Calorie Burn Envy?

Does any one else get a little green with envy when they see others logging much higher calories burns than they get?
I know logically the reason I don't burn crazy calories is because I am already pretty small and am super fit so it's a good thing - but I still get that little 'waaah, not fair!!' moment when I see someone else log a Turbofire workout and get twice as many calories burned as I do for the same class.

I had someone comment on one of my logged work outs a few days ago with a comment along the lines of 'Hey here's a tip, if you give it more you'll get more out of it - try punching harder, jumping higher etc and you'll see that calorie burn shoot up' - they didn't mean any thing by it, they thought they were being helpful but I wanted to wipe my Turbofire sweat all over them and see if they still thought I needed to give it more :P

* Disclaimer
This thread is somewhat tongue in cheek, it's not like I spend hours each day curled up in a ball worry about it.


  • 5weeks
    5weeks Posts: 38
    I don't get envious, I get very very doubtful, I have a hard time not questioning how they came up with such crazy numbers!

    It was a real eye opener for me to go from a Timex HRM with strap, not accurate ($50) to my BodyMedia, 90% accurate ($179) and see that I was really only burning half the calories I had been claiming!:blushing:

    Oh and punch harder and jump higher doesn't really rack many more calories, take it from the girl with fractured shins who still did TF without jumping, we are talking maybe a 30 calorie burn difference!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member

    My burn is due to hating traffic jams. I cycle commute 42 miles a day (2000 cals/day) and normally a weekend club ride of 65 - 85 miles (3250 - 4000+ cals).
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I have to work my bum off (literally) to get a good burn! When I do, it feels great - but I know I'll be sad to see my burn numbers decrease week by week and will probably (wrongly) interpret it as me not working as hard!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    It's kinda frustrating to me too, but I console myself with the fact that I'd really rather weigh less and burn off fewer, than weight more and burn off all those calories!:wink:
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Ugh I feel the same way. Most of the time when I finish my Turbo Fire workout, every inch of my body is dripping in sweat and I give everything I've got for every single fire drill (to the point that when it's over, I'm bent over my coffee table huffing and puffing so much I can't take a break to drink water lol). But I still have friends who are burning 300 more calories than me during the same workout!! Ugh I just don't think it's possible for me!
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    i was working out w/my trainer and after a hard 30 min workout i only burned 150 calories. i was bummed cause i thought i burnt more than that. my trainer said yah i would have burned more if i never worked out before or way over weight. he basically said that the more wgt you lose and the fitter you become your body will burn less calories. he said if i wanted to lose more calories, i would have to change my training routines and bump everything up a notch.

    Sorry, but im in the same boat!
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    I wouldn't say I get envious, but it does make me feel something. It's more like "god dammit, well... i better go for a walk now..."
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    It doesn't bother me at all. All I know is that we're all working our as$es off one way or another. Regardless of what my HRM says, whatever I'm doing is working. If someone burns more than me, good for em. It's not like we're in competition with each other. LOL!!! As Rocky said to two of his large homies in Rocky 5 when they asked him if he needed help fighting Tommy Gunn, "Naw guys. This ain't no pie eating contest."
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    I hear you! lol: but remember the fitter you are the less you burn! if you want to burn more, you'll have to basically take it up a higher level. I don't envy that so much as people's awersome weight loss, week in week out! stalling for 4 weeks!!!
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    My burn is usually due to taking multiple ballet and pointe classes a day, plus going to the gym. I use a Polar HRM so I know it's reasonably accurate, but I still lop off 100 cals from my total before I enter it into MFP's log.

    But don't get calorie envy because if what you're doing is working for you, then you don't need to be envious. Some can burn loads of calories and stay within food goals and still only lose about half a pound a week, if they're lucky. Yeah...I'm talkin' about myself!!
  • KarenLouise1981
    I almost passedd out during spin class tonight - that was right before I wanted to spew and all for a poxy 500 cals in 50 mins!! I feel your pain, this was so much easier when I was 10kg heavier and unfit! But look how far we have come - there is no way I would want to do it over again lol!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    i know the feeling!
    I get quite high calorie burn recently, but that is only because everyday i do an hour of P90x, half an hour of the p90x ab or the p90 ab workouts. And then i also do one of the workouts from the 30 day shred...
    So im expecting to be atleast at 450 calories burned by the end of the day ATLEAST...
    But then i still see people who have just done there 1 P90x workout, etc and who have burned over 500 calories... Where i have to do 3 workouts to get that..
    Im like ow... I gave it my all too =[
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    Does any one else get a little green with envy when they see others logging much higher calories burns than they get?
    I know logically the reason I don't burn crazy calories is because I am already pretty small and am super fit so it's a good thing - but I still get that little 'waaah, not fair!!' moment when I see someone else log a Turbofire workout and get twice as many calories burned as I do for the same class.

    I had someone comment on one of my logged work outs a few days ago with a comment along the lines of 'Hey here's a tip, if you give it more you'll get more out of it - try punching harder, jumping higher etc and you'll see that calorie burn shoot up' - they didn't mean any thing by it, they thought they were being helpful but I wanted to wipe my Turbofire sweat all over them and see if they still thought I needed to give it more :P

    * Disclaimer
    This thread is somewhat tongue in cheek, it's not like I spend hours each day curled up in a ball worry about it.

    Turbo sweat all over someone. Now that is a punishment!!!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    i do for a few seconds think oh boo you thats not fair lol but then i think thats great for them and I only go by what MFP says I am burning any how as I dont have an HRM Ill just take whatever I can :)
  • buryherdead
    I agree! lol
    I wouldn't say I get envious, but it does make me feel something. It's more like "god dammit, well... i better go for a walk now..."