Training for next marathon

I have been running races for quite sometime and motivating myself to keep going is quite difficult sometimes. I ran a full marathon last March, and I would love some support as I train for a half marathon this March.


  • running_in_tiaras
    running_in_tiaras Posts: 29 Member
    Good luck. My goal has always been to run a marathon. I'm hoping to complete a half marathon this year. I have run a handful of races with 10 miles being my longest (I was no where near ready for it). I would like to run a few 5k and 10k this spring and summer and hopefully I will be ready for the 1/2 this fall. Add me if you would like!
  • Lance6142014
    Lance6142014 Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck with your races! I'm sure you will be able to run a half considering you have already done a 10 mile race.
  • Lina_20160213
    Lina_20160213 Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good luck!
  • ctg492
    ctg492 Posts: 7 Member
    Way to go, I will wait to hear how you did! I know motivation is the hardest when running. I found it more so than the running itself. I did the half three years ago after never running more then a 5K, I just got to training and telling everyone I saw what I was doing. I would run by people watering their flowers and I would say 5 miles so far and wave. I got great responses, it was the best for me. Nearing the end of training those that saw me often that I did not even know would Clap and say YOU GO! I figured that held me accountable and it worked! Since, I have not done another, but run 21-25 miles a week either road or treadmill in the winter. This year I really need to motivate myself to do the 1/2 again, a full would be more then I could do I believe.
    Good Luck and keep posting
  • Lance6142014
    Lance6142014 Posts: 14 Member
    Training for a full is a lottt of work haha. That's why I went down to a half, but I would say try to do a full. It is an amazing feeling when you finish it (even though your body is screaming). The roar of the crowd around you is pure motivation itself. Finishing the full was one of the best days of my life. A half is still a challenge though, and, if you do end up doing it again, good luck to you! Thank you all for the support. Add me if you would like additional support in your endeavors.
  • Runningman1978
    Runningman1978 Posts: 111 Member
    Go for it guys
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    I had aspirations to run a half marathon and then a marathon... November 2014 I was running 10 miles and working my way up. Then I just let myself go... hope to get there and beyond again. Best of luck to you!