Fitbit users!!

I was considering getting a fitbit and wanted to get input from current fitbit users.
What's the best thing about it? How has it changed the way you workout?
Thanks a mill in advance.
Lisa :)


  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    I just got one for Xmas and so far, I love it. I'm a lazy slug. BUT, I'm competitive AF with my friends so the challenges have made me go from taking, on average, 3500 steps a day, to 10K -15K a day. I move more.
  • Qvr11
    Qvr11 Posts: 12 Member
    I got one for Christmas and love it! I definitely move more thanks to my fitbit.
  • tbilly20
    tbilly20 Posts: 154 Member
    I have been using one for a few months. Be careful of anything with LED based heart rate. They are wildly inaccurate. I bought it to see if my activity level on this site was set appropriately. I like it the most for the sleep tracking ability. The days I do my best are the one where I get a good night's sleep!
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I've had a charge hr since around November and it definitely makes me more active as I'm constantly challenging myself to beat the day before's step count to the point where I walk around in circles.
  • tclarkie1
    tclarkie1 Posts: 2 Member
    the accuracy between the calories on a machine do not match the calories on the fitbit, and I too like the sleep log and seeing the number of steps achieved in 1 day. I have the fitbit surge
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    as with anything it is a estimate. a good one but not 100% accurate. it will definitely give you an idea of your activity level
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    edited January 2016
    tbilly20 wrote: »
    I have been using one for a few months. Be careful of anything with LED based heart rate. They are wildly inaccurate. I bought it to see if my activity level on this site was set appropriately. I like it the most for the sleep tracking ability. The days I do my best are the one where I get a good night's sleep!

    'Wildly' may be a bit strong. 'Inherently' is probably a better choice. It does give one a good idea of one's heart rate and sure beats lugging an EKG around the gym.

    I'll take the comfort of a wrist strap over a chest strap any day. Especially when wearing it 24/7.
  • Lisa_Dubh
    Lisa_Dubh Posts: 35 Member
    So is it a glorified pedometer? All that's different is the heart rate and sleep log?
  • lkokot
    lkokot Posts: 80 Member
    Lisa_Dubh wrote: »
    So is it a glorified pedometer? All that's different is the heart rate and sleep log?

    Pretty much so if you don't want to spend the money and need the features of logging sleep and heart rate you can just use your smartphone for it.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    edited January 2016
    Somewhat glorified, yes. But the benefits are greater than that of a pedometer. I received my Flex for Christmas, and after a week of technology frustration, finally got it set up and working properly. I love that it teams up with MFP, to chart my macros and extras. The graphs and daily/weekly trends help me to challenge myself daily, they explain to me after time what is working and what is not working for me. I can now see how completely sedentary I've been, and have upped my steps from a mere 5000 a day, to almost 14000!!! That is a lot of movement!! The sleep feature is the best part, as it really does help to explain the intensity of your workouts with or without a good nights sleep. And it proves to myself when I'm sure I didn't get any sleep, I really didn't, another goal to work on in the all encompassing goal of improving Tracy!! All in all, I'd recommend an activity tracker like my Flex, especially if you are a competitive person. I compete with myself, daily. Can't help myself when there are numbers to chase! Good luck in whatever you decide, I have no regrets here ;)
    added: And no, I don't believe the tracker to be 100% accurate, but it is much more accurate than guessing, or not even trying!
  • Tyyche
    Tyyche Posts: 7 Member
    tbilly20 wrote: »
    I have been using one for a few months. Be careful of anything with LED based heart rate. They are wildly inaccurate. I bought it to see if my activity level on this site was set appropriately. I like it the most for the sleep tracking ability. The days I do my best are the one where I get a good night's sleep!

    As an BioMed/EE (my senior project 16 years ago was a led based HR / pulse O2 detector, Biomedical Eng) I'd say "wildly inaccurate" is unwarranted hyperbole. So I decided to run a little experiment. I just got done a vigorous walk around my floor (2 laps, about 1400 steps) and my HR on my Fitbit read 91, while I took it by hand it was 88.

    That said, and to the OP's post; I like it. It reminds me that I need to try and be better at exercising and eating. A reminder on my wrist, helps me. Gl.
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    Lisa_Dubh wrote: »
    So is it a glorified pedometer? All that's different is the heart rate and sleep log?

    I have the Charge (non HR Fitbit bracelet) and to me the greatest benefit is the daily ability to see exactly what I'm actually burning instead of guessing based on my exercise sessions. It has really helped me to see how non-exercise activity can make a big difference in my TDEE. Those extra steps do add up and they are a lot easier to get in on a daily basis than an intense hour long workout. Seeing the calories in vs. out on a weekly basis is really helpful and encourages me to be brutally honest in logging my food and exercise (because Fitbit won't measure non-step based exercise--not a big deal in my opinion, unless you are primarily a swimmer or biker, for example, then I might find that to be a problem).

    I didn't understand the big deal about sleep monitoring until I got a Fitbit. It really is helpful because I know I have to be on guard with mindless eating and low energy the days I don't get enough sleep. Also, the buzzing alarm is the best alarm I've ever used.

    Compared to all the other Fitbits I've had (I've had them all), I find the Charge the easiest to charge, keep track of, and maintain.
  • timetochange52
    timetochange52 Posts: 66 Member
    I've had my HR for almost a year and I'm much more active than I was before I got it. For the first couple of days, I just went through my normal daily routine to see what my activity level was, and was logging under 3,000 steps! After that, I became active in the challenges, and now I'm up to a daily goal of at least 12,000 steps, which I rarely allow myself to miss. I find mine to be pretty accurate, and enjoy all of the features. I definitely think it's worth the money.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Lisa_Dubh wrote: »
    So is it a glorified pedometer? All that's different is the heart rate and sleep log?

    :) I guess, if you would call a chainsaw a glorified butter knife. ;)

    Others have mentioned many features of the Charge and Charge HR that I also have found beneficial; sync with MFP for adjust calorie target, heart rates, sleep, steps, stairs, water intake (much better implementation than MFP's IMHO), distance, charting of all the above, custom goals, milestone badges (which I find a bit juvenile, but to each their own),... and I've only had mine a week.

    I particularly like that I can track my workouts to see if I need to step it up or back it down a bit in order to stay in the HR range I want throughout the workout.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    @Tyyche, I believe most gripes of inaccuracies with the LED wrist HR monitors concern heart rates over 120.
  • Lisa_Dubh
    Lisa_Dubh Posts: 35 Member
    d_thomas02 wrote: »
    Lisa_Dubh wrote: »
    So is it a glorified pedometer? All that's different is the heart rate and sleep log?

    :) I guess, if you would call a chainsaw a glorified butter knife. ;)

    Hahaha! This thread has definitely made me seriously consider getting one, thanks a mill everyone, you sold it to me ;)
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    I really like my Charge HR. I usually look at what the Elliptical says I burn and what the HR says I burn and everytime, the fitbit is lower than the machine. I go by what the HR says.