Brides on a Mission: June



  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    I have been on this thread before, but i've been out of action for a while, so thought i'd introduce myself again!

    1. Name: Hosanna
    2. Age: 22
    3. City: Whyalla, South Australia
    4. Occupation: Nurse
    5. Wedding date: January 14 2012
    6. Fiancés name: Isaac
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: about 13 months :)
    8. Heaviest weight: 105.3kg (about 230lb)
    9. Goal weight and date: 80kg by my wedding... sooner if possible!! (175lb)
    10. Favorite type of exercise:
    11. Favorite healthy food:

    Brides on a Mission: JUNE

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Not applicable...
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): So much has happened recently... I've just ordered my BM dresses off ebay, ordered their flowers, ordered MY flowers, and found out that my dress should be here in about 6 weeks!!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I've been working a lot of night shifts lately - i'm on call and casual, so i have to take shifts where they come... but night shifts really mess with me, so i struggle a lot.
    4. Any wedding news updates: As above really... Everything's coming together, and i love it!!! SO excited!
    5. Weekly wrap up: It feels good to be back on track again. I've gained a bit since i've been away from this site, but i've had so much going on that it was not really avoidable. I'll get back o the wagon properly soon, but for now it's good to at least be tracking what i'm doing as best as i can!
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 307 Member
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Okay ladies... Need some advice..

    I am now the crazy bride who is overly upset that my fiance got not one but TWO lap dances at his bachelor party a WEEK before our wedding. I do not feel in any way that he "cheated" on me. I do understand that it was not him but the other guys who decided to buy these lap dances (honestly he has never even expressed interest in going to a strip club let alone getting a lap dance). I 100% fully trust my fiance, that is not the issue at all so please refrain from any comments that maybe it is a trust issue.

    So what's the issue? The issue is that for the last five years, the only naked woman's body he has had in his face was MINE. Now I've got this permanent image of some tall skinny bimbo dangling her fake boobs in my fiance's face for FIVE MINUTES! I am not a tall skinny fake boobed bimbo. I am a short, fit (after 8 months of working my *kitten* off) and small chested average woman. Up until him getting these two lap dances, I have always been very confident that my body was what he found sexy. HIm getting these lap dances has basically destroyed my confidence and I am now embarrassed and self conscious of my small chest.

    I'm sure I will get over this eventually, and I'm not saying he shouldn't have gone to the strip club, just him getting a lap dance hurt me more than I thought it would. I don't want this to ruin our wedding or our honeymoon and I've briefly told him that it really bothers me but I don't think this is his issue... it's a self-confidence issue on my part. I know that I can't change it now which is why I haven't screamed at him over it. That wouldn't help anything. I just need to know how to get over it. I know that time would make me get over it, but we're getting married on SUNDAY. So I'm hoping someone here knows the magic thing to say to make me feel better.

  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member

    LOVE NY & Company!!! Super cute dress!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Okay ladies... Need some advice..

    I am now the crazy bride who is overly upset that my fiance got not one but TWO lap dances at his bachelor party a WEEK before our wedding. I do not feel in any way that he "cheated" on me. I do understand that it was not him but the other guys who decided to buy these lap dances (honestly he has never even expressed interest in going to a strip club let alone getting a lap dance). I 100% fully trust my fiance, that is not the issue at all so please refrain from any comments that maybe it is a trust issue.

    So what's the issue? The issue is that for the last five years, the only naked woman's body he has had in his face was MINE. Now I've got this permanent image of some tall skinny bimbo dangling her fake boobs in my fiance's face for FIVE MINUTES! I am not a tall skinny fake boobed bimbo. I am a short, fit (after 8 months of working my *kitten* off) and small chested average woman. Up until him getting these two lap dances, I have always been very confident that my body was what he found sexy. HIm getting these lap dances has basically destroyed my confidence and I am now embarrassed and self conscious of my small chest.

    I'm sure I will get over this eventually, and I'm not saying he shouldn't have gone to the strip club, just him getting a lap dance hurt me more than I thought it would. I don't want this to ruin our wedding or our honeymoon and I've briefly told him that it really bothers me but I don't think this is his issue... it's a self-confidence issue on my part. I know that I can't change it now which is why I haven't screamed at him over it. That wouldn't help anything. I just need to know how to get over it. I know that time would make me get over it, but we're getting married on SUNDAY. So I'm hoping someone here knows the magic thing to say to make me feel better.


    This is a tough one, but honestly you shouldn't feel like you lost your self confidence in a few lap dances from STRANGERS. Your future hubby loves you for more than your body and self confidence should come from that. I mean you know he didn't seek it out, it was just his bachelor party. He loves you and your body, there is no reason to get all bent out of shape. You just have to dig deep to remember what make you feel confident in the first place, and trust in yourself more than anything. It is only a week before the wedding your nerves are shot, take a deep breath and try to let it just go. Focus on other thngs. I hope this helps :)
  • Amberlin
    Amberlin Posts: 118 Member
    Can I join or is it too late?

