Salad jars getting condensation, suggestions?

OneTwentyThree Posts: 186 Member
edited January 2016 in Food and Nutrition
Hey has anyone done salad jars? Mine are getting water condensation on the inside, is this normal or safe to eat?
They are tightly sealed and i dried the veggies the best that i could with a salad spinner and wiped them down with paper towel. Theres also no dressing inside.

Any suggestions on how to fix it next time and is it safe to eat? It otherwise looks fine and lettuce is still crunchy. Thanks.


  • Talanch
    Talanch Posts: 21 Member
    edited January 2016
    Put a clean cloth or piece of kitchen roll in there to catch the condensation coming off the veggies. It's what we did at the restaurant I worked at to make leafy vegetables last longer.

    It's perfectly safe to eat as long as it isn't days old. It's just chemistry, the veggies are creating vapour as they do their thang.
  • truelight_photo_craig
    Talanch wrote: »
    Put a clean cloth or piece of kitchen roll in there to catch the condensation coming off the veggies. It's what we did at the restaurant I worked at to make leafy vegetables last longer.

    It's perfectly safe to eat as long as it isn't days old. It's just chemistry, the veggies are creating vapour as they do their thang.

    This. I always put a piece of paper towel on top of the container I store my greens in. They last a lot longer.
  • OneTwentyThree
    OneTwentyThree Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks for the responses, I will do that next time. For the jars I currently have if the condensation is there and veggies are not soggy, should still be fine to eat right?
  • pootle1972
    pootle1972 Posts: 579 Member
    Yeah it's just water.