How am I supposed to keep my sugar intake down....

....when a cup of baby carrots has 10g of sugar, a cup of grapes has 25g, and an orange has 14g?? MFP has set my goal to 36g of sugar per day so by eating more fruits/veggies, I'm already above that! Nevermind the other food I consume during the run of a day. I can't live off of greens only (heck even a 1/2 cup of edamame had 5g of sugar!!). I don't know how it's even possible to do that. Somebody enlighten me please?


  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    1) Set calories to proper deficit (10 - 20% below caloric maintenance).
    2) Set protein to 1g per per pound lean body mass.
    3) Don't worry about the rest.

    If you're eating veggies and fruit, then stop worrying about sugar. It won't hinder fat loss one bit unless you're insulin resistant, which you would probably know if you were by now (since it's a rather small portion of the population that is).
  • RDTaylor13
    RDTaylor13 Posts: 160
    Don't worry about the natural sugars in your fruits and veggies, they are better for you than processed sugar. your best bet is to try to keep it as close to your set goal as possible. but don't fret about being over. and the same goes for the natural salts in them as well. natural salts and sugars are a hell of lot healthier than the process kinds that are added for preserving.
  • mrsdaytons
    mrsdaytons Posts: 24 Member
    The sugar u need to worry about is refined sugar, like in candy or cookies and other processed foods. Natural sugar found in fruit and veggies are ok.
  • FatUncleRob
    FatUncleRob Posts: 341
    I know there are people out there that disagree with me, but I don't worry about sugar from fruit and veg.

    I try to eliminate refined sugar as much as possible but not the sugar that's naturally already in fresh fruit and vegetables.

    I eat LOTS of fruit, and I count the calories, but I ignore the sugar. In fact I switched MFP to show me sodium and fiber rather than sugar content.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I agree! i took sugar off and now show fiber...i eat lots of veggies and fruits, so i was always way over!! The sugar should not stop you from reaching for those carrots or apples or berries!!! grapes do have more sugar then other fruits, and rasie your blood sugar quicker, and being i can eat a bag full i stay away from them:) Also eating fruits with peanut butter or string cheese will stablize sugars in your bloodstream. I believe sugar coming from these natural sources does not affect you like table sugar..i could be wrong ;)
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I've been getting a lot better at keeping sugar down recently. The trick is, lots of veggies, less fruit.

    If you take a look at my diary, bear in mind that today, I ate pretty badly, and tomorrow, I plan to go over because I'll be running, and then doing two hours of krav maga in the evening.
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    As mynameisuntz said, just worry about meeting your calorie goal and getting .5 to 1 gram of protein for each pound of body weight.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    you can have a gram of carbs for evey pound of lean body weight, I am at 128g for the day, with that said, I rarely eat any fruit, I would rather eat other food with less carbs to get more food in. I only eat prunes because the doc suggested them to go to the bathroom more frequently!
  • harderfasterstr0nger
    As mynameisuntz said, just worry about meeting your calorie goal and getting .5 to 1 gram of protein for each pound of body weight.

    Jesus! So we are supposed to eat 160 grams of protein a day?! I was just getting to 40.
  • ashirsch
    ashirsch Posts: 8
    I was wondering the same thing. Glad so many people replied.