Losing faith

I've been counting my calories for a week now and I run a mile everyday and at first it seemed like it was working cause I would weigh myself throughout the week and everyday would be a different weight but I didn't gain any it would get lower and lower then today on the 7 day my scale said I have gained about 6 pounds which makes no sense I've always had this problem with the sale I feel like it never tells me my exact weight that's why I end up losing faith and quit my diet but I really wanna go through with it this time and I don't even know what to do anymore


  • aquiroz1994
    aquiroz1994 Posts: 2 Member
    It's going to take more time then a week, if it was easy everyone would do it, keep your head in the game try not weighing your self everyday maybe every 2 or 3 days ... make sure your diet is on point and try 30 mins on the treadmill on an incline instead of running. Best of luck. It is what you make it!!
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    counting by weighing every bite? also, weight loss isn't linear so you can never guess when you'll see your progress. if you give up after a week, well, yeah, your progress will definitely suffer. a week isn't really enough time to determine if what you are doing is making any difference. weigh everything, get a HRM, and keep at it.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    I can see why you'd feel like you're losing hope, but here's the thing- You've only been at it a week. And you've been running every day, so I think there's two things going on here.
    1st- Running every day, you're building new muscle. Muscle holds water as it grows, so you're seeing nothing but water gain and new muscle weight. It's better to run every other day, or run five days, then take a days rest.

    2nd- Counting calories for one week will help you see where you need to adjust your diet, but it's only the beginning. You're on a journey for the long haul, a total new you that will last the rest of your lifetime. A week is a blip, a blink, a tiny spec of time.

    For the first month, stay off the scale. Take your measuring tape and take a set of measurements- Let the measurements be your basis for how things are changing.

    You can do this! Don't give up, and don't let that pesky old scale tell you what to do! You're better than some mindless piece of machine that was scrapped together in a factory somewhere. It doesn't get to rule your fitness goals!
  • alanes97
    alanes97 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow thank you all so much! ☺