Fat Dad Needs Help!!!

Finally took off my rose tinted glasses this morning and looked in the mirror . . . the once lean, healthy and fit young man is now a 41 year old fat body . . . time for a change

So Here we go . .
App downloaded
Fridge and cupboards emptied of junk

18st 6 as of this morning
13st 7 is where I would like to be again

Feel free to join me on this journey


  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member

    I am also a fat dad. I was fatter about 8 months ago. Dropped from 88kg to 80 kg with a goal of 75 kg.
    Happy to accept an invite from you as a friend.

    Believe me, even losing 5kg (1 stone) in weight makes a huge difference.

    best regards
  • goooglepug
    goooglepug Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Graham

    Haven't quite worked out how to do the 'friends' thing on here yet however if you know how to I would happily accept you as a diet friend on here . .

    Well done on your weight loss. . I'm sure you are feeling the benefits already. .

    New to this as when I was in the army some years back my life was much more active and weight never was an issue however now driving a bus has me Sat almost all of my working day

    Looking forward to making this year count

    Kind regards


  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    Hi there fat-dad.....meet the ex-fat-granny.....I am living proof you can do this. I have been on this journey for 4 years, I lost 41 lbs in the first year which was way beyond my target. I have gained some since then but with the help of my pals on here I have maintained a healthy lifestyle and I am comfortable with my weight control...... currently in the process of losing my Spanish November holiday/Xmas excess weight but I know I will do it!! I will send you a friend request, it is so much easier with a lot of friends supporting you......where are you from??
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    To make a friend request click on users name then do the same again on the pop up to get to their profile where you will see Add Friend button.
  • glortard
    glortard Posts: 67 Member
    Same age and on the same journey - good luck and sent a friend request