The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    edited January 2016



    Upcoming races:
    May 14, 2016 Glacier Ridge Trail Ultra 50K (Portersville, PA)
    June 4, 2106 38 Mile NIght Fun Run (Kettle Moraine State Forest, WI)
    October 1, 2016 Cloudsplitter 100K (Pine Mountain, KY)

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Ok... I want to know right now which one of you got me sick... sore throat, chest congestion, itching burning eyes... You know you who you are... Do you have any idea what kind of pain in the *kitten* it's going to be tomorrow morning doing my long run? Thank you very much... No... it's ok, I love all of you...

    Sorry, that was probably me. If it makes you feel any better, I went to a retirement party for my husband's boss last night and somebody poured waaay too much wine down my throat. Tonight's run isn't going to be very pretty either.

    What is with people? How could they do such a thing to you!!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Ok... I want to know right now which one of you got me sick... sore throat, chest congestion, itching burning eyes... You know you who you are... Do you have any idea what kind of pain in the *kitten* it's going to be tomorrow morning doing my long run? Thank you very much... No... it's ok, I love all of you...

    Sorry, that was probably me. If it makes you feel any better, I went to a retirement party for my husband's boss last night and somebody poured waaay too much wine down my throat. Tonight's run isn't going to be very pretty either.

    What is with people? How could they do such a thing to you!!

    I know, right? The surprising thing is, this happens to me more often than you would think. I don't get it.
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Jan 01      6.5      6.5
    Jan 02      5.1     11.6
    Jan 03      5.6     17.2
    Jan 05      3.3T    20.5
    Jan 07      3.4T    23.9
    Jan 09      8.2     32.1
    Jan 10      6.2T    38.3
    Jan 13      4.2T    42.5
    Jan 15      8.2     50.7

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @michable, I have the same issue. Anything that pops up are on my right side. My left side has been quiet since I started running. Perhaps running backwards would even it out?

    I'm getting paranoid about my calf issue, as minor as it is, not going away before I want to get serious about marathon training so I skipped my run last night and went for a 3 mile walk instead. I forgot how much I enjoy walking. Not as much as running, mind you, but enough to make me wonder why I don't walk much any more...oh yeah...that's because I'm always running. Oh well. I've read that walking counts as cross training so perhaps I'll use that on non-run days.

    Debating the runs for this weekend. It'd be easy to skip them all, given my calf issue and the fact that I'm driving 14 hours moving my daughter back to college. I have a hunch I'll just do a short run tonight and another one tomorrow. Run until I just feel it in my calf.

  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    @7lenny7 .. Just found this article on walking as cross training :smile:

    I walked today to stretch my calves and wondered why I haven't walked sooner to help relieve my shins... Contemplating a run.. Not sure yet.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Thanks, @runner_girl83 !
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Ok... I want to know right now which one of you got me sick... sore throat, chest congestion, itching burning eyes... You know you who you are... Do you have any idea what kind of pain in the *kitten* it's going to be tomorrow morning doing my long run? Thank you very much... No... it's ok, I love all of you...

    Sorry, that was probably me. If it makes you feel any better, I went to a retirement party for my husband's boss last night and somebody poured waaay too much wine down my throat. Tonight's run isn't going to be very pretty either.

    What is with people? How could they do such a thing to you!!

    I know, right? The surprising thing is, this happens to me more often than you would think. I don't get it.

    Ha ha I used to have that problem too, now I guess I have "better" friends. HHMM I think I'll go look up some of the old ones.
  • KWKirkbride
    KWKirkbride Posts: 119 Member
    I set an attainable goal of 30 for this month because I wasn't sure what to expect. At the start of the month I couldn't do 3 miles without walking a little bit. Now that I'm past that stage and feeling a little more confident I'll go ahead and bump to 70 for this month.

    1-2: 3 miles
    1-4: 3 miles
    1-6: 3 miles
    1-7: 3 miles - 25 minutes of stairs
    1-8: 4 miles
    1-10: 3 miles - 30 minutes of stairs
    1-12: 3.5 miles
    1-13: 3.5 miles
    1-14: 3.7

    Goal: 30.7 of 70
  • KWKirkbride
    KWKirkbride Posts: 119 Member
    Anyone have a 5K to 10K training program they'd recommend I follow? I'm at the point where I can finish 3 to 4 miles and feel like I can do more, but I'm not sure if I should push it too much. My legs are feeling good. Other than normal muscle aches I have no complaints.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Happy New Year everyone. I wanted to hit 25 miles last month for my first month back after injury and I ended up at 30+. I think I will try for a stretch goal of 40 miles as I am trying add miles so I have a longer run once a week and 3 miles each of the rest of the runs.

    1/1 4.0 miles. First run of the new year. Tripped over Neeko 3 times but otherwise good and already 2 minutes faster then last time.
    1/3 2.0 miles. Legs were tired today so did an easy mile to warm up then did intervals (fartleks?speed play?) for the second mile.
    1/5 1.0 miles. Did an easy mile on the treadmill before my session with my personal trainer just to warm up and wake up my legs.
    1/6 4.0 miles. Did a slow steady pace on the treadmill and made it thru all 4 miles with only 2 walk breaks. A .25 mile warm up is included in that milage total though.
    1/8 3.0 miles. Technically 3.1 but I am only counting full miles, and maybe half if I get desperate. That was a nice run but I overdressed and overheated. It was 40 and rainy and I had on a heavy shirt, a sweatshirt, a hat and gloves.
    1/11 2.0 miles. Had rain/freezing rain / snow yesterday and last night so ended up on the treadmill. Could only manage 2 miles before I had to get ready for work because I procrastinated so much. I will make it up this week as I am planning on trying for 5 miles Wednesday but realistically will be happy with 4.5. I think I am still on track for the month.
    1/12 3.0 miles. Was planning on today being a rest day and making Wednesday a long run, but life interfered and I have to go somewhere early tomorrow morning and I won't be home from work until midnight (if I am lucky) tonight. I am now planning on a 4-5 mile run Friday. Today was good and dressed perfectly for the weather (snowy and windy and 20 degrees) but the roads were really icy so I kept it short to be safe before I became road kill from the crazy drivers around here.
    1/15 5.0 miles. PR for distance woo-hoo! It was slow due to ice but I made it. Tried out my new trail shoes and I love them but they are not as cushioned as my regular shoes.

    24.0 down 16 to go
  • cheriesanta
    cheriesanta Posts: 9 Member


    I don't really know how to find my last post. I'm trying to do this and it is great to hear everyone's posts. I see so much of myself as a 20 something, 30 something, young mom etc. I am slow, but steady. I also spin. The kind of 30 something competitive me would be intimidated by a lot of you speedier people, but now I know we are all a community. Love reading, hearing of victories, setbacks, reactions to setbacks etc. Thanks for all your stories.
    Welcome! This place is great and there are runners of all ages, abilities and experience here. So have no fears.:smile:

    The best advice I can give for finding your last post is trying to remember what day it was and an approximate time frame. Then I just go back a page at a time until I think I'm in the right area and start scanning. I hope someone else knows an easier way!

    Yeah, I had been doing that too, was hoping for some "techie" solution. Thanks for your kind words!

  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    Ok so me and my granddog Raptor got out yesterday for our first 'just us' walk/run. We did better than I expected. Without knowing him very well, there were a few cues that I didn't pick up on soon enough. He does NOT like going under overpasses because the noise is so amplified and it's over his head...he still flinches and cowers when someone reaches over his head too quickly. His stress level skyrockets and I didn't connect the two until much later than I should have. We were supposed to just walk/slow jog, but we wound up going a lot faster than I intended... he "hurried" (read, I RAN) each time we didn't have open sky above us. That was my fault for not paying close enough attention to his cues. So today, we're taking a route that leaves the sky above us, going much slower, and hopefully not exhausting or frustrating either one of us. He is a super sweet guy and we'll get it sorted out by the time I leave.

    1/14 - 3.24 First outing of 2016 :)
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    1/1 5 @ 10:36 on the treadmill
    1/2 4.75 @ 10:42 on the park trail (20.75/20 miles for the week)

    1/3 5.25 @ 11:14 (5.0 @ 10:51, .25 walking) on the trails near my house. It was a beautiful, blustery day!
    1/4 10 @ 12:00 on the treadmill. While running from Indominus Rex.
    1/5 3 @ 11:14 on the treadmill and strength training
    1/6 Rest Day and feeling fairly sore from yesterday's PT (and maybe Monday's run?)
    1/7 4.75 @ 11:53 on the park trail.
    1/8 3.5 @ 10:07 (3 at 9:48 and .5 at 12:00) plus strength training
    1/9 3.5 @ 12:22 (3 at 11:26, plus .5 at a walk) loping around the neighborhood with St. Woolos the Barbarian, aka The Poopinest Dog in the East, aka Woogie the Worst Running Partner Ever. It's a good thing he's cute!
    (30/30 for the week)

    1/10 Rest Day/Family Day
    1/11 10.75 at 11:46 around the park trails. My heart was light, but my legs felt every centimeter of the last two miles. "Gently rolling terrain" feels a lot like "stinking big hills" after 100 minutes or so...
    1/12 3.25 @ 11:27 on the treadmill. Plus strength training.
    1/13 Rest Day due to dental work...revising the weekly goal down a little, since I won't have quite as much time on my "regular" rest day to make up for this one.
    1/14 5.0 @ 12:47 around the lake trail with my dog, who may be toking behind my back--pokey puppy was slow, paranoid (that stroller--it tried to eat me! those loud lady joggers!--they tried to eat me! that nice old man with a cane!--he tried to beat me from 12 feet away!), and generally disinterested in actually *running*.
    1/15 6.0 @ 11:00 (and .25 at a walk) on the treadmill...I didn't feel up to strength training since my head was hurting this morning (running seems to make headaches better, but not lifting; it's weird)
    (25/25 for the week)

