Those of you who have lost 40 or 50 pounds in 6 months or so what was your workout routine?



  • shellygw
    shellygw Posts: 33 Member
    I have lost 67 lbs in 5 months with changing my caloric intake, but I have a lot more to lose. I have difficulty making a lot of changes at once, so I told myself that I would give myself 3 months of only working on my diet and then look to add exercise. I started the first month totally on nutri-system to help me adjust to portion control, and then started gradually cooking more of my own meals and using nutri-system for convenience meals (helps me avoid the high carb/calorie foods I used to choose for convenience). I found that as I lost weight, I became more active in my daily life--less sitting and watching tv/computer and more housework, going to family and community activities, walking around Walmart more, etc. Just more involved in actually living instead of hiding. So I am a little past my 3 month timeline primarily due to life happenings and the holidays, but I meet with a fitness instructor tomorrow to start a strength building program.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    lalfaro01 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Personal trainer once a week - 20 mins cardio, weights, bodyweight
    Workout twice a week, used to do one as a one hour cardio but generally 2 sessions of cardio / weights
    Walked ...tried to hit 5 miles a day when not working out

    But the weight came off by food intake
    48lbs in 9 months, 52-55kbs overall, maintaining for 10 months

    Still do 3 x workouts, weights and 1 PT session. Probably only walk around 4 miles on average still watch food but at 2300 cals roughly per day

    Rabbit, what was your calorie intake while you were losing weight?

    @lalfaro01 - 1200 for about 4 -6 weeks when I was doing it wrong, then 1500-1800, then 1800-2000 for about 3 months roughly (gross calories eg including any exercise eats)
  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    I have lost 53 lbs in 5 months.

    What I did was 20 mins of cardio (stationary bike) 4 days a week, first thing in the morning to start, plus a 3km walk at lunch 4 days a week. I would try to do another walk or a hike once a week as well (not very often). After about a month or so I upped my cardio to 30-45 mins 5 days a week and did my moon walks when weather permitted. I also made the effort to park further away and walk more often to pick things up. I did do a month of 5x5 but ended up with pulled intercostal muscle so I have reverted back to just cardio. Currently just 5 days a week 30-45 mins first thing in the morning. Weekends I walk or hike if I feel like it and the weather is nice.

    One part not to forget is how you eat. Stay in at least a 500 cal per day deficit. Eat good healthy food. I eat protein cereal and skim milk for breakfast, have apples and tuna for snacks, lunch is chicken or salmon wraps, and supper is lean protein, a veggie and a carb (potato, rice, or noodle). Just got to remember portion control. I have got myself used to always being just a wee little bit hungry. I find this lets me know that I did not overeat.

    Everyone is a little different find what works for you.

    Wishing you success
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    chalonera wrote: »
    I have recently qualified in Health and nutrition, and understanding the facts and basics for me is extremely helpful... so I hope this helps you too...

    • You’re BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) – what you need to consume on a daily basis to walk, talk, sleep etc…

    that's incorrect

    • You’re PAL (Personal activity Level) – Even if you are sedentary you still move throughout the day - your PAL is what you multiply your BMR by to calculate your daily amount of energy (calories) per day needed based on how active you are.

    your NEAT

    • No 1 person has the same amount of daily calories, the 2000/2500 per day is a good guideline, but is easier than you think to calculate your own energy requirement!

    • Drink at least 1.5L of fluids that aren’t Tea, Coffee, or fizzy drinks per day (preferably water!) It is important your body stay hydrated to carry out its daily functions properly, if it isn’t hydrated enough, your body won’t absorb the right nutrients you need. If you are exercising it should be more than 3L depending on how much)
    see hydration chart and check your pee re hydration, there is no set amount, we get lots of fluids from all drinks and foods. Tea, coffee, fizzy included

    • Don’t skip Breakfast! Even if it’s at 10am rather than 8…eating breakfast kick starts your system into working again after its rest overnight, you need energy to function.
    that's incorrect - doesn't matter when you eat but the first time you eat in the day is going to be the time you break your fast

    • No more than 6g of salt per day, don’t add! Adults eat way more salt than they need to for what is healthy, too much salt can lead to High cholesterol and Heart Disease… don’t add it to your food! Look for other things to flavour. Also look at the salt content of the food you are already eating! It will surprise you. (Bacon…)

    salt leads to high cholesterol - so not sat fats - can you source this?

    • Substitute or replace for healthier alternatives! Swap Milk for semi- or skimmed. Use yoghurt or low fat crème fraiche rather than crèam or milk in cooking. Swap chocolate for yoghurt coated raisins etc…

    low fat is not necessarily healthier - if you haven't reached your minimum fat macro then you absolutely shouldn't - and nobody should ever swap chocolate for not chocolate particularly not disgusting overly sweet yogurt coated raisins - OK I admit it, that was personal :)
    • Variety is the key to a healthy diet, you should aim for the following daily;
    o 33% carbohydrates (try wholegrain or wholemeal as it contains more vitamins and minerals than white and lower in calories as it’s not so processed.)
    o 33% Fruit and veg
     No more than 2 portions of fruit per day (to keep your sugar down).
     Juice will only ever count as 1 portion, no matter how much you drink!)
     Beans and pulses only count as 1 portion also.
     Normal Potatoes do not count as 1 of your 5 a day. Sweet potatoes do!
     80g of each fruit or veg is counted as 1 portion. Measure it!
     Smoothies only count as 2 portions max, no matter how many fruit or veg is in them.
    o 15% Meat and Protein (try at least 2 portions of fish per week)
    o 15% Milk and dairy (semi or skimmed milk only, we don’t need full fat )
    o 4% or less of fatty or sugary food. (natural sugars and non-saturated fat like nuts, seeds, olive oils and vegetable oils)
    • To gain or lose 1lb of fat you have to either (it takes however long you want it to, healthily)
    o Consume 3500 less calories than you burn.
    o Or burn 3500 calories more than you consume.

    wow that's prescriptive - I'd disagree with percentages on proteins and fats and go for grammes per bodyweight personally


    You may need to review the sources behind much of the information your course gave you - because there's a fair bit that is unsubstantiated in that

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    ModernRock wrote: »
    chalonera wrote: »
    I have recently qualified in Health and nutrition, and understanding the facts and basics for me is extremely helpful... so I hope this helps you too...

    -Your BMR does not include walking or talking. It is your energy required for essential functions "at complete rest".

    -Your body will use the water in coffee, tea, fizzy drinks for hydration just fine. There might be other reasons to avoid them, but not getting proper hydration for basic body functions isn't one of them.

    -You don't need to eat breakfast to "kickstart" your metabolism. It doesn't even make sense. If you are moving, then you are getting the energy from somewhere. First law of thermodynamics. If not eating breakfast makes you less active, then I guess you'd have a point.


    you, I like @ModernRock :)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    80lbs - 8 months - 150 miles per week on my bicycle.
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    I lost 50 in about 6 months.. The first 40 came off in 4 months. I ate reasonably and I done lots and lots of cardio. I would definitely suggest using the MFP step counter and try to get at least 5,000 steps a day. Don't try to start out with a very strict, no slip diet because it's a great start to failure. Every time I would binge eat, I would still log it and try to burn as many of the calories as possible. Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day. :)