Breast feeding

Finally after three years 206 lb I'm going to start a diet and now I'm going to stick to it .. My goal is 140 lb .. Any one trying to loose weight and breast feeding ?????


  • babylove0414
    babylove0414 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 230 and aiming for 150. I am also bfing, so following your post :P
  • ragenhay1
    ragenhay1 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm currently 204 started at 220 45 days ago. I'm currently breastfeeding my 3.5 month old.
  • PBGirl1
    PBGirl1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all. I'm also breastfeeding and looking to drop some weight. 16 lbs in 45 days is great ragenhay1. What calorie deficit did you set to account for breastfeeding?
  • ragenhay1
    ragenhay1 Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks. I have it set to 1680 plus an extra 300 for breastfeeding so I'm eating around 1900 calories a day. I also eat back my exercise calories.
  • fenellar29
    fenellar29 Posts: 1 Member
    Great job ragenhay1, just wondering how tall you are? I'm also breastfeeding and trying to lose weight. Looking to lose 60 pounds from 185. I don't know what to set my calorie intake as since I'm only 5 feet. Any suggestions? TIA.
  • ggoss10
    ggoss10 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm breastfeeding my 3 week old and hoping to rock some weight loss for good this time around. I'm done having kiddos, I'm at 236, and am hoping to weigh at least 199 by summer.
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    ggoss10 wrote: »
    I'm breastfeeding my 3 week old and hoping to rock some weight loss for good this time around. I'm done having kiddos, I'm at 236, and am hoping to weigh at least 199 by summer.

    Me too ggoss10! My twins are 11 weeks old, and I am breastfeeding them (although not exclusively, I give them one formula bottle a day before bed, but with there being two of them, I feel like I am constantly feeding, haha). I am so done having kids, and can't wait to get my body back for just me!! It looks like you have an older toddler there too? We have a 2 year old to take care of too, what a handful!

    I have decided to put my calorie burn at 750 for breastfeeding because there are two of them. Haven't decided if I will eat back my exercise calories or not. Of course, with taking care of 3 under 3, not sure I will have much time to do much exercise!
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    Hi all! Ebf my 2 month old. Wanting to drop 40 lbs to be at pre pregnancy weight. I'm thinking eating between 1800 and 1900 should do it. So that's what I am going to aim for. Hopefully we can get our bodies back before summer hits!
  • Jenntones
    Jenntones Posts: 6 Member
    Following this thread! I was super curious about bfing & MFP. Weight watchers has an option for bfing, from exclusively to the baby eating solids & was pretty bummed that MFP didn't have this as an option so I had to figure it out myself. I am 31 years old, 2 kids, 10years & 1.5 year old. My youngest is still nursing but not exclusively, although it is often & constantly through the night. MFP said I should be around 1650 & I added about 250 extra for nursing but at the end of the day, and getting 10k on my Fitbit, I had about 700 left over. Seems a bit high to me even though I ate decently today. Anyways, any moms want to add me, go right ahead!!!
  • riley4785
    riley4785 Posts: 7 Member
    I am breast feeding and have lost 40lbs in 110 days which seems insane! I started at 203 and when my kids went back to school I decided I was ready to be healthy again. I started walking with my babies, bought a food scale and got serous about tracking everything I ate. I eat every single calorie I earn exercising but haven't added extra calories for breast feeding because I don't really know what to add. My milk supply hasn't tanked so what I'm doing must be ok! I got myself a Fitbit a few months into my journey and try to get 5 miles worth of steps in a day. That lets me eat right around 2000 calories a day and still lose consistently. I still have 17 lbs to go but I never thought I'd get this low so I'm pretty darn pleased!
  • Brindy0
    Brindy0 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm so happy how weight keeps coming off .. I'm finally 163.7 out of 206 lb I think that's good .. I'm a size 9 in pants .. I'm almost to my goal .. By April I should be 140 lb .. My secret is drink a lot of water
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    How is breastfeeding going in relation to your diet and excercise? I'm about to start on both and I am a little nervous about my supply dipping too much. I have a 5.5m LO. SW was 199 from delivery. CW is 170 and wanting to get to 135/140. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Brindy0!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    fenellar29 wrote: »
    Great job ragenhay1, just wondering how tall you are? I'm also breastfeeding and trying to lose weight. Looking to lose 60 pounds from 185. I don't know what to set my calorie intake as since I'm only 5 feet. Any suggestions? TIA.

    If it helps, I'm 5'2" and when I was breastfeeding, my calorie intake was somewhere around 1500 toward the end. I wasn't really tracking regularly earlier on, just maintaining a rough idea. I ate when I was hungry, made mostly good choices but didn't deny occasional treats, drank a ton of water, and went for a walk most days with baby on my back. The weight melted off - the same is not true for everyone, but I think that the fact that I had gained most of it while pregnant helped. It hadn't had time to really make itself at home yet at that point. (unlike now! lol)
  • bbilliethecat
    bbilliethecat Posts: 62 Member
    my rat is 4 months and i reckon that's been long enough, now it's mummy's time :D so i've lost all my pregnancy weight - breastfeeding's finally melting it all away . my first two ... forget it lol

    5'3 - now i'm 155, want to get down to 110, which is going to be so difficult, but i just bought a misfit shine 2 (bbilliethecat for those who want to add me on here or misfit), and am now gunning to lose all my weight .

    here's to all of us and our success ! :D
  • EliseGeorgulis
    EliseGeorgulis Posts: 3 Member
    Following with you gals... Also trying to lose weight while breastfeeding my 15 month old. Lost 16lbs and want to lose another 54.
  • amylandrews177
    amylandrews177 Posts: 2 Member
    Following. Im 4mpp. I feel like i have stopped losing. I have a hard time eating healthy calories. And how much calories to intake.
  • chrisnawoo
    chrisnawoo Posts: 27 Member
    I am still bfing and started using MFP 3 weeks ago and lost 5.2 lbs....not adjusting my calories intake since I bfing only once a day and trying to wean out my baby from bfing. My suggestion to you for what I know from weight watcher add 300-350 calories to your calories limit per day if you are inclusively bfing only
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    I am currently 252 and my goal is 175. My daughter is 9 months old and we have just recently started supplementing while she is at daycare. We still nurse whenever we are together. I have my calorie goal set to 1500 and I eat back my exercise calories. My short term goal is to get to 225 by April. My lactation consultant said that most women that are still EBF need between 1800-2000 calories to maintain their milk supply. As you lower your calories if you notice a drop in supply start adding back 100 calories at a time until you find the right balance for your body.
  • sleepingsun825
    sleepingsun825 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey ladies!! I'm still nursing my 6m.o pretty much every 2 hours, and we just started introducing solids (we're trying BLW-so fun!). I'm about 11 lbs away from pre-baby weight and have been pretty good about logging in here and tracking what I'm eating. I'm looking for some support for when I'm ravenous-ha!
    Good luck to all of us!