30 pounds to lose!

Hi! I'm new here!! I started last Monday on this new journey, weighing in at 160. As of today I'm down to 156! My goal is to reach 130 by mid to late March!


  • caracyote
    caracyote Posts: 3 Member
    Wow, 4 lbs already? Good for you! What are you doing ?
  • mscallorn
    mscallorn Posts: 6 Member
    I'm mostly staying inside my Macro limits and not really worrying about the calorie intake. Although I do meet the recommended 1200 calorie on non-workout days. I will go over on workout days. I found on Pinterest a 1000 calorie burning workout and I do that at home every other day. Other than that I'm just trying to find something to do instead of sit! I'm still eating a little chocolate everyday and drinking 1 can Coke most days! Absolutely no eating out though! And drinking 8 cups of water every day.