Anyone else taken, thinking of taking, or on Phentermine?



  • kirstinlee
    kirstinlee Posts: 152 Member
    My dad took Phen-Fen in the nineties, a mix of that and Fenfluramine. It helped him lose weight, but when he came off of it, the cravings were so strong he ended up turning to meth. Sounds like a bad afterschool special, but sadly true. Just be careful.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I looked into a med that contains phenteramine but my insurance won't cover. I don't think it would help me long term, though because i have some poor eating habits. Good luck with whatever you do. This site is awesome. Whatever you do, keep track of your calories, macros here.
  • chastity0921
    chastity0921 Posts: 209 Member
    @kirstinlee My mom took it and had a heart attack at 36, stroke at 46, died at 47. She lost a lot of weight, but definitely not worth the side effects. She probably would have lived longer obese. I have a feeling we will hear about some effects of phentermine in years to come.
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    kirstinlee wrote: »
    My dad took Phen-Fen in the nineties, a mix of that and Fenfluramine. It helped him lose weight, but when he came off of it, the cravings were so strong he ended up turning to meth. Sounds like a bad afterschool special, but sadly true. Just be careful.
    I am so sorry. I hope he is doing better now. That story is enough for me not to even think about trying it. I just remember people in the 90's taking phen phen and then having heart trouble later. Not worth it.
  • fvtfan
    fvtfan Posts: 126 Member
    I am taking it now, the only side effects I have noticed is dry mouth and insomnia (when I took the whole pill), I definitely have no appetite. I was prescribed 37mg but I only take a half pill a day. It helps me with portion control and has curbed my sugar cravings. I will probably not stay on it long...I have been logging every day and exercising, this was just a good boost. It was prescribed by my endocrinologist.
  • Kitty_Nikki
    Kitty_Nikki Posts: 44 Member
    I took Phentermine a few years back. Aside from the side effects that others have mentioned above of dry mouth and dizziness I also became extraordinarily cranky all the time. I was told by those closest to me that my whole personality changed, and not for the better. I decided I would rather be fat and happy than get thin on a drug that made me horrible to be around. Of course now I am trying to lose weight without drugs and doing great. Whatever you choose is fine, so long as you know what the potential downsides are.
  • Sailingirl66
    Sailingirl66 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been on it for about 5 weeks. I only take a half of a pill. The first week I only took a 1/4 of a pill. I have a very low metabolism. I am closely monitored by my endocrinologist. The last 2 weeks, my sleep has been awful. I see her next week so that will be a topic of discussion. I haven't experienced the dry mouth or rapid heart rate. My appetite is such that I can only eat a tiny bit at meals and have to force myself to eat breakfast. I'm using this time while I'm not hungry to learn how to measure my food and get into that habit so when I stop taking it, I will hopefully be able to fall back on some good food habits.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    edited January 2016
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I took it for about a year. Lost quite a bit of weight, and gained it all back and more afterward. I guess it depends on the amount you are needing to lose. If you only want to lose 20-30lbs, why not do it without medication? Just a question. Also, are your thyroid levels under control right now?

    I'm confused because I didn't see anyone saying the were taking phentermine plus they only had 20-30 pounds to lose. I would consider a doctor irresponsible who prescribed a drug that could potentially mess up someone's heart to a patient who only had 20-30 pounds to lose. Phentermine is a stimulant that is similar to an amphetamine.

    If you're only supposed to take it for a few weeks, and are supposed to "cut back on calories and try to exercise while taking the drug" why risk the side effects?

    ...People taking phentermine should also cut back on calories and try to exercise while taking the drug.

    ...If you take it for too long, or take more of it than your doctor prescribes, you may become dependent and develop depression or fatigue when you stop taking it.

    ...The FDA warns that you should only take phentermine for a maximum of a few weeks, and you should not take it with any other weight-loss drugs or herbal treatments.

    ...People who have any of the following should not take phentermine:

    Sounds more like you're passive aggressive than confused. I didn't see that HER doctor was prescribing the drug. I also didn't see an amount of weight she was trying to lose. I went to a medical weight loss clinic both times I took the drug. Was not told that it should only be taken for a short time, and he just kept prescribing it to me. I was 24 at the time, and about 40 lbs overweight.

    Anyway, good luck with the Phentermine, Heather. I think the dry mouth and fast heartbeat were the weirdest side effects I had. But I drank LOTS of water, and learned to love the hyperactivity. It sucks when that part goes away haha.

    Is this more clear - who said anything about only 20-30 pounds to lose? Why did you bring that up?
    I took it for about a year. Lost quite a bit of weight, and gained it all back and more afterward. I guess it depends on the amount you are needing to lose. If you only want to lose 20-30lbs, why not do it without medication? Just a question. Also, are your thyroid levels under control right now?
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Asked my doctor about it he said I am not to that point yet. I'm over 100 pounds over weight I hate that obese is one medical condition doctors refuse to give medications for even though they are out there and are proven safe. Hopefully it works for you.
  • Asianbutterflies
    Asianbutterflies Posts: 62 Member

    If so, Why or why not have you tried it yet? What has your personal experience been like on it? Side effects? Results, Pros and cons? Any thoughts would be very helpful, as I'm starting it tomorrow morning. Thank you!

    Hey Heather

    I am taking phentermine. I've been on it for a month now. Deciding to take Phentermine was a last resort and tough decision to make for me. Sorry this is long too.

    Just alil of my background, I too was severely overweight and some charts would even put me in the obese categories. I began this journey at the beginning of 2014 weighing at 254 which is what I had been my heaviest. I had just separated and filed for divorce. But I felt like my life was out of control on the inside. I am an emotional eater like many of us are. I reach for something that tastes good and makes me feel better. I didn't want to do that this time. So I bought two work out DVDS and started working out in front of the tv and the cat. Lol :) i changed my eating habits I cut out fast fried food for about 3 months. I treat them as rewards. Weight starting coming off. I hit several plateus along the way but still kept at it. My mom is with weight watchers so she gave me some tips on eating better such as 6 small meals a day eating different snacks like more yogurt and string cheese. I lost weight that year but I wasn't at goal in clothes. See one thing I made a promise to myself was not to become obsessed about a number i.e. 155lbs no matter what or who said you have to be this weight for your height. I went by how I felt in clothes and how I felt on the inside about myself. Well 2015 came and I wasn't a size 10 just yet. I was teetering bt a 12-14. So I joined the gym changed my cardio duration and frequency of work outs and started lifting weights. More inches than numbers came off. I was okay with that. In the summer I got to be a size 10-12. I teetered on this for a few months and maintained the last 6 months at a 12 because I had alot going on and I stopped working out. However I still continued to be mindful of what I ate.

    Now 2016 is here and I am committed to losing this last bit. I have returned to the gym and consulted w my doctor about phentermine. Before she even allowed me to have it we drew my blood to check my thyroid to rule out any issues w that. She also did an EKG as well. She gives me a 14 day Rx at a time and must come in every 2 weeks to be weighed and monitored. So far I've lost 12 lbs some of that is water weight. But this medication has helped curbed my appetite and address most of all my cravings. I discovered that even though I wasn't hungry I would still need to eat because I would get nauseated bc of too much stomach acid and not enough nutrition. So I started taking a box of quick oatmeal to work and protein meal bars and fruit. I do get the dry mouth I like water so I drink more of it. Constipation--Metamucil takes care of that lol...and for sleep I've been on something for that for a while bc of irregular sleep cycle my doctor upped my dose. So far all is working in my favor.

    I don't believe the use of this medication should be a quick fix to anything. I believe certain things need to be put in place and you should be monitored by your doctor if taking this medication. Learning portion control and incorporating some form of exercise important and key to weight loss in my opinion. However I struggled to get this last bit of weight off so I made the decision to use this medication to help me for the short term. In addition I am also using this app the help log everything I consume and that way I feel good about myself as well. Everyone has different methods and different opinions about weight loss and goals and the use if meds. Hard work and dedication are definitely an absolute. But if you've tried everything short of surgery then I believe the use of medication is acceptable as long as you are being monitored by your doctor. I hope this was helpful in some way to you. Add me if you would like. Good luck in your goals.
  • oceanviewcafe
    oceanviewcafe Posts: 1 Member
    I took phentermine a few years ago for a few months. It did greatly reduce my appetite, gave me energy and helped me to lose 25 pounds . I did suffer with mood swings on this medication. I gradually gained all of the weight back plus more over the past few years. I just restarted phentermine this past week. This time I have more weight to lose. Already, my appetite is reduced and energy is up. I feel very cncerned this time around because I know that I will lose the weight, but I know it will a battle appetite wise once my prescription is up. Also, I exercise at the gym 4-5 days per week. I am trying to use this phentermine time to make healthy food choices and learn portion control. Side effects are dry mouth and difficulty sleeping some nights.
  • chastity0921
    chastity0921 Posts: 209 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I took it for about a year. Lost quite a bit of weight, and gained it all back and more afterward. I guess it depends on the amount you are needing to lose. If you only want to lose 20-30lbs, why not do it without medication? Just a question. Also, are your thyroid levels under control right now?

    I'm confused because I didn't see anyone saying the were taking phentermine plus they only had 20-30 pounds to lose. I would consider a doctor irresponsible who prescribed a drug that could potentially mess up someone's heart to a patient who only had 20-30 pounds to lose. Phentermine is a stimulant that is similar to an amphetamine.

    If you're only supposed to take it for a few weeks, and are supposed to "cut back on calories and try to exercise while taking the drug" why risk the side effects?

    ...People taking phentermine should also cut back on calories and try to exercise while taking the drug.

    ...If you take it for too long, or take more of it than your doctor prescribes, you may become dependent and develop depression or fatigue when you stop taking it.

    ...The FDA warns that you should only take phentermine for a maximum of a few weeks, and you should not take it with any other weight-loss drugs or herbal treatments.

    ...People who have any of the following should not take phentermine:

    Sounds more like you're passive aggressive than confused. I didn't see that HER doctor was prescribing the drug. I also didn't see an amount of weight she was trying to lose. I went to a medical weight loss clinic both times I took the drug. Was not told that it should only be taken for a short time, and he just kept prescribing it to me. I was 24 at the time, and about 40 lbs overweight.

    Anyway, good luck with the Phentermine, Heather. I think the dry mouth and fast heartbeat were the weirdest side effects I had. But I drank LOTS of water, and learned to love the hyperactivity. It sucks when that part goes away haha.

    Is this more clear - who said anything about only 20-30 pounds to lose? Why did you bring that up?
    I took it for about a year. Lost quite a bit of weight, and gained it all back and more afterward. I guess it depends on the amount you are needing to lose. If you only want to lose 20-30lbs, why not do it without medication? Just a question. Also, are your thyroid levels under control right now?

    I said, "I guess it depends on the amount you are needing to lose. If you only want to lose 20-30lbs, why not do it without medication?"

    I did not accuse her of needing to lose 20-30lbs, I was making a general statement. Apparently, plenty of people have been prescribed this drug for a not so large amount of weight loss. That is fine if they want to take it (knowing that it has side effects), but since OP came here asking for advice I figured I would make sure she had opinions from both sides. I don't really understand why what I say is so offensive to you. She asked about the drug, and I gave my opinion and discussed my experience.
  • 20months
    20months Posts: 62 Member
    The less pharmaceuticals you take the better!

    Some prescriptions are absolutely necessary for life but I wouldn't take this one.

    Weight loss is hard work...

  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    I can't help but wonder if this pill is teaching the wrong habits. I completely modify my diet to lose weight. I eat salad with dinner to increase my stomach fullness. I switched to plain cheerios instead of the sugar laden cereals I ate before. Plain cheerios are far more filling than the sugar cereals. I switch rutabaga or Zuchini for pasta. I eat more vegetables with my dinners and less rice. I hit my calorie goals easily with no hunger when I'm eating highly nutritious good food. I only struggle on days when I eat processed/pre prepared food.
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    @kirstinlee My mom took it and had a heart attack at 36, stroke at 46, died at 47. She lost a lot of weight, but definitely not worth the side effects. She probably would have lived longer obese. I have a feeling we will hear about some effects of phentermine in years to come.

