Coconut oil!?!?



  • canoepug56
    canoepug56 Posts: 161 Member
    canoepug wrote: »
    @GaleHawkins I use 6 teaspoons daily.I have in the past used a lot more but never noticed a decrease in appetite.

    @canoepug after your reply and trying to remember back I was wrong. While I did get on coconut oil in Aug 2014 but it was not until I cut out all grains and most all sugars Oct 2014 and the cravings left in Nov 2014 and have not returned.

    Basically in 2014 dropped my carb calories to <50 grams daily and used fats to replace the carb calories that I cut out.

    In hindsight like you heavy use of coconut oil did NOT stop my carb cravings but cutting out most all carbs did kill my cravings for carbs within about 30 days and in the same time window my joint and muscle pain fell from a 7-8 level to 2-3 and still is low Jan 2016. I do think the coconut oil helped cure my IBS but I was doing so much improvements eating wise I can not be sure what helped what. :)

    I never plan to give up coconut oil use because of the MCT oil it contains.

    My experience mirrors yours :)
  • canoepug56
    canoepug56 Posts: 161 Member
    One thing I have definitely noticed is that I feel a lot warmer when I use it.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    This article talks about why we may feel warmer when consuming coconut oil.

    "In one study, medium-chain fatty acids such as the one found in coconut oil were found to increase metabolism by between 48 and 65 percent in obese patients."

    "Besides its fat-loss and cardiovascular benefits, coconut oil can also provide other health benefits, especially for type 2 diabetics."
  • Diantha21
    Diantha21 Posts: 112 Member
    Brilliant, Brilliant, there is so much use in these comments above I cannot thank you enough, I will try for a little while the use of 1 tsp of coconut oil 30mins before 2 meals and possibly put a tsp in my porridge also and I will let you know how I feel about this in the coming weeks... (I totally get MommaL2015, who says why add more calories to a cup of tea, however I have a big appetite, luckily I love plenty of veggies, but if I take in and don't want to eat so much as a result then the extra 45cals of a superfood that not only burns fat by taking in fat, including supposedly helping to reduce that really unhealthy abdominal fat, how mad is that, but it ultimately helps with other health issues including keeping your organs, liver, heart (lowers blood cholesterol) etc in good working order, including keeping your skin looking boot...have I missed anything out? lol...

    I may look at just using it to cook with it later as and when but just fancy a proper trial to see what actual difference it makes...

    Big thanks for replying
  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    oil in coffee, sounds yuck!
    never used it to stave off hunger, a combo of fat/protein/fiber yummy foods do that just fine for me.
    i did use virgin coconut oil in past to mostly stir fry veggies though but, i don't use it anymore. it's very high in the saturated fatty acids that raise your LDL cholesterol level so i personally cannot use it anymore. tasted great though!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I cook with tastes good and is mandatory for certain things like popcorn..but it doesn't have magical properties. It's still 120 calories per tablespoon just like any other fat.
  • dalynq
    dalynq Posts: 1 Member
    I use it for cooking. The one thing that I don't like it for is baking. I have several recipes that call for it. It will say to melt the oil and add to .. whatever. It has never worked. As soon as it gets to room temperature when mixed with the other ingredients it begins to solidify, totally messing up the recipe. Otherwise, great stuff.
  • canoepug56
    canoepug56 Posts: 161 Member

    This article talks about why we may feel warmer when consuming coconut oil.

    "In one study, medium-chain fatty acids such as the one found in coconut oil were found to increase metabolism by between 48 and 65 percent in obese patients."

    "Besides its fat-loss and cardiovascular benefits, coconut oil can also provide other health benefits, especially for type 2 diabetics."

    Thank you
  • Diantha21
    Diantha21 Posts: 112 Member
    canoepug wrote: »

    This article talks about why we may feel warmer when consuming coconut oil.

    "In one study, medium-chain fatty acids such as the one found in coconut oil were found to increase metabolism by between 48 and 65 percent in obese patients."

    "Besides its fat-loss and cardiovascular benefits, coconut oil can also provide other health benefits, especially for type 2 diabetics."

    Thank you

    Yes I have read the like re metabolism, I felt really hot 1hr after taking some early, which easily could be a plesebo effect, however I am always cold...esp my feet so something else I will monitor, thanks :)
  • NewMummy96
    NewMummy96 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi I use it in my coffee for breakfast I use it with coconut soy milk and it makes it slightly greasy but it really does feel you up! I have it with a banana and I'm not hungry till lunch time X
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    I cook with it, the only thing I would say is don't fry mushrooms in it unless you fancy coconut flavoured mushrooms! I did it once, it was not nice, totally ruined my fried breakfast.
  • Diantha21
    Diantha21 Posts: 112 Member
    Duchy82 wrote: »
    I cook with it, the only thing I would say is don't fry mushrooms in it unless you fancy coconut flavoured mushrooms! I did it once, it was not nice, totally ruined my fried breakfast.

    I will remember that...thanks for the advice :)
  • kandisn7
    kandisn7 Posts: 66 Member
    Almost every night, I make a brownie with it! 1tbsp coconut oil, 1tbsp coconut flour, 1tbsp water, 1tbsp unsweetened cocoa, and I mix a couple drops of liquid stevia with 1 tsp raw honey. So so so good. :)
  • Diantha21
    Diantha21 Posts: 112 Member
    kandisn7 wrote: »
    Almost every night, I make a brownie with it! 1tbsp coconut oil, 1tbsp coconut flour, 1tbsp water, 1tbsp unsweetened cocoa, and I mix a couple drops of liquid stevia with 1 tsp raw honey. So so so good. :)

    So how do you make it? the brownie? and do you eat it at night? like a treat? how many cals is it? Thanks
  • kandisn7
    kandisn7 Posts: 66 Member
    Diantha21 wrote: »
    kandisn7 wrote: »
    Almost every night, I make a brownie with it! 1tbsp coconut oil, 1tbsp coconut flour, 1tbsp water, 1tbsp unsweetened cocoa, and I mix a couple drops of liquid stevia with 1 tsp raw honey. So so so good. :)

    So how do you make it? the brownie? and do you eat it at night? like a treat? how many cals is it? Thanks

    Is around 200 calories, and it is my end of the day treat that I work towards.

    Melt coconut oil in microwave first for about 30 seconds, then add all other ingredients and mix well. Microwave about 30 seconds.

    The coconut flour is an important ingredient. It is healthy and very, very tasty. :smiley: