30 Day Shred

How does it work? I own it, but I haven’t.. looked at it… yet. (I AM TRYING TO TAKE THIS SLOW, OKAY? *Sobs uncontrollably*)

Anyway, my birthday is in a month (end of July) and I’m going to be 25 and feeling woefully unaccomplished in life. Finishing Attempting the shred would be one part of my infinitely unmet bucket list.

I’m just wondering how it works. I don’t know if I will be able to do a workout everyday; I might have to make it a 60 day, 30 day shred. (Say that four times fast!) I realize this means I won’t be able to finish by July 20th, but I’ll be closer than I am with it now?

- Does it work all muscle groups? I won’t have to add extra workouts in, right?
- Is it both cardio AND strength training? I won’t have to add extra workouts in, right?
- I lift more than 5lbs at the gym; will I still get something out of using 5lb weights at home doing this?
- Approximately how long is each workout?


  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    about 24 minutes for warm-up, work-out, and cool down.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Lol its quite funny as im in the middle of doing a level 1 exercise now and just decided to take a quick water break..

    Its al sorts of things...
    Iv only done level 1 so far..
    But you do a minute of warming up...
    And then 2 minutes of strength... Weights, etc...
    Then 2 minutes of cardio... Star jumps / jumping jacks.. Knees up, etc..
    Then 2 minutes of abs.. Situps, etc...
    And you repeat this 3 times... (Except for the warm up)..
    And then you spend a minute or 2 cooling down..
    So yeh it does workj all body parts...

    The first workout in total is 27 minutes..

    Umm and i no i shouldnt but i use 2.5 pound weights because i dont want big arms, just tones ones...
    Give it ago, its quite nice for a workout!
  • Ruthann2
    Ruthann2 Posts: 232 Member
    No you do not have to do it everyday. I found out that it does work all of the muscle groups she keeps you moving. I log mine under Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort and it is for 25 mins from warm up to cool down. And you do not have to do any extra workouts but If you want to go for it. Just remember you WILL be sore for the first couple of days just keep doing it and your muscles will relax
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I wouldn't worry if you can't do it everyday -you'll still see results.

    The workout itself is about 25 minutes long and you'll need 3 pound hand weights. There are 3 levels on the DVD. Start with Level 1 - don't move on until you think you are ready. Maybe 10 days, maybe less, maybe more. You'll do a warm up, 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs. Then you'll repeat - twice, maybe 3 times, I can't remember.

    Yes, it works all muscle groups. I'm not sure what your goals are, but I'd add in cardio on days you don't do shred (I actually do cardio after shred). It is both cardio and strength - your HR will be up - but it's only 20 minutes (about 250 calories). Depending on your goals you may want to add more cardio.

    I'd use 3 pound weights to start - not 5. You are doing tons of reps - trust me, you'll feel it with 3 pound. There are a few exercises I use 5 pounds with - but start with 3 pounds!!!

    With warm up, cool down....each workout is a little over 20 minutes.
  • lazywriter
    lazywriter Posts: 90
    Just so you know, it's pretty much impossible for you to get "big arms" no matter WHAT weight you use if you're a woman ---- we don't have the hormones (like testosterone) to build huge muscles. Don't be afraid of moving to a bigger weight. If your 2.5 is too light, move up to 5lb, and then 10lb. I lift/curl 15lbs at the gym and I am totally not "jacked" at all.

    So yeah. It's incorrect to assume that heavier weights will make you build massive muscles.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Lol its quite funny as im in the middle of doing a level 1 exercise now and just decided to take a quick water break..

    Its al sorts of things...
    Iv only done level 1 so far..
    But you do a minute of warming up...
    And then 2 minutes of strength... Weights, etc...
    Then 2 minutes of cardio... Star jumps / jumping jacks.. Knees up, etc..
    Then 2 minutes of abs.. Situps, etc...
    And you repeat this 3 times... (Except for the warm up)..
    And then you spend a minute or 2 cooling down..
    So yeh it does workj all body parts...

    The first workout in total is 27 minutes..

    Umm and i no i shouldnt but i use 2.5 pound weights because i dont want big arms, just tones ones...
    Give it ago, its quite nice for a workout!

    You will not get big arms from using heavier weights. Women's bodies aren't built to add bulk. This is a huge myth.
  • lazywriter
    lazywriter Posts: 90

    The first workout in total is 27 minutes..

    Umm and i no i shouldnt but i use 2.5 pound weights because i dont want big arms, just tones ones...
    Give it ago, its quite nice for a workout!

    Sorry meant to put this here.

    Just so you know, it's pretty much impossible for you to get "big arms" no matter WHAT weight you use if you're a woman ---- we don't have the hormones (like testosterone) to build huge muscles. Don't be afraid of moving to a bigger weight. If your 2.5 is too light, move up to 5lb, and then 10lb. I lift/curl 15lbs at the gym and I am totally not "jacked" at all.

    So yeah. It's incorrect to assume that heavier weights will make you build massive muscles.
  • lazywriter
    lazywriter Posts: 90
    I wouldn't worry if you can't do it everyday -you'll still see results.


    I'd use 3 pound weights to start - not 5. You are doing tons of reps - trust me, you'll feel it with 3 pound. There are a few exercises I use 5 pounds with - but start with 3 pounds!!!

    With warm up, cool down....each workout is a little over 20 minutes.

    I don't own 3lb weights, and I don't want to buy them just for this. Do you think I could get away with just doing less reps so I can avoid injuring myself or just go with the 5?
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 242 Member
    Do it! It's a really great workout! I've been trying to do it every day, but it's rather difficult right now. I've done level 2 for about 5 days now. I haven't seen a whole lot of results, but I have noticed I'm getting better at it, so that's good :)
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Just so you know, it's pretty much impossible for you to get "big arms" no matter WHAT weight you use if you're a woman ---- we don't have the hormones (like testosterone) to build huge muscles. Don't be afraid of moving to a bigger weight. If your 2.5 is too light, move up to 5lb, and then 10lb. I lift/curl 15lbs at the gym and I am totally not "jacked" at all.

    So yeah. It's incorrect to assume that heavier weights will make you build massive muscles
    You will not get big arms from using heavier weights. Women's bodies aren't built to add bulk. This is a huge myth.

    Hmm if thats the case i think tomorrow i might try some heavier weights!
  • Getfitgirl32
    I love 30 day shred. I do it 30 days at each level. Level one is manageable for beginners, level two is all abs... Or so it feels. Best thing you are done in 30 min. Have fun and keep it up!
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I wouldn't worry if you can't do it everyday -you'll still see results.


    I'd use 3 pound weights to start - not 5. You are doing tons of reps - trust me, you'll feel it with 3 pound. There are a few exercises I use 5 pounds with - but start with 3 pounds!!!

    With warm up, cool down....each workout is a little over 20 minutes.

    I don't own 3lb weights, and I don't want to buy them just for this. Do you think I could get away with just doing less reps so I can avoid injuring myself or just go with the 5?

    You can try the 5 pounds. It seems as if the back/side back area is the area most people injure if they use to heavy of weights. Just stay attuned to your body and know the difference between "good" pain and "bad" pain. Because you SHOULD feel the good pain. If it seems like too much at 5 pounds after you try it --- try using soup cans or something like that instead of buying new hand weights.
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    I don't own 3lb weights, and I don't want to buy them just for this. Do you think I could get away with just doing less reps so I can avoid injuring myself or just go with the 5?

    I use 5lb weights and 10lb weights and I do fine. If you are just starting out possibly use no weights to get the movements (remember to flex and release as if you were using weights). You can also find objects around your home to use as weights such as water bottles, soda cans, milk jugs...etc. You can also do less reps until you feel you can do them all. The point of working out is to get moving and that is exactly what this DVD helps you do. Work your way up; ease into it and do what you can. Eventually you will be able to do the workouts at a higher level, it takes time.

    It is recommended to do the video 5-6 days a week (per Jillian); but if you are just starting out ease into it until you feel comfortable; possibly every other day and gradually increase it to two days and then a rest day...etc. You need your rest days to allow your muscles to repair themselves. This video is a circuit training (similar to HIIT), so you are constantly moving and it keeps your heart rate up. Once you feel comfortable with the video I would incorporate something else (i.e., walking, jogging, yoga, pilates, another DVD...etc). I do the 30D shred 6 days a week and I incorporate the ripped abs in 6 weeks for 5 days and then sprinkle in some yoga, pilates, hiking, biking...etc (you get the picture :happy: ). When I first started working out I started off small and gradually worked up to more intense and longer workouts. Everyone is different and you will know what is best for you. Listen to your body, but also try and push yourself (if that makes sense). :wink:
    Everything is an accomplishment! That first day you start your workout is an accomplishment. Changing that one diet (i.e., more water, less soda, eating more protein, saying no to that candy bar...etc) area is an accomplishment. Nothing is too small in terms as counting as an accomplishment. Just remember one day at a time! :happy: You are accomplishing right now seeking advice, motivation, and support. It is a step towards something that will enrich and better your overall lifestyle!
  • Palache
    Palache Posts: 123 Member
    I'm on day 4 today! I'm getting better at it. But I am definitely sore. I thought this would be cake since I run and bike ride everyday. But I'm using muscles I don't normally use!!!

    The sooner you start the better! Enjoy it. :)
  • lazywriter
    lazywriter Posts: 90
    Everything is an accomplishment! That first day you start your workout is an accomplishment. Changing that one diet (i.e., more water, less soda, eating more protein, saying no to that candy bar...etc) area is an accomplishment. Nothing is too small in terms as counting as an accomplishment. Just remember one day at a time! :happy: You are accomplishing right now seeking advice, motivation, and support. It is a step towards something that will enrich and better your overall lifestyle!

    This is a great attitude. I feel the same way and try to tell my less motivated friends this.
  • nads2184
    nads2184 Posts: 124
    i did shred on and off, i started it 2 weeks ago but was on and off. I officially started again since monday and its only thursday and my legs are sore. I use between 1-2.5lbs weights. I cant do the sit up goodd but im gettn there with the jumping jacks a lot better. x