    Phentermine has been around since the 1950's and the FDA forced the removal of the Phen-Fen combo which was so dangerous, many years ago.

    And honestly, if a person is taking Phentermine, they are obese. Years and years of being obese are much more dangerous than a few months on a pill, and are much more likely to be blamed for heart attacks and strokes.

    Saying that, Phentermine is great if used correctly, but I would bet that 90% of the people use it in all of the wrong ways. I have had both happen to me. I took it for two months, about three years ago, and lost about 20 pounds. I really made lifestyle changes that I needed and I kept the weight off (and then some) for the next three years.

    A few months ago I took another two months of it, after having my daughter, and lost weight. When I stopped, I allowed myself to eat without tracking (over the holidays) and that obviously didn't go well for me. I gained back the weight I lost.

    My point is, it is useful if you use the pill correctly, but that means using it very short term, and learning from it so you dont go back to old habits after you stop.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Problem is that it's a short term solution. You got to think long term, and your appetite will come back once you stop... and you won't have learned how to deal with it...
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    If so, Why or why not have you tried it yet? What has your personal experience been like on it? Side effects? Results, Pros and cons? Any thoughts would be very helpful, as I'm starting it tomorrow morning. Thank you!

    Hey Heather

    I am taking phentermine. I've been on it for a month now. Deciding to take Phentermine was a last resort and tough decision to make for me. Sorry this is long too.

    Just alil of my background, I too was severely overweight and some charts would even put me in the obese categories. I began this journey at the beginning of 2014 weighing at 254 which is what I had been my heaviest. I had just separated and filed for divorce. But I felt like my life was out of control on the inside. I am an emotional eater like many of us are. I reach for something that tastes good and makes me feel better. I didn't want to do that this time. So I bought two work out DVDS and started working out in front of the tv and the cat. Lol :) i changed my eating habits I cut out fast fried food for about 3 months. I treat them as rewards. Weight starting coming off. I hit several plateus along the way but still kept at it. My mom is with weight watchers so she gave me some tips on eating better such as 6 small meals a day eating different snacks like more yogurt and string cheese. I lost weight that year but I wasn't at goal in clothes. See one thing I made a promise to myself was not to become obsessed about a number i.e. 155lbs no matter what or who said you have to be this weight for your height. I went by how I felt in clothes and how I felt on the inside about myself. Well 2015 came and I wasn't a size 10 just yet. I was teetering bt a 12-14. So I joined the gym changed my cardio duration and frequency of work outs and started lifting weights. More inches than numbers came off. I was okay with that. In the summer I got to be a size 10-12. I teetered on this for a few months and maintained the last 6 months at a 12 because I had alot going on and I stopped working out. However I still continued to be mindful of what I ate.

    Now 2016 is here and I am committed to losing this last bit. I have returned to the gym and consulted w my doctor about phentermine. Before she even allowed me to have it we drew my blood to check my thyroid to rule out any issues w that. She also did an EKG as well. She gives me a 14 day Rx at a time and must come in every 2 weeks to be weighed and monitored. So far I've lost 12 lbs some of that is water weight. But this medication has helped curbed my appetite and address most of all my cravings. I discovered that even though I wasn't hungry I would still need to eat because I would get nauseated bc of too much stomach acid and not enough nutrition. So I started taking a box of quick oatmeal to work and protein meal bars and fruit. I do get the dry mouth I like water so I drink more of it. Constipation--Metamucil takes care of that lol...and for sleep I've been on something for that for a while bc of irregular sleep cycle my doctor upped my dose. So far all is working in my favor.

    I don't believe the use of this medication should be a quick fix to anything. I believe certain things need to be put in place and you should be monitored by your doctor if taking this medication. Learning portion control and incorporating some form of exercise important and key to weight loss in my opinion. However I struggled to get this last bit of weight off so I made the decision to use this medication to help me for the short term. In addition I am also using this app the help log everything I consume and that way I feel good about myself as well. Everyone has different methods and different opinions about weight loss and goals and the use if meds. Hard work and dedication are definitely an absolute. But if you've tried everything short of surgery then I believe the use of medication is acceptable as long as you are being monitored by your doctor. I hope this was helpful in some way to you. Add me if you would like. Good luck in your goals.

