Flu like symptoms after exercise

slay0r Posts: 669 Member
Has anyone else ever had the title? I seem to get flu like symptoms sometimes after I exercise, Sore throat, aching all over and a runny nose. It's a bit wierd but googling it there seems to be a lot of people saying the same thing. Does anyone know any potential solutions because it feels like I'm taking 1 step forward and 1 step back..


  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Hydrate yourself really well, or maybe you have allergies and the extra hard breathing is effecting you. You may need to start with something that has less heavy breathing and build your way up.
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    Also if you don't shower right away after sweating and working out, your sweat can feel like it's freezing because you are most likely going into an environment where you weren't as hot as before (as you were working out before) and you can get really cold and get a runny nose and get the same effects as if you went outside in the snow for a while without being bundled up and catch a cold.
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    Are you working out in the heat? If so, and you are sweating a lot, your electrolytes may be imbalanced. Maybe try refueling with something salty as well as drinking a lot of water.

    If you aren't eating enough, your body shifts resources away from joint maintenance needed to support exercise. That could explain the achy feeling also.

    I'm not sure about the runny nose - are you exercising outside? Do you have allergies? Sinus problems?

    It's hard to tell without more information, but those are some ideas.
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    exercise induced asthma maybe??
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    i think it has to do with histamines-- you are having an immune response while your exercising.
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    I get a runny nose in the mornings due to hayfever. I have also been suffering with wheezing occasionally so I have been to the doctors and am awaiting some testing to be done. However my sister in law suggested i try a hayfever nasal spray to help with the allergies. I don't feel as bad or tired anymore so I hope that continues! So maybe you could try a nasal spray as well as a tablet?
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    are you at a gym? could you be allergic to something there? maybe the cleaners they use.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    It's outside I get it mostly so maybe it is pollens or something. It was raining when I ran yesterday so that might not have helped. It's like the 5th time in a couple of months so it's quite annoying. Which allergy tablets do you guys recommend? I do hydrate quite well and I do work out often until the last week or so.
  • mardavlais
    mardavlais Posts: 43 Member
    Yes. I'm struggling with that myself. I did some research a week or two ago on the subject. I found that some people get motion sickness from some ab exercises or you're doing too much. Neither were the case for me, so I asked my trainer. She said I'm running out of fuel... too add protein to my diet - before working out. She also suggested for me to drink G2 between cardio and weight training to replenish my sugars. I'm assuming the nose run is because it's all related to being out of fuel (for me). I seem to be doing better on higher protein, but I run out of that eventually, too (I did today).
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    I've taken some Benadrill or whatever it's called. Don't seem to be seeing any results whatsoever, can anyone recommend a decent one that is non drowsy? I took one a while ago and wanted to fall asleep all day, can't be having that.

    I'm leaning towards this not being a hayfever issue as I've never suffered from anything remotely similar, although I'm keeping my options open.

    Reading some websites it seems it's possible that I'm actually poisening myself from burning too much fat. Apparently there's toxins within fat and when you burn them they go into your bloodstream and make your liver work overload, hence the flu like symptoms. Don't know how true this is but it sounds feasible considering I've burned 8 and a half stone of fat (119lb) in a year exactly. Still not sure on this one at all.

    Mardavalais I'd understand onfuel and protein side but I've eaten more than I've eaten on a normal week for the last 2 weeks and exercised less so I don't really know why this is happening? (6 times in about 2 months now seems a little excessive)
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    buuump! :(
  • Hopeinanguish
    Hopeinanguish Posts: 101 Member
    Allegra works well for me and they have it over the counter now. :)
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    It sounds like seasonal allergies. I never had them before, but the past couple years i have had problems, especially when i run outside. Its usually for about a month in late spring... (right now, haha. i am runny nosed wheezing monster) It passes once the weather really warms up. I dont take anything when i am working out, only after if it is really bothering me - claritin. I try and stick to the suck it up, it will pass in a few weeks attitude, but if it keeps going, you might want to get prescription allergy meds!
  • 1647124
    1647124 Posts: 1
    I would hope that you talked this over with your Doctor. ANYTIME you feel ill, on a REGULAR basis after working out you MUST consult with a Doctor. This could be a cardiac problem. Let them give you the answer. When you tell them "flu like symptoms after working out or feeling ill after working out" it will raise lots of red flags.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    It doesn't seem to be allergies. I've taken piriton and another random brand and neither of them seem to do anything for me. I've not seen my doctor yet. I might pop in if it happens again. Need to be in work at the moment so can't really go .
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    I had this once- after I ran my first marathon. I have no idea what it was, and it freaked me out. It hasn't happened since.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    It might just be to do with pushing yourself to a limit and leaving yourself open to viruses because you've run yourself down, which would be supported by your experiences with the marathon.

    I'll see if it happens again and I'll work on it from there!
  • blowtotheskull
    You could well be overtraining, which clasically leaves you vulnerable to colds etc, as well as fatigue. I'm a runner and it's a common hazard, especially when upping mileage during marathon or ultra training.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Yeah I might be pushing it a bit hard, especially if I've not exercised for a week it's probably completely running me down pushing to get to the same level I was at previously. Considering I've lost 8 and a half stone in the period of time that I have, that probably doesn't help with trying to speed it up too quickly as well
  • ssweet613
    I also have this. I have been weight training and exercising quite often (3-5 times a week) and I've noticed that the next day, I'm not only a little sore in the muscles I worked, but I have that "achey body" feeling that is common with the flu. Sometimes my stomach feels a little queezy too. I have been researching this online, and I see that many others also have post-work out symptoms like this. It goes away with sleep, so I'm not too worried about it, but I'm glad to realize that the flu feeling is really connected to my working out. I thought something was wrong with my immune system.

    I like the answer about the body trying to rid itself of toxins and perhaps its not doing it fast enough and the toxins are remaining in the blood stream...something like that. I am going to ask my trainer about it today!