ugh! you're supposed to be my friend!

hello_kitty3 Posts: 98 Member
Does anyone else have "friends" in their life that are complete jerks about you being on a diet? I have a friend that anytime I post anything about food or when I complete my food diary for the day and it posts on facebook he has something nasty to say. Like he'll see my diary post and say wow you had a lot of fat and sodium today you should try a no fat diet... and in reality I'm under what MFP says I can have for the day. If I say I'm trying to decide what to have for breakfast cause I'm sick of oatmeal he'll say have water cause you don't have to eat everytime you're hungry. It makes me want to slap him and I'm not very nice back to him but he keeps it up. I've only been on here for 2 week and I've lost 2lbs so I think I'm doing pretty good. I was just wondering if anyone else runs into this kind of behavior from people they once considered friends.


  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    you are doing good. pay ppl like that no mind!
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    That person would be blocked from seeing my posts on FB. You dont need that negativity.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I would drop him as a friend. Either he's a jerk, or he has no idea what he's advising on.
  • TinaRodina
    TinaRodina Posts: 110 Member
    I agree, block him! You don't need his negativity! Keep up the great work!
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    I don't have that experience, but I also kind don't tell everyone everything. I don't have this on my FB. I don't tell everyone how I'm doing or where I'm struggling. I guess it's not everyone else's business. I share some of this with my sisters and best friends and that's it - people who I know support me. If you put too much information out for everyone, you will always find someone who will pick at it. You can ignore this guy, tell him to ignore those posts unless he has something positive to say, or don't put your diet info out for everyone to see and comment on.

    I do wonder why people so often choose to slam others instead of supporting them though.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    That person would be blocked from seeing my posts on FB. You dont need that negativity.

    What she said! Surround yourself with positive people, not Negative Nancy (or in this case Negative Ned). You're doing a wonderful job. Keep it up!
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    I would say just tell him to butt out of your life. Tell him what we all have learned in our life: "If you can't say something nice, just don't say anything at all" Just let him know you are doing this for YOU not HIM. Good luck on straightening him out, or just removing him from you facebook and life.
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    Unless you have supportive friends on FB that are keeping track of your progress, there is no need to post updates to that site. None of my friends know I'm on a "diet"'s none of their business. They notice that I've lost weight and I order more salads when we go out, but thats it. Friends get jealous. Being on a "diet" makes them feel guilty about not being on one or not eating healthy. My support system is here.
  • plagirl227
    plagirl227 Posts: 134
    That person would be blocked from seeing my posts on FB. You dont need that negativity.

    I'd go even further and say remove him as a friend all together. A "friend" wouldn't do that...
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    my suggestion, don't link this stuff up to your facebook.
  • sarapulsifer
    Yes! Most of those coments come from family though but I dont post my dairy on FB. Maybe you shouldnt post urs either, thats not thye kind of support you want. MFP is the kind of support you want, and if your "friends" arent going to be supportive then dont let them be a part of you weight loss. Congrats on the 2 lbs lost!!!
  • Marjorielk
    Marjorielk Posts: 202 Member
    I did not link MFP to FB, because everyone I know is on FB. I want to be well on my way before I start having to hear the comments !
  • krlaws2
    krlaws2 Posts: 47
    Friends are supposed to be supportive. He's not being supportive - so he is by definition not a friend. Delete him.

    I agree too though that I don't share this on FB b/c I'm leery of responses I might receive from that group of friends, people are so sensitive about weight and dieting.
  • Emismom77
    Emismom77 Posts: 56
    I wouldn't block him just yet. Have you told this friend how you feel? Maybe he's one of those people that you have to break everything down slowly too... Once you tell your friend how his remarks are making you feel, and then he still continues... then I would block him. Sometimes people think they are helping, but the way they say things stings... especially when you're trying to lose weight. I hope things get better and keep doing well!!
  • crazymama2two
    delete his pathetic *kitten*. youre doing fantastic!
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    Don't worry about him you're doing whats right for you and its working. Some people are just jealous of people who take control of their life and make healthy choices. Keep up the good work.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I would have a TALK with him. He sounds like he's just trying to help. Especially if he used to be fat, or if he was a bodybuilder at some time, he might think he knows what he's talking about if it worked for him.

    It's easy for all these people to say drop him, because it's no loss out of their lives. You need to be mature about it and just respectfully ask him to stop.

    P.S. If he doesn't have anything better to do than read posts from you all the time, he might have a thing for you... and is just trying to think of something to say.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Tell me again now...Why are you calling this person a "friend"? You need to save that title for people who actually support you and will be there for you no matter what. Time to use your add a friend button on MFP.

  • notapromqueen
    notapromqueen Posts: 63 Member
    I have a coworker/"friend" who does the same, sort of. She had a battle with anorexia and when I am feeling down on myself (like last week, when I lost 0.8 lbs and thought it should have been more) she says "well, stop complaining! I told you how to lose 40 lbs fast... You've gotta do it like I did!". This is also the same coworker who tells me Reese's Peanut Buttercups is an "acceptable lunch" because chocolate is dairy. (No, I'm not joking....)
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I have a coworker/"friend" who does the same, sort of. She had a battle with anorexia and when I am feeling down on myself (like last week, when I lost 0.8 lbs and thought it should have been more) she says "well, stop complaining! I told you how to lose 40 lbs fast... You've gotta do it like I did!". This is also the same coworker who tells me Reese's Peanut Buttercups is an "acceptable lunch" because chocolate is dairy. (No, I'm not joking....)

    Next time she says anything about your weight loss, tell her "Oh, I decided to go the healthy way. That way my organs are still working by the time I am 45. But feel free to lose weight your way, I just want to get to know my grandkids."