What to do when you're hungry enough, not to eat a horse, but the whole stable

CSylviaMarie Posts: 80 Member
What are some good, uncomplicated snacks that ya'll eat when you are feeling like a hungry hungry hippo?


  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    A blended protein shake; between the ice and liquid (I use either water or almond milk) it fills my stomach while providing only around 100 calories. Can't beat it xD
    Low calorie (unbuttered) popcorn can also be helpful, same with greek yogurt (I prefer Dannon's Light & Fit), dry cereal (mindless munching for around 30 minutes and less than 200 calories), and even protein bars
  • harrybananas
    harrybananas Posts: 292 Member
    The whole stable.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Eat the next meal, I don't snack.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Air popped popcorn and a heap of a lot of water. Depressing to make and eat, but it curbs that craving.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    People are probably going to get tired of me posting this but: protein fluff. It gets me through those tough times.
  • valeriagarcia42
    valeriagarcia42 Posts: 4 Member
    Veggies, I snack on cucumbers, carrots and celery when it's that time of the month and I'm craving pizza but I know my diet won't allow it. Especially because I already had enough slices lol
  • CSylviaMarie
    CSylviaMarie Posts: 80 Member
    hgycta wrote: »
    A blended protein shake; between the ice and liquid (I use either water or almond milk) it fills my stomach while providing only around 100 calories. Can't beat it xD
    Low calorie (unbuttered) popcorn can also be helpful, same with greek yogurt (I prefer Dannon's Light & Fit), dry cereal (mindless munching for around 30 minutes and less than 200 calories), and even protein bars

    I need to invest in some protein powder. Right now I'm on a very slim budget, but I think if I can buy even a small jar of protein powder and blend it with a banana, and I love almond milk, that will probably be a great idea. Even the yogurt, maybe with some oats mixed in.
  • CSylviaMarie
    CSylviaMarie Posts: 80 Member
    The whole stable.

    I like this idea the best
  • CSylviaMarie
    CSylviaMarie Posts: 80 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Eat the next meal, I don't snack.

    I understand. But when I have days like today, when I feel suuuuper hungry, I'll end up eating more meals in a day than I need! Although I guess a snack is just a mini-meal :hushed:
  • CSylviaMarie
    CSylviaMarie Posts: 80 Member
    Air popped popcorn and a heap of a lot of water. Depressing to make and eat, but it curbs that craving.

    Air popped? I must look this up! I do drink a gallon of water a day and I will say that definitely curbs most of my cravings.
  • CSylviaMarie
    CSylviaMarie Posts: 80 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    People are probably going to get tired of me posting this but: protein fluff. It gets me through those tough times.

    Well I'm new to MFP so I'm not sick of it :P What is protein fluff though?
  • CSylviaMarie
    CSylviaMarie Posts: 80 Member
    Veggies, I snack on cucumbers, carrots and celery when it's that time of the month and I'm craving pizza but I know my diet won't allow it. Especially because I already had enough slices lol

    I love cucumbers and celery with hummus. Celery is so fibrous, it's really filling. I can't wait to go grocery shopping on Friday with these great ideas. Thanks guys!

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    People are probably going to get tired of me posting this but: protein fluff. It gets me through those tough times.

    Well I'm new to MFP so I'm not sick of it :P What is protein fluff though?

    Protein powder, xanthum gum, liquid (you can use skim milk/almond milk but water makes it lower calorie). Sweeten it with stevia or zero calorie sweetener. Mix it with a hand mixer or standing mixer until it becomes so fluffy it barely fits in a mixing bowl. It will fill you up like crazy for 200 calories, sometimes less depending on how you make it.
  • syrisdarling
    syrisdarling Posts: 7 Member
    When was your last meal? Are you eating at correct times? and how many calories do you eat in each meal?
  • bclarke1990
    bclarke1990 Posts: 287 Member
    Honestly, if you're that hungry chances are you're probably more dehydrated than anything. As long as you're eating whole foods with fiber and drinking enough water you shouldn't be starving in need of super-duper x-treme filling feasts.
  • Jaywalker_7
    Jaywalker_7 Posts: 68 Member
    I agree with the above poster about making sure you are drinking enough water. Also, if I'm THAT hungry, I usually ask myself what would be truly satisfying. Am I really hungry or do I just want to continuously snack. Sometimes I think I'm hungry when I just have the munchies. Then I go for the healthier snack. But if I'm truly HUNGRY, I go for a smart but complete small meal. I could go over my goal for the day, but if I make a smart choice (meaning not junk, but a balanced meal), I'm way more satisfied than if I just keep eating random snacks and wind up possibly bingeing, not being satisfied and possibly being over my calories anyway. Drink a glass of water and listen to your body. I've never had success depriving myself if I'm genuinely hungry, but I also rarely KNOW when I'm genuinely hungry without thinking about it first.
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    Plenty of protein and fluids as others have mentioned. I find hot tea with a little almond milk tends to fill me up, feels like a little treat, and has very little calories. Also planning meal ahead of time that is my best weapon against getting too hungry. I usually only get that way when I haven't planned ahead and then use up too many calories at breakfast or lunch and then I'm starving in the evening. Also, if I plan ahead I can usually fit in a treat at night and that makes it easier to forgo less worthy snacking earlier in the day.
  • _pragma_
    _pragma_ Posts: 51 Member
    edited January 2016
    Everyone is different, but here is my unscientific, anecdotal advice:
    1. Make sure your daily calorie target is reasonable. 85% of your daily energy expenditure is a pretty good target if you are trying to lose weight. Too severe of a deficit is not sustainable for most people and arguably not healthy, but I am not qualified to make that kind of assessment.
    2. Eat to prevent hunger as a strategy; that is, don't wait until you get hungry to eat. For me, this amounts to eating bigger meals each day. I eat around 2 meals per day that clock in between 1000 and 1250 calories. Smaller meals make me cranky. I eat until my appetite is sated.
    3. Making sure I get enough fat intake is very important for me. I find that protein makes me hungrier a lot of the time UNLESS it is attached to some kind fat source like a ribeye.
    4. Cheat days. Having a day dedicated to unadulterated gluttony *feels* like it keeps me in check. This might be purely psychological. At any rate, eating all the things 1 day a week is fun. :)
    5. My biggest tip though is coffee and soup. This might be completely crazy and unscientific, but when I started IF, I found that drinking warm beverages helped alleviate hunger pangs in the morning. I got to the point where I could go about 20 hours without eating pretty easily.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • dbahelenparr
    dbahelenparr Posts: 9 Member
    Since you said you're drinking a gallon of water a day, it's probably not thirst, especially if you're felling that hungry! Have you checked your nutrients to make sure your getting enough protein at each meal? A satisfying snack for me is a protein shake (I like to mix 2/3 scoop with 4 oz coconut water), and a carb like a small pear. If I'm hungry enough for the whole stable, then I'll also have a small handful of nuts too. I do tend to think of snacks as small meals and find that if I'm not skimping on protein at any of my meals and eat at fairly regular intervals I usually don't get famished. Good luck!
  • CSylviaMarie
    CSylviaMarie Posts: 80 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    People are probably going to get tired of me posting this but: protein fluff. It gets me through those tough times.

    Well I'm new to MFP so I'm not sick of it :P What is protein fluff though?

    Protein powder, xanthum gum, liquid (you can use skim milk/almond milk but water makes it lower calorie). Sweeten it with stevia or zero calorie sweetener. Mix it with a hand mixer or standing mixer until it becomes so fluffy it barely fits in a mixing bowl. It will fill you up like crazy for 200 calories, sometimes less depending on how you make it.

    That actually sounds really yummy! Thanks so much for the advice. I will definitely try that