    Now this baffles me. You lost a heap of weight all on your own by making lifestyle changes and smart food choices. You have a little left to go and now you go on this drug? And to cap it all you are having to increase non-essential medications that are potentially addictive (sleeping tablets) in order to counteract the side effects of a drug you have proven to yourself not to be necessary? Aside from anything else I don't understand how a doctor can agree to this course of action. As someone with chronic sleep and insomnia problems the last thing I want is to take a stimulant which increases my need for hardcore sleep medications!

    I understand this is a common prescription in the US, I know of no-one in the UK who has been on it and maybe that's where my mind block comes from but I just don't get it. Almost everyone I have seen respond with a positive anecdote hasn't had long term success using phentermine because it's masking real issues. I see very very few people who actually use it for a few weeks and continue with their success off it. And for that reason I will never say it's a good idea.
  • Asianbutterflies
    Asianbutterflies Posts: 62 Member
    If so, Why or why not have you tried it yet? What has your personal experience been like on it? Side effects? Results, Pros and cons? Any thoughts would be very helpful, as I'm starting it tomorrow morning. Thank you!

    Hey Heather

    I am taking phentermine. I've been on it for a month now. Deciding to take Phentermine was a last resort and tough decision to make for me. Sorry this is long too.

    Just alil of my background, I too was severely overweight and some charts would even put me in the obese categories. I began this journey at the beginning of 2014 weighing at 254 which is what I had been my heaviest. I had just separated and filed for divorce. But I felt like my life was out of control on the inside. I am an emotional eater like many of us are. I reach for something that tastes good and makes me feel better. I didn't want to do that this time. So I bought two work out DVDS and started working out in front of the tv and the cat. Lol :) i changed my eating habits I cut out fast fried food for about 3 months. I treat them as rewards. Weight starting coming off. I hit several plateus along the way but still kept at it. My mom is with weight watchers so she gave me some tips on eating better such as 6 small meals a day eating different snacks like more yogurt and string cheese. I lost weight that year but I wasn't at goal in clothes. See one thing I made a promise to myself was not to become obsessed about a number i.e. 155lbs no matter what or who said you have to be this weight for your height. I went by how I felt in clothes and how I felt on the inside about myself. Well 2015 came and I wasn't a size 10 just yet. I was teetering bt a 12-14. So I joined the gym changed my cardio duration and frequency of work outs and started lifting weights. More inches than numbers came off. I was okay with that. In the summer I got to be a size 10-12. I teetered on this for a few months and maintained the last 6 months at a 12 because I had alot going on and I stopped working out. However I still continued to be mindful of what I ate.

    Now 2016 is here and I am committed to losing this last bit. I have returned to the gym and consulted w my doctor about phentermine. Before she even allowed me to have it we drew my blood to check my thyroid to rule out any issues w that. She also did an EKG as well. She gives me a 14 day Rx at a time and must come in every 2 weeks to be weighed and monitored. So far I've lost 12 lbs some of that is water weight. But this medication has helped curbed my appetite and address most of all my cravings. I discovered that even though I wasn't hungry I would still need to eat because I would get nauseated bc of too much stomach acid and not enough nutrition. So I started taking a box of quick oatmeal to work and protein meal bars and fruit. I do get the dry mouth I like water so I drink more of it. Constipation--Metamucil takes care of that lol...and for sleep I've been on something for that for a while bc of irregular sleep cycle my doctor upped my dose. So far all is working in my favor.

    I don't believe the use of this medication should be a quick fix to anything. I believe certain things need to be put in place and you should be monitored by your doctor if taking this medication. Learning portion control and incorporating some form of exercise important and key to weight loss in my opinion. However I struggled to get this last bit of weight off so I made the decision to use this medication to help me for the short term. In addition I am also using this app the help log everything I consume and that way I feel good about myself as well. Everyone has different methods and different opinions about weight loss and goals and the use if meds. Hard work and dedication are definitely an absolute. But if you've tried everything short of surgery then I believe the use of medication is acceptable as long as you are being monitored by your doctor. I hope this was helpful in some way to you. Add me if you would like. Good luck in your goals.

