I hate veggies



  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    PS there are plenty of ways to prepare them, the Internet is flooded with amazing recipes, and some good links posted here by others.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    What veggie do you hate the least and why?
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Each bite of veg with one bite of meat (or your entree I guess). Yum!
  • janellec885
    janellec885 Posts: 16 Member
    I feel ya. I'm not a veggie person either. Especially leafy greens that are good for me, make me gag! I do not eat salad of any kind. Spinach is the devil. Romaine is close behind. I never found a dressing that was tolerable. (Taco salad w/iceburg lettuce is the ONLY exception.) For me it's the texture.
    I've been putting veggies mixed with fruit in my Nutri-Ninja and making smoothies. It works really well and purees everything beyond recognition. Very smooth and uniform texture. No nasty chunks. I hate chunks, or bits or anything.
    My favorite recipe is: half cup each of frozen pear, fresh frozen pineapple, frozen strawberries, frozen steamed carrots and kale (good, fresh, not old!!). I add enough water so it will blend and sweetener to taste. It looks bad, but tastes really good!! Promise! Add a little kale at a time and see where your tolerance level is. I can get to 1/2 cup packed before I can detect it. The pineapple really hides it. Something is better than nothing!
    I also make home made veg. soup and puree it. ahhh... nice and smooth.
  • morg987
    morg987 Posts: 7 Member
    You could try blending greens into a smoothie starting from a small amount to a cup, As your taste buds should adjust, banana pear or pineapple and kale are some goodies or berry banana and spinach
    Grated carrot or courgette in curries goes very unnoticed and by sneaking them in you may actually begin to crave them!
    You could blend them into soups as well maybe?
    Vegetables are abundant with vitamins and minerals so personally I would suggest you do include them!
    Be open to trying new vegies and finding ones you enjoy!
  • nikkilovessweets
    nikkilovessweets Posts: 30 Member
    A blendtec will be your new best friend
  • larali1980
    larali1980 Posts: 162 Member
    I echo the smoothie idea. I really don't care for veggies much myself but I try not to tell myself that because it just makes it worse. I just focus on how good I feel after I eat some veggies. You know it's true, you feel good after eating a veggie meal, as opposed to feeling fat and sick and bloated after an unhealthy meal! And as I tell my kids, the more you eat them the more you will learn to like them.
  • Odilerubia
    Odilerubia Posts: 80 Member
    Try the following: stirfry in a little olive oil all kind of veggies. Turn the stove on low and leave to simmer. Add all types of herbs and spices. Then blend to a sauce. Use for either pasta or lasagna sauce or as a pizzasauze. If you make a very thin crisp bottom for pizza and put not too much cheese on top, you can use pizza in your diet to lose weight. The different vegetables on top (dice or cut in small pieces) taste so different on top of a pizza.
    Make fresh guacamole with low fat yoghurt instead of sourcream! By the way: it takes 10 days of eating a small bite from a new introduced flavour, e.g. vegetables, to get used to. With other words: if you would eat ten days in a row one slice of bellpepper, after those 10 days you still might not be a big fan, but you are indifferent to the taste.
    Also, like commented above: get out of your brain the I dont like it anyway thought. It it the negative committee you have to shut up. I used to attack any technical problem like that: well I know for sure I wont be able to fix it, since Im not technical. Until I decided to say: Hey, Im pretty smart, Ill probably figure this one out as well. Guess what?
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Do you like spicy food? One of my favourite is cauliflower fritters.
    Mash up cauliflower with a pinch of turmeric and a teaspoon of chilli powder, whisk an egg in to it. Drop in to small pancake shapes in a non-stick frying pan. These are lovely and don't take up a lot of calories.