349, and 20 months later I am at 157. You can do this!!

    Wow! That is amazing! So inspiring!
  • Jayisahomogay
    Jayisahomogay Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in a similar boat. Started at 350 2 weeks ago. Feel free to add me. We can do this!
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    312 is close to the weight I would like to be. At any rate, I would like to lose about 100 lbs before I will even know what my goal is. I have lost 75-80 since last April.
  • SyllyReth
    SyllyReth Posts: 59 Member
    Anyone, feel free to add me! My starting weight was 330 pounds, and I am down to 322 right now. I have my goal weight set at 140 (the low end) but I am going to see what I feel/look best at in the 140-170 range and decide as I go. I am working on making small sustainable changes every week so I don't feel discouraged or deprived.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hi All,
    My highest weight was 373 - five years ago. Using MFP, I lost 140 lbs in less than a year. And then I met my husband, life happened, we've been trying to get pregnant for two years and the frustration of that has led me to back sliding to the same place I was five years ago. I started a Biggest Loser competition with some friends a week ago. It's a 16 week contest with cash prizes. I miss feeling the way I did when I lost all of the weight; I had more confidence and energy. At 250lbs and less, I wasn't as limited as I am now. I'm tired of feeling this way and ready to go back to the girl I was a few years ago.

    I'm happy to be anyone's friend and look forward to supporting anyone that would like to add me!
  • JordisTSM
    JordisTSM Posts: 359 Member
    Started a year ago at 366, now 273. Still a long way to go, but MFP has helped make it easy. Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • MaGrl523
    MaGrl523 Posts: 101 Member
    258 when i stepped on the scale at the cardiologist last week....i easily have a good 100+ to lose. And I'm not new to this so feel free to add me. :)
  • VixenArgentum
    VixenArgentum Posts: 91 Member
    I was 317 when I started...and I stepped on the scale today to see 284.8. Yay! I need to get down to 145 or so...that's another 140 lbs, lol.

    I'm 5'10'', so taller than you, but we've both got a big chunk of weight to loose and will likely be at it for a while.

    Feel free to friend me.
  • SolotoCEO
    SolotoCEO Posts: 293 Member
    You can do it! I'm down over 100 lbs using MFP. I still have some to go, but should be finished with the weight loss portion of my journey this year. My best advice - take it one meal, one day at a time. It is possible!
  • rachel0124
    rachel0124 Posts: 9 Member
    Good Luck on your journey and remember...little changes to a big difference....I've lost about 50 but it comes and go....this time I'm trying to push through to lose more.... Side Note....I could use new friends too :)
  • prcsngl
    prcsngl Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck everyone!!! 4yrs ago I had lost 100 lbs with the help of the Jenny Craig program. Meals were expensive. So I decided I could continue on my own with what I had learned. I did well for about a year and its gone down hill from there, needless to say I got on the scale last week and I gained the 100 back plus a more. I am ready to get back on trap and keep the weight off for good. Feel free to add me so we can help each other on our journey.
  • bucksdarlin
    bucksdarlin Posts: 2 Member
    I'm just starting my journey with MFP. I'm 59, 5'7" and starting at 302 with a goal of 150 or whatever I feel best at. I can always use a friend and support so feel free to add me too!

    Good luck everyone!
  • anbraddock9
    anbraddock9 Posts: 16 Member
    Good luck
  • ravi_tiwari_786
    ravi_tiwari_786 Posts: 651 Member
    feel free to add me
  • roxymuller
    roxymuller Posts: 29 Member
    I have to lose 100 pounds and I know it won't be easy but I need to do it for health reason and to be able to feel better about myself. I really like this website as it is user friendly and there are lots of people out there to help support. Good luck!!!
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    All anyone needs to lose is just one pound. just one.

    Thenvyou repeat that again.

    And again.