    Oh, funny story. So the other day I said this: "Run slower. The only time my asthma gets triggered is when I'm (foolishly) running too fast at low temps." Today, I was just trotting along on the treadmill doin' my normal intervals while watching David Bowie at Fraggle Rock with an extraordinarily young Jennifer Connelly and the lady on the 'mill next to me stops as I am getting ready to leave. She tells me that she works in pulmonary rehab and that she could tell I was suffering from asthma while exercising. "What, this cough? Yeah, it's asthma. Sorry if I bothered you, I didn't bring my inhaler (cause I don't even know where I put it!)" But she gave me a referral to a doctor and said I really should have them take a listen. So now I'm wondering what part the asthma plays in my difficulties getting to the speeds I'd like. I've never really "managed" it before, just tried not to trigger it too much.

    @kimlight2 That seems to be the way of trail shoes, that they aren't so squishy. I've come to love mine, but I did wind up putting "Superfeet" in them to at least give a little more arch-support.

    @Virkati Sounds like you actually had a really good run with dear Raptor. Poor creature to be so terrified. :( I hope your run today is fabulous. I highly suggest a mouth collar (don't know if you're familiar with those, but they turn the dog's head toward you if he tries to pull) if he's pulling hard enough that he might break loose or hurt you. He can still pant and eat with it on, but just helps you maintain a little more control.

    Upcoming Races:
    January 18: MLK 8K at Burke Lake Park, VA
    February 14: Run Your Heart Out 5K, Fairfax, VA
    February 21: Disney Princess HM, Orlando, FL
    March 6: Reston 10-miler, Reston, VA
    March 12: Lucky Leprechaun 5K, Reston, VA

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @Ch1psNQueso - I have had good luck with any of Hal Higdon's plans. Here is a link to the novice 10k
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited January 2016
    @Ch1psNQueso - When I was first trying to find a training program I found the Hal Higdon programs pretty approachable. I did have to adapt it to me a little bit but otherwise pretty much followed the proram. Granted that was half marathon training but there are also 10k training programs, even different levels from beginners to advanced.

    I find all of you dog runners amazing. I am always so focused on my running and all that I just can't imagine also being tuned into your dog like that. I have 3 dogs but none of them would be well suited for running due to age/health or simply breed. I can't imagine the miniature dauchshund going on even a 4 miler and the blue tick hound only has two speeds; stop and full tilt boogie. If time passes and I get a new dog I may very well look at a running friendly dog, which I never would have considered prior to all of you dog runners here.

    Another strength day today so no running. My goal of 50 miles may have been quite low considering progress so far and now that some 2-3 hours long runs will be done on weekends. I honestly had no idea what this month might yield, so I will just let my meter overflow and see how the month ends. Then I'll have something to measure against for next month.

    I have another race to add to my calendar now, the BattleFrog 8k obstacle course race in KC on 4/30!:smile:
  • KWKirkbride
    KWKirkbride Posts: 119 Member
    karllundy wrote: »
    @Ch1psNQueso - I have had good luck with any of Hal Higdon's plans. Here is a link to the novice 10k

    Thanks (and thanks to @WhatMeRunning). I'll give that a look and get started on it.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @5BeautifulDays @Virkati I also recommend the head collar. my dog was terrified by the city when i got her 2 years ago. she still had bad days but the head collar made things much better

    @WhatMeRunning I feel so much safer in the city with a dog and she is great running partner. it took time but she got the hang of it all. she is a great motivator
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    Got to spend some time on the trails today in beautiful temps, around 59*F, so nice!
    10 miles
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    01/01 - 10 miles
    02/01 - 10.4 km
    03/01 - 10.4 km
    04/01 - 10.3 km
    05/01 - 12.5 km
    06/01 - 12.5 km
    07/01 - 10.6 km
    08/01 - 12.6 km
    09/01 - 10.6 km
    10/01 - 22.5 km
    11/01 - 10.6 km
    12/01 - 13 km
    13/01 - 13.1 km
    14/01 - 10.6 km
    15/01 - 13.2 km

    tot 195/500 km

    ups and downs, I'm refraining myself to run more to better recover. there are improvements but they happen slowly.

    cold has arrived here as well, couple of morning that it's sub 0 (but I'm so focused on my hip that I don't eve notice, on thursday I even left without head lamp and then realized I was running in the dark!)

    it's hard mentally, but it's also lovely