100 lbs to go

Is there anyone else out there that has over 100 lbs to lose and dont know how to get started? Feeling lost.


  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    edited January 2016
    You start by logging everything you eat, and trying to stay under your calorie goal. One foot in front of the other, so to speak.
  • Jenn112358
    Jenn112358 Posts: 16 Member
    I've broken it down into 'I'm going to lose 10lbs.' and once I do that, I'm going to give myself another 10lb goal. Otherwise it is too daunting for me. and ditto above. I've been logging everything.
  • NofatdaddyMike
    NofatdaddyMike Posts: 574 Member
    I have over a hundred pounds to lose. I have started and stopped too many times to count. I think I finally am getting a handle on this. First thing is to get moving. Walk as much as you can. Get up, get up, get up! Lift milk jugs full of milk, do curls with cans. This will help with your metabolism. Every little increase helps. Then, start focusing on your food. This is where this site can help. This is my two pennies worth. You have this. Being here is a giant step forward. Good luck in your journey. Stay focused and positive!
  • RosalindaP
    RosalindaP Posts: 31 Member
    Jenn112358 wrote: »
    I've broken it down into 'I'm going to lose 10lbs.' and once I do that, I'm going to give myself another 10lb goal. Otherwise it is too daunting for me. and ditto above. I've been logging everything.

    I am doing the same thing...one 10lb mini goal at a time
  • msharrington315
    msharrington315 Posts: 199 Member
    edited January 2016
    I successfully lost 200+ pounds in 11 months logging my food in MFP and moderate exercise (mostly walking and light aerobics). Like coreyreichle said, "one foot in front of the other...". You have to start somewhere. Keep at it each day, don't get discouraged when you have setbacks, just get back on and keep moving forward. Feel free to add me as a contact if you want to chat more. The most challenging part is not what you eat or how much exercise you get, it is in the mind. Change your mindset from a "diet" or just merely doing exercise to seeing this as a lifestyle change. Otherwise, with that much to lose, you will feel discouraged and overwhelmed. It can be done... check out the pics on my profile.

    Small changes lead to BIG RESULTS.

  • this is great advise. I have started and stopped so many times just feel like I need help getting motivated. Lost 50 lbs two years ago but have slowly gained it all back. so disappointed in myself.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I have lost over 70 pounds and still have about 120 to go. Here is my best advice. Be consistent. No matter what you eat, log it. Always. And don't beat yourself up. I have stumbled more times than I can count, but you just have to keep going. Every day. There is no magic formula. Find what works for you. I have learned so much from the MFP community. If you want to be friends, feel free to send me a request. My diary is open. Good luck!
  • xickel
    xickel Posts: 48 Member
    I currently have 50 - 60 pounds to lose and that overwhelms me. So I can relate to feeling lost. I have lost (and gained) 100 pounds several times in my life and the best long-term success I had at it was taking it slow and steady. I ate in moderation and cut out sweets. I also exercised even though in the beginning I could only do very little. As un-dramatic as it sounds, the best way to start is 1 pound at a time. You're off to a great start joining MFP. I've been here about a week and have found lots of support! Join in some conversations and start making friends who will support you on your journey. Good luck to you!
  • BluenoserGal
    BluenoserGal Posts: 55 Member
    Definitely on that track. Send me a friend request, and hopefully we can help each other.
  • msdianan65
    msdianan65 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello, I have lost the same 10 pounds more times than I can count. I have tried everything but then I get discouraged when I see others succeeding and I don't feel like I am losing enough. Then I give up. This time I have a different outlook. I am only going to worry about today. One day at a time and every day is a new day. I don't know if this will work, but something feels different. Best of luck on your journey. Feel free to friend request me, I could use a few friends here.
  • CrystalArmstrong1
    CrystalArmstrong1 Posts: 59 Member
    edited January 2016
    I started out with I think 140 something to lose, now I need to lose 89 to hit my main goal for healthiness. I just got the 100% urge to be healthy one day (sounds weird but it is true) and stuck with it. I've fallen off the wagon a few times ofc but manage to get back on. When I'm having a hard time doing it though, it helps me to not overwhelm myself at first. So first I will focus on just trying to eat healthier and stay around or under my daily calorie goal. Then after I get into the groove of that I hop back into working out. Also, I find that looking up people who have lost or are losing weight on instagram helps. Tons of people doing it and showing their success and progress. :) Also drinking water helps!

    Also the quote "A year from now you will wish you had started today." helps me.