need a group support & friends

Help me stay in track and advice in my diet


  • ccchaney
    ccchaney Posts: 1 Member
    I need help staying on track too
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Sure thing! Add me!
  • Jetamu96
    Jetamu96 Posts: 963 Member
    Add me too! I'm on here every day and really positive and supportive! ^^
  • lavandermean2014
    lavandermean2014 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks I added you we can compare food recipes
  • Ibeachlover
    Ibeachlover Posts: 66 Member
    Add me if you'd like...I can help kick you in the butt when a nice way of course :-)
  • Jetamu96
    Jetamu96 Posts: 963 Member
    Thanks I added you we can compare food recipes

    I'm experimenting a lot in the kitchen with new foods and recipes and having so much fun!
  • Odilerubia
    Odilerubia Posts: 80 Member
    Hello everyone! This is my first day on MFP and I m trying to figure out how it works. Can any of you please explain how to add friends- or even better- become my friend?? ;) I promise to post recipes, love cooking and have lots of low fat tips! thanks and have a great day
  • lavandermean2014
    lavandermean2014 Posts: 18 Member
    Please send me some recipes and share the food photos u make
  • Jetamu96
    Jetamu96 Posts: 963 Member
    Please send me some recipes and share the food photos u make

    I've only just started but I have a few recipes already. Also I have an instagram where I've started putting up photos of my meals and it actually motivates me to eat healthy so I can put up pictures! It's @nummyfoodsonly
  • Jetamu96
    Jetamu96 Posts: 963 Member
    Odilerubia wrote: »
    Hello everyone! This is my first day on MFP and I m trying to figure out how it works. Can any of you please explain how to add friends- or even better- become my friend?? ;) I promise to post recipes, love cooking and have lots of low fat tips! thanks and have a great day

    To add friends just click on their profile pic and it should come up with two options: send message or add friend. I've added you ^^
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    Here are some tips to help you get started (yes, I copy/paste... it's good advice!):
      - Buy a food scale and use it religiously! You need to know exactly how much you're putting in your body. If you "guesstimate" you will be wrong 100% of the time. - Log everything you eat. Don't get in the mindset that you can only log sometimes. You need to have a history of what you eat to help you know what your triggers may be, know what you are lacking, etc. - Don't change everything all at once or you will just burn yourself out quickly. Make small changes and continue to add to it and a few weeks or months later you will be living the lifestyle you want. - Don't give up just because you go over. Make up for it during the week or just take it as a lesson and move on. Bumps in the road will happen, this is not a straight line - You are accountable for you. Everyone here can push you, but if you aren't honest with yourself, it won't matter what anyone else does. - PERSONALLY: Calories In vs Calories Out (CICO) is the way to lose weight. Anyone who says you HAVE to eat clean, low carb, keto, etc. are fooling you. While they may lose weight faster, it is not something you can normally stick with. Science has proven that CICO is how you lose or gain weight. So eat that pizza, eat that burger, don't force yourself to have salad every single day. Eat the way you want to live your life, just learn to do it in moderation.

    Good luck to you and add me if you like (this goes for anyone, add meh!)
  • katieclon
    katieclon Posts: 43 Member
    I'll add you!
  • Odilerubia
    Odilerubia Posts: 80 Member
    Believe it or notr54ga4j6hsnt.jpg
    !! Pizza!! home made of course.
    If you re single, working, have kids, this is for sure my best diet keep on going strong!! The secret: home made

    Dough: make a huge batch and stick a part for next meal in the freezer!!
    ingredients: 1 bag of flour, little bit of oil, oregano, pinch of salt, some milk (I use powder, 1tbspoon), little sugar (1tsp) 1 little envelope of yeast
    Start adding lukewarm water, preferably on top of yeast and start moving your hands and arms. GREAT WORKOUT
    The tric: add water if dry or more flour if too moist.
    Dough is ready when it doesnt stick to your hands no more.
    Put a towel over your dough and leave it alone.

    Sauce, of course also homemade!! Make in big quantities and store in fritz and freezer
    Fry in little oil a bit of fresh garlic
    Add 1 can of chopped tomatoes, tomatoepaste and hot water, stir.
    Add salt&pepper
    If you have children that dont like fresh food:
    this is the moment to add diced onions and bellpeppers
    It s also a great way of giving your sauce more volume with vitamines

    Anything you like, but be aware:
    use as many fresh vegetables as you can and not too many canned stuff
    be careful with ham, we like smoked ham, its not as fat
    also use fresh pine apple
    be careful with too much greasy cheese, that counts for calories.

    For one pizza, put some flour on kitchentop and make a small ball from a piece of dough.
    You can use an empty wine bottle -DONT YOU DARE TO EMPTY IT YOURSELF!
    to roll the dough.
    Place on a stoverack with a piece of baking paper (the brown stuff, no foil!!)
    Put a big spoonful of sauce, not too thick, cause your dough will stay wet.
    Toppings and in your oven.
    I preheat on 240C and it needs only 10 minutes!!

    Also stick a pizza with just sauce in the oven and put out of the oven fresh salmon, ruccola and
    capers on top.

    Yammie, enjoy!!