    Now this baffles me. You lost a heap of weight all on your own by making lifestyle changes and smart food choices. You have a little left to go and now you go on this drug? And to cap it all you are having to increase non-essential medications that are potentially addictive (sleeping tablets) in order to counteract the side effects of a drug you have proven to yourself not to be necessary? Aside from anything else I don't understand how a doctor can agree to this course of action. As someone with chronic sleep and insomnia problems the last thing I want is to take a stimulant which increases my need for hardcore sleep medications!

    I understand this is a common prescription in the US, I know of no-one in the UK who has been on it and maybe that's where my mind block comes from but I just don't get it. Almost everyone I have seen respond with a positive anecdote hasn't had long term success using phentermine because it's masking real issues. I see very very few people who actually use it for a few weeks and continue with their success off it. And for that reason I will never say it's a good idea.

    To answer you and not trying to sound rude so I apologize if I do, to begin with you haven't lived in my life or lived in my body. I am having trouble w the cravings and am an emotional eater. I cant lose this last bit of weight. I have tried. Being not a candidate for weightloss surgery as it is only alil bit. This is the method i have chosen. Having this suppressant help curbs my appetite I eat less and my stomach is getting smaller. I track what I eat using MFP and am on reduced calories. It helps keep me accountable. When someone tells me I can't have something I'll want it more especially when I comes to food. I won't be controlled nor will anyone tell me what I can't and can have. Taking phentermine was a personal choice and one I didn't make lightly. I am aware of the side effects hence the lengthy conversation w my doctor and blood work and EKG and this is for a short term. To each his or her own on their stance about medication. This is what works for me.

  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    edited January 2016
    Fit4LifeAR wrote: »
    @kirstinlee My mom took it and had a heart attack at 36, stroke at 46, died at 47. She lost a lot of weight, but definitely not worth the side effects. She probably would have lived longer obese. I have a feeling we will hear about some effects of phentermine in years to come.

    Phentermine has been around since the 1950's and the FDA forced the removal of the Phen-Fen combo which was so dangerous, many years ago.

    And honestly, if a person is taking Phentermine, they are obese. Years and years of being obese are much more dangerous than a few months on a pill, and are much more likely to be blamed for heart attacks and strokes.

    Saying that, Phentermine is great if used correctly, but I would bet that 90% of the people use it in all of the wrong ways. I have had both happen to me. I took it for two months, about three years ago, and lost about 20 pounds. I really made lifestyle changes that I needed and I kept the weight off (and then some) for the next three years.

    A few months ago I took another two months of it, after having my daughter, and lost weight. When I stopped, I allowed myself to eat without tracking (over the holidays) and that obviously didn't go well for me. I gained back the weight I lost.

    My point is, it is useful if you use the pill correctly, but that means using it very short term, and learning from it so you dont go back to old habits after you stop.

    You are incorrect with this statement " if a person is taking phentermine then they are obese " that is not always true.
    Here's why - these fly by night weight loss clinics have no problem often prescribing it to people with only 30lbs to lose. These types of clinics are out to make money. They don't care that the person shouldn't qualify for medicine ,they just want to get paid. These are the same places who give out the " megaburn" shots and all other weight loss derp. They could care less that they could be hurting people.
    Unfortunately these clinics ran by subpar doctors are popping up everywhere.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Sometimes the easy road seems appealing but don't be fooled. Taking the easy way out usually results in failure.
    For me , I learned the lessons needed for long term success.I was once like many others on this thread. I felt like I couldn't lose the weight, I felt like I couldn't fight the urges to overeat . but one day when I was truly ready for change I was finally able to do it.
    There's no pill in the world that can replace hardwork and determination. No pill can replace willpower. These are things that must come from within. I really was ready for change so i made it happen. I wanted this bad enough so I did it.
    I was once heavier then most of the other posters in this thread and have lost all my weight and kept it off for 2+ yrs so far. I'm currently 135.8 lbs . the one and only solution for weight loss is a calorie deficit. Eat less then you Burn and you'll lose weight. No special diets needed, no fads or gimmicks needed . just eat less then you burn . remember cico always applies.
    Certain things in life must be worked for in order for lasting success .