Over 100lbs to lose, anyone on the same journey?



  • abstew04
    abstew04 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm also needing to lose 100 pounds. Just started two days ago, but looking to build a good support group :smile: Add me if you like. Anyone else feel free to add me also :smiley:
  • crisisplanning
    crisisplanning Posts: 2 Member
    I actually started my journey last January (2015) at 240lbs with a goal to lose 110lbs...so far, I've lost 75lbs but unfortunately, I have been holding out at that weight loss longer than I should have since me and the holidays (with all the trimmings) didn't pan out as well as I would have liked...but I eventually came to realize that even if I screw up 2 months out of the year, I got 10 more to do some damage :) So, now that the holidays are behind me, time to kick it into gear! Feel free to add me. Regardless, good luck on your journey and don't give up! I found it important to remember that you can ALWAYS compensate for a mis-step here and there...just don't throw in the towel! Well...holidays aside of course LOL
  • tracycmrn129
    tracycmrn129 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me
  • bpwolf77
    bpwolf77 Posts: 11 Member
    Lost 41 pounds, 142 to go
  • Lancer97
    Lancer97 Posts: 39 Member
    Broke 300 for the first time in my life over Christmas. Started at 305. I'm now at 292. I should be 180 for my height so I've got 110 lbs to go. The support on MFP is out of this world!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    I have lost 31 lbs from starting out at 263 lbs. I still have 53 lbs to go, but I shall get there. Feel free to add me anyone. My journal is public so you can see what my meals are. And they are awesome. It feels really great to prepare the food, eat it, and know I am eating clean. It makes me feel like a super hero.
  • chyeahdanielle
    chyeahdanielle Posts: 12 Member
    I am a mom of 3 and I also started on monday. My first goal is to lose 50 lbs to get to 200 but once I complete that I'd like to get to 180 then my main goal of 160. I am in need of support and friends. You can do it, after all you had 2 kids, you can do anything ;)
  • Jessika29669
    Jessika29669 Posts: 34 Member
    Everyone sounds so motivated! I am blown away by some of the success stories here! And I agree Ann, what you feed your body is incredibly important. Back in my lighter crossfitting days years ago we did something called the Whole 30. It wasn't really a diet, more of a lifechanging opener on how addicted our bodies are to sugar, and how much sugar is in EVERYTHING, even down to meats. Back then the organic food craze wasn't popular either so finding no sugar added, not even less than 2%, was an incredible challenge. However; that program changed my relationship and awareness of food for the rest of my life. The problem is having the will power to "just say no" to a slice of pizza, and getting up and moving more, even when I am tired from working and then doing my mom/wife "duties". I also want to get one of those Garmin or Fitbit watches so I am AWARE of my lack of movement and at least do an extra lap every time I go to the printer at the office! I wish everyone the best of luck in this difficult but absolutely achievable goal, you are worth it!
  • belovedmano
    belovedmano Posts: 1 Member
    I am 30 year old and also I have to loos abt 100 Ibs
    I started today and I am hopping for the best
  • kportwood85
    kportwood85 Posts: 151 Member
    I started out out needing to lose 100 pounds, I'm down 40 now! Started here at 250, working toward 150. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • kportwood85
    kportwood85 Posts: 151 Member
    Oh, I just saw your last post, about the Whole 30. I don't follow it strictly, but, that's pretty much how I eat. Most my food entries are meat and fruits and vegetables. I love to cook, so, finding new recipes that fit in the guidelines has been fun for me.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Everyone sounds so motivated! I am blown away by some of the success stories here! And I agree Ann, what you feed your body is incredibly important. Back in my lighter crossfitting days years ago we did something called the Whole 30. It wasn't really a diet, more of a lifechanging opener on how addicted our bodies are to sugar, and how much sugar is in EVERYTHING, even down to meats. Back then the organic food craze wasn't popular either so finding no sugar added, not even less than 2%, was an incredible challenge. However; that program changed my relationship and awareness of food for the rest of my life. The problem is having the will power to "just say no" to a slice of pizza, and getting up and moving more, even when I am tired from working and then doing my mom/wife "duties". I also want to get one of those Garmin or Fitbit watches so I am AWARE of my lack of movement and at least do an extra lap every time I go to the printer at the office! I wish everyone the best of luck in this difficult but absolutely achievable goal, you are worth it!