    1. Name: Amberlin
    2. Age: 23
    3. City: Barrie, Ontario Canada
    4. Occupation: Account Manager Telus Mobility
    5. Wedding date: August 5, 2012
    6. Fiancés name: Lee
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 235lbs (after giving birth)
    9. Goal weight and date: 140-150lbs October 16, 2011
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Running, currently training to run my first half marathon
    11. Favorite healthy food: Apples, they are my go to snack food!


    Aly that is so hard. I can imagine how you feel because I get strange jealous tendincies every once and a while. I would try to remember things that make you important to your fiancee, remember that he only wants you, he wants to marry you, he fell in love with your personality, your looks, your body. He would never throw all of that away, and he probably would not actually even find this woman attractive in "real" life.

    I think in time you will laugh about this, but of course right now its a little confusing and hurtful. Make sure to talk about it with your hubby so he knows how you feel and can help reassure you.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Can I join or is it too late?

    1. Name: Amberlin
    2. Age: 23
    3. City: Barrie, Ontario Canada
    4. Occupation: Account Manager Telus Mobility
    5. Wedding date: August 5, 2012
    6. Fiancés name: Lee
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 235lbs (after giving birth)
    9. Goal weight and date: 140-150lbs October 16, 2011
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Running, currently training to run my first half marathon
    11. Favorite healthy food: Apples, they are my go to snack food!


    Aly that is so hard. I can imagine how you feel because I get strange jealous tendincies every once and a while. I would try to remember things that make you important to your fiancee, remember that he only wants you, he wants to marry you, he fell in love with your personality, your looks, your body. He would never throw all of that away, and he probably would not actually even find this woman attractive in "real" life.

    I think in time you will laugh about this, but of course right now its a little confusing and hurtful. Make sure to talk about it with your hubby so he knows how you feel and can help reassure you.

    Kristen was the one with the first post :) I just responded to try to make her feel better.
  • Amberlin
    Amberlin Posts: 118 Member
    AH thanks!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    @kstoller2: Love that dress!!!

    @gainskb: You just have to remember that he is not marrying you for your body (though with a body like yours he is a lucky lucky man!), he is marrying you because you are an amazing person! Honestly I would talk to him about the self confidence issue, I mean we can try to build you up best we can, but the best reassurance is going to come from him, your future husband. Hang in there, you are going to be a beautiful bride, I mean hey even at your fitting you looked fabulous and you weren't even all done up!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm still alive and, at least eating half decently, but there have been a few wedding snags I've had to deal with and last minute things to get done, so I really haven't had the chance to log. I plan on getting right back here as soon as the wedding and honeymoon are over.

    Rehearsal dinner is Friday and the Wedding is Saturday. Wish me luck!!!

  • melissamiller07
    melissamiller07 Posts: 5 Member
    Getting to know each other:

    1. Name: Melissa Miller

    2. Age: 27

    3. City: Augusta, Maine

    4. Occupation: Regional Environmental Manager

    5. Wedding date: January 26, 2012

    6. Fiancés name: Gabe

    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: Seven years!! It was about time.

    8. Heaviest weight: 214

    9. Goal weight and date: 140 (by wedding time if not before)

    10. Favorite type of exercise: Swimming

    11. Favorite healthy food:

    Brides on a Mission: JUNE

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Haven't weighed in because I am in a hotel for work this week and the scale here is never correct! It always tells me I am 20 lbs lighter than I am.

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): MOG gave me a 1/2 carat diamond necklace that was her mother's necklace. I am really excited about that as I get to keep it after the wedding. Also going to a Boston Red Sox game on Sunday with the whole family after staying two days in Boston with my college roomate.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Work stress as they are talking about another round of lay offs as well as plant closures. Since the last two weeks have been my travel weeks I suspect I have not lost any weight.

    4. Any wedding news updates: We planned on a destination wedding but if I do not have a job in another month we will have to make changes.

    5. Weekly wrap up:
    Trying to meet my exercise goals for the week as I have been slacking lately. I won't be working out this weekend so I need to get in enough before I have a few beers at the stadium.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    The rehearsal and dinner went well. By this time tomorrow night, I'll be an old married lady!:-D
  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    congrats sweet_13!

    @gains- I totally get it girl. My future hubby was at someone elses Bachlor party and my good friend bought him a lap dance. Furious. I don't think he cared, nor do i think he was gonna go get busy with her in the parking lot, or change his feelings about me. But I think it's disrespectful to our relationship. I've gotten over it but made sure he knew I better be dead in the ground before that happens again :-). I'd discuss it if it's still bothering you- and the good guy I'm sure he is will probably say "no problem sweetie." You'll want to run down the aisle after that!
  • I'll admit, I've been MIA for about three months. New job. School. Bad illness. Loss of job. Looking for a new job. It's been crazy. But I'm back at the band wagon, waiting to get on!

    1. Name: Nicole
    2. Age: 23
    3. City: Columbus
    4. Occupation: Professional student!
    5. Wedding date: October 15, 2011
    6. Fiancés name: Christopher
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 1.75 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 310
    9. Goal weight and date: 200, 5/18/2013
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Elliptical
    11. Favorite healthy food: Strawberries

    Brides on a Mission: JUNE
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Just starting up again this week, so we'll see what happens!

