I'm 50+ getting fit and looking good

Hi everyone, I'm proud to be here logging my results and achievements, and using all the products to keep me motivated.
Its a New year and I have my Garmin vivo fit sync'd with my fitness pal and also doing the slimming world diet. So far my results are great my motivation is high.
It is true that getting older makes it harder to lose the weight because I just don't have the energy or inclination like I used to


  • SamFitton
    SamFitton Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I will agree with you that is gets harder the older you grow up. How much are you wanting to lose?
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Awesome! If only we could get more in our "group" to join!
    Right there with you!
    Great job!
  • shelties1
    shelties1 Posts: 8 Member
    It is indeed hard. I was doing great last year, but ended up having to have surgery in the summer, and now having issues getting back on track. I'll be 55 this year.
  • ZBuffBod
    ZBuffBod Posts: 297 Member
    It may be harder but not impossible. I'm 54. Seriously started this weight loss journey on April 2014 and met my weight loss goal of 42 lbs in June 2015. I took my time. All I did was exercise and count calories. I did not eat anything/use a diet I knew was not sustainable. I ate what I loved in manageable portions. AND I used a food scale. Sure I relaxed and went up a few pounds around the holidays, but I knew what I needed to get rid of them. Right now I am working on getting rid of the 5 lbs I added this past holiday season. One down...four to go!

    Here's why a food scale may be a key component of your weight loss journey:
  • ZBuffBod
    ZBuffBod Posts: 297 Member
    Not sure why my post doesn't show my profile pic....
  • dirtycxer
    dirtycxer Posts: 22 Member
    A line from a John Denver song that always pops in my head when I think about fitness and health and how it is harder now; "The changes somehow frightens me, still I have to smile. It turns me on to think of growing old."
  • tronrulez
    tronrulez Posts: 58 Member
    YOUR 50!!!?? no way!! Lol. You look good.
  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    edited January 2016
    The energy and inclination tends to improve as you see positive results plus start feeling/becoming healthier, so keep it up!

    I'm 55 and usually do well with the weight loss part but when I lose it I just look like a smaller version of what I did before. In other words, still out of shape.

    I've been serious about hitting the gym before but slacked off over the past few years and I changed that earlier this week. I joined a gym and started a blog to document my results.

    And you do look good.
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    "old"? nah -- not yet, that comes later. It's the same rule-set that everyone else has to deal with, just with more sound effects (like the creaking knee in my morning squats) :blush:

    @nancybuss There are a few groups of 50_ folks that are really friendly here on MFP; nice to hear about other folks' triumphs at "our" age and all that -- (this is one of the groups --> http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/104713-fifty-plus-or-so-support-group

    Good ta see ya here @chrissiev12 , lemme know if I can be of any help!

  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    Welcome to the MFP family! A sun shine positive attitude which i like to call "posi-shine" is key in weight loss and life in general. Cheers!
  • KAM622
    KAM622 Posts: 1 Member
    This is my first post ever on MFP but after seeing encouraging comments from those 50+ I thought why not.

    I have used MFP off and on for 5 years but have recently logged 201 days in a row. I started getting serious about being healthy after the birth of my first grandchild just before I turned 54. February 2014, I started using a fitness tracker (Jawbone Up) synced with MFP which has made an amazing difference. I have lost 58 lbs., dropped 6 sizes and toned up. Seeing the activity levels and knowing what I needed to reach a daily goal has been extremely motivating.

    The cold weather and the holidays have interfered with my progress but this week I am back to a higher activity level. It's work and not always easy but I feel so much better. We can do this!
  • Double__Tapp
    Double__Tapp Posts: 83 Member
    I will be 55 in 9 days... I feel great and love seeing us older folks getting it done!