    I sometimes go over my sugar intake, but its when I have fruits, so its hard to take the natural sugars out of the fruit :-) When I add sweetener to my teas, and coffee's I always use Truvia and love that brand! I also use honey on a lot of things that I used to sprinkle sugar on. Its quite disgusting sugar in general, such a chemical. The fact that Truvia comes from the stevia leaves makes me feel better about the white crystals :-)

    Last night I took 2 oz of steak pieces (not much but enough!) put 1 tablespoon of Yoshida's Teriyaki sauce and some shitaki mushrooms and sauteed it all. Then I boiled baby potatoes and put those on a plate with a tsp of butter and spices. I had boiled the baby potatoes with some baby carrots... (like cooking doll food but hey!) After I drained the pot I put the potatoes on my plate, I then cooked the carrots a bit more with the rest of my margarine, and a tsp of brown sugar. I tossed in my walnuts and let it all cook a bit. I had cut the baby carrots length-wise so they would cook faster. So I had the potatoes, the carrots, and the beef. Talk about a feast! Then in an hr I had my evening snack of popcorn. So you really can have variety when you cook stuff!

  • skjae2001
    skjae2001 Posts: 1 Member
    I need to loose 160 lbs. this app is great and I just bought a witching scale that automatically uploads your weight to the app. Lost 6 lbs in one week. Good luck to everyone that is dealing with loosing lost of weight.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    edited January 2016
    Check out this group here (the more active of the 2 Over 100 lbs to lose groups):

  • mizzmercury
    mizzmercury Posts: 30 Member
    I currently have about 150 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. Down 16 pounds since November though! Anyone can add me.
  • whatdietnext
    whatdietnext Posts: 34 Member
    My goal is to lose 100 this year!! I'll send you a friend request, but anyone can friend me as well!
  • Elentari86
    Elentari86 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 29 and I've been trying to lose weight for a few years now, I'm finally on track, I think, and I have a long term goal of losing 225.
  • brittnee914
    brittnee914 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey guys! I've just completed my first week of mfp and it has been awesome. I'm 26, mother of two boys and ready to lose this weight! Feel free to add me :)
  • Laremore81
    Laremore81 Posts: 1 Member
    I am looking to lose a total of 150lbs as my long term goal. My decision to do this once and for all was made about a month ago, even though I have wanted to for many years. I am having trouble tracking my progress because my scale at home isn't reliable, the scale at work may or may not be calibrated, and my waist is still too big for the tape measure I have. But, I was just told by a coworker I DO look like I am losing weight! I know we will all reach our goals. I believe that, and I believe in all of us. I also believe that equally important, if not more important, is daily motivation. Before I started on this journey, I found it difficult to go to the gym after work because my energy level was so low that all I wanted was to go home and have a nap before dinner. Since I started working out regularly (which has literally been less than four weeks and not even consecutively at the holidays) I have had more energy, and I have actually started to feel my stress level rise on days after an evening when I was not able to make it to the gym.

    So now that I have rambled, I guess I will post this entry with two questions:

    1) What do YOU all do for daily motivation? What is your happy thought?

    2) How have you tracked your progress if/when your scale is unreliable?

    I look forward to hearing from some of you, and have a great day!
  • SoCaLchick
    SoCaLchick Posts: 28 Member
    Hi there. I'm an elementary school teacher looking to lose weight for myself but also to be a better role model to my students. I am needing to lose 50+lbs.

    Please feel free to add me for support. I would love to have a group of ladies to go through this journey with.