    2. Highlight of the past week: found my bridal shoes and tiara!! I'm so excited. My first fitting is in less than a month!

    3. Lowlight of the past week: job search, 'nuff said.

    4. Any wedding news updates: invites are ready to go out in two weeks. I can't believe it's time to do that already. The wedding has really snuck up on us pretty fast.

    5. Weekly wrap up: It's monday. Hopefully it will be a good week. I'm glad to be back on MFP!
  • It's been a while, so I thought I'd give all my stats again...

    1. Name: Krista
    2. Age: 23, copy and pasting from green piano keys, oh i wish i was still 23 - 26 is the real answer
    3. City: Vancouver, BC Canada
    4. Occupation: Manager at Non-profit, work with babies, love my job!
    5. Wedding date: February 19, 2012
    6. Fiancés name: Dieter
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5.5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 178
    9. Goal weight and date: 135, January 19, 2011...currently at 145 and can't get any lower!!!! arg!
    10. Favorite type of exercise: running, p90x yoga, hiking with the puppy
    11. Favorite healthy food: really into the 50 calorie skinny cow fudge pops right now! also iced unsweetened passion tea

    Brides on a Mission: JUNE
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Up about 2 lbs for the past couple of weeks, need to up the exercise I guess

    2. Highlight of the past week: getting excited about our new house!!! shopping with the fiance for house stuff is more fun than i remembered. OH! I almost forgot!!! I bartered with my FH for much wanted engagement photos, yippee!!!! :)

    3. Lowlight of the past week: weather is still crappy, work is uber busy, puppy is sick AGAIN and kept us up last night, i feel like i have a newborn! but other than that, life is good

    4. Any wedding news updates: haven't been thinking much about the wedding. i guess i should write a quick check in email to the wedding planner and make sure i'm covering all the bookings on my end

    5. Weekly wrap up: going to do some test boidoir photos this week to give myself a glimpse of how much work i need to do still!!!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome back @vanrunninggirl and greenpianokeys!!!

    Weighing in: lost 0.6 lbs which is fine with me being that TOM is here! Also measured myself last night, but now I can't find my old measurements to compare the new values to...ooops! hehe!

    Have a great week ladies!
  • klwalton88
    klwalton88 Posts: 41 Member
    1. Name: Krista
    2. Age: 23
    3. City: Atascadero, CA
    4. Occupation: Compliance Account Manager
    5. Wedding date: October 22, 2011
    6. Fiancés name: Kelly
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: almost 3.5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 180
    9. Goal weight and date: 155
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Zumba and Yoga
    11. Favorite healthy food: fruit

    Brides on a Mission: JUNE
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I stopped getting on the scale, but I started measuring. I'm down about .5 in from my hips, .5 from my calf and .5 from my thigh. At least something is changing.

    2. Highlight of the past week: I lost inches and I finished Week 4 of C25K.

    3. Lowlight of the past week: SUPER hungry. I just wanted to eat everything.

    4. Any wedding news updates: My veil and garter came. I also ordered a pair of shoes.

    5. Weekly wrap up: Just going to keep going and hope that the weight starts to come off.
  • MrsLyons32
    MrsLyons32 Posts: 19 Member
    Getting to know each other (Please only fill this out if you are new to the group; copy and paste this section into your post.)
    1. Name: Amee
    2. Age: 33
    3. City: Roachdale, IN (west of Indy)
    4. Occupation: Medical assistant/ RN student
    5. Wedding date: Late Summer 2012
    6. Fiancés name: Dustan
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 yrs
    8. Heaviest weight: 224
    9. Goal weight and date: 165 # May 25, 2012
    10. Favorite type of exercise: running treadmill & treading water
    11. Favorite healthy food: Red Seedless Grapes
  • suzumichan
    suzumichan Posts: 127
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 0 :( Gained 6 lbs...
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Remembering that I joined bride's on a mission and buying my FH wedding band.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): feeling like giving up. I was doing so good then bam 6 lbs... :( makes me want to :sad::sad:

    4. Any wedding news updates: Sent bridal shower invites out the other day and cant wait to see who is coming. next month im sending invites to the wedding out.

    5. Weekly wrap up: Bad week. I'm super hungry and I have not be able to stop drinking soft drink and if I tried it made it worst the other day I ended up drinking 4 2 liters along with a pint of ice cream... :sad: I
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    Welcome to all of our new members! It's great to see all of these new brides :flowerforyou:

    Brides on a Mission: JUNE
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 0.6lbs :)

    2. Highlight of the past week: My dress came in! I was so scared it wouldn't fit (I ordered it two sizes smaller than I was in February) but it did! :love:

    3. Lowlight of the past week: So the dress fits but there's a bit of ugly spillage going on at the back. I've got the beginnings of a back flap :cry: Time for some serious toning!

    4. Any wedding news updates: Nothing other than the dress really. It's my main focus for the next little while.

    5. Weekly wrap up: This week's motto is just keep swimming
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