Eating healthy in college

Hey everyone! I'm a college student that dorms and I'm trying to lose weight at the moment. I have trouble finding healthy options while trying not to bore myself everyday with just salads. Any advice from other college students or someone who knows the struggle?


  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    edited January 2016
    My daughter is a college sophomore and is going back to school tomorrow. Before we leave, we're doing a Target run to pick up food to keep in her room. While she does not need to lose any weight, she is quite small (4'10") so she has to be mindful of what she eats....a few extra pounds makes a big difference on such a small frame.

    She is not a big breakfast eater so we will pick up boxes of granola bars (Kashi Dark Mocha Almond are her favorite) for her to eat on the way to her first class. She doesn't eat a lot at meals (never has) so even though she might not always have the best choices available, she's eating small enough portions and is active enough (she has a bike on campus and uses the campus gym) so that she hasn't gained any weight. We mostly stock up on healthy snacks for her: popcorn, clementines, granny smith apples, string cheese, and yogurt. (This is assuming you have a fridge).

    Hope this helps!
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Do you have a dining hall you frequent? I didn't eat a whole lot in my dorm because then I would snack all the time and food would be more accessible. If I went to the dining hall it was a little easier to plan my day. I also at a lot of salads, but I would make my own english muffin pizzas by asking the sandwich station to send it through the toaster for me. Breakfast was easiest because a lot of things are healthy there in moderation (oatmeal, eggs, yogurt+granola, etc). Then I would come up with a few different meals and rotate them. The biggest thing was portion control because ours was all you can eat. Portions were key.

    You can do it!