newborn baby and pregnancy weight...

Is there other moms that need support for getting rit of baby weight? My baby is 3 monts old and I am breastfeeding, so I don't know what I can cut from my diet.... But I am ready to start exercise , just need a little help


  • slk_5555
    slk_5555 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi, I have 5 month old twins & initially I was back to my original weight, but have then re gained. Now on track with a good balanced diet & walking daily. Would love extra support from other new mums.
  • ragenhay1
    ragenhay1 Posts: 158 Member
    I was in your spot about three months ago. My son is now 5 months and I'm 25lbs lighter :-) I exclusively breastfeed and eat about 1800 calories a day. One mistake I made in the beginning was cutting calories too quickly. Most women need between 1800 and 2500 calories while breastfeeding. So maybe start of towards the high end and slowly cut back until you reach a good balance where you are Losing weight but not compromising your milk supply. This calculator can also help
  • MrsWoelfel
    MrsWoelfel Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ladies! Firstly, I have two kiddos, ages 3 and 5. It takes time for your body to get back to normal after a baby. I didn't start to feel like myself again until about a year and a half after. I breastfed both children for 8 months and it helped to burn the extra calories but working out should be included. Just find something you love to do. It won't be a chore that way. I joined pole fitness classes and haven't stopped since. I am currently an instructor for pole as well as lyra. If it's your hobby, you will never stop! If you want something less extreme, early morning cardio helps boost metabolism for the rest of the day. Preferably before you eat breakfast, workout for 30 to 45zFast walking or elliptical. Find what works for you because only then will you stick with it not just to get rid of baby weight but also stay healthy!
  • smily5q
    smily5q Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Reganhay1 , calculating is a good idea, I was thinking of 1400 coleris a day, but I see while breastfeeding we need more! I'll check the link!
    Slk_5555 I did the same, got back to my previous weight, but in the next to months I gained 8 pounds :/
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I have about 50 to lose (half of it is baby weight), my little guy is 4 months old. I lost 85 here a few years back, then I regained some and had a baby. I am breastfeeding and losing nicely at 2000 calories. Babies eat about the same amount from 1-6 months, which takes about 650 calories from you, so it's recommended to eat 500 above your tdee. I use this calculator.

    My tdee is 1600, so I could eat 2100, but I have dropped it to 2000 with no effect on my supply. At 6 months I will adjust again.
  • Flanuora
    Flanuora Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for the breastfeeding tip. I was researching that yesterday. I'm in a similar situation. I gained too much with my pregnancy. I need to drop 50 to be back to my previous weight. I gained from going off all my medication prior to try to conceive. Then gained extra with my little one. She's one month now. Time to get to work. I don't even feel like me... 50 gained in a year.... Hopefully this year I'll lose all of it. I'd love some friends and support. Please add me if you want a mommy buddy.
  • BellaSpeer
    BellaSpeer Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a mom of three youngest is 5 months and my older two are 6 & 7. I lost most of my baby weight before I had this baby, but I put it all back on plus some! I'm ready to be active (I enjoy golf & tennis if I can find time) but I usually can make time for a run! I'm looking forward to connecting with other busy moms trying to lose weight. I'd really love to make new motivational friends here! Happy New Year!
  • smily5q
    smily5q Posts: 9 Member
    Glad to see you all here, lets get motivated :)
  • owlcake
    owlcake Posts: 27 Member
    So happy to see all of you mommas that are in same boat as me! I have a 2 month old and a 4 year old. I have 40+lbs to loose. I am also exclusively breastfeeding. I'm trying 2000 calories for next few weeks see if I loose at all. I need to start excersising too. Walks and maybe a workout DVDs at home during am naps. Anyone have any workout DVDs they love??? Please add me as friend. Would love the motivation from other mommas!
  • HavtaLose
    HavtaLose Posts: 59 Member
    owlcake wrote: »
    So happy to see all of you mommas that are in same boat as me! I have a 2 month old and a 4 year old. I have 40+lbs to loose. I am also exclusively breastfeeding. I'm trying 2000 calories for next few weeks see if I loose at all. I need to start excersising too. Walks and maybe a workout DVDs at home during am naps. Anyone have any workout DVDs they love??? Please add me as friend. Would love the motivation from other mommas!

    Jillian Michaels is good for beginners. Then when you build a little endurance, Shaun T's T25 is THE best DVD program to follow. I lost 45 lbs with it combined with MFP. ☺
  • Vonstar125
    Vonstar125 Posts: 5 Member
    I just bought Davina fit in 15mins... It's good, just the perfect amount of time to fit it in during nap time and I'm trying to get out for a walk in the evening also
  • Vonstar125
    Vonstar125 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone I forgot to introduce myself! I'm a mother of a baby girl three months & a boy 3yrs. I'm currently breastfeeding and trying to lose 28lbs & I'm nervous of messing with my milk supply.. Looking forward to hearing about your weight loss journeys and sharing mine with you
  • smily5q
    smily5q Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I used the calcolater and I need 2015 cal, but I am trying 1800 . it's hard to do even that much, because I am also trying to fit in the nutritions, which is the hardest part... The fat and the suger its too much, otherwise planty of calories :D Running out of ideas what to eat
  • owlcake
    owlcake Posts: 27 Member
    Kinda bummed today I did my weigh in and I gained a lb. I followed 1800 and was under all week and went for walks on most days of week. I was expecting at least a 1 lb. so I have dropped my calories 1600. I am taking extra precaution with my milk supply and taking fenugreek and milk tea and pumping at least once a day. And eating oatmeal everyday. I hope next week I will see the scale move.
  • glitterrainn
    glitterrainn Posts: 73 Member
    Hi! I am EBF also with an 8.5m old. I haven't cut anything out, just eating more healthily! I'm trying to lose a good 60lbs. "Breastfeed, they said. The pounds will come off, they said". Lol, didn't work for me!! I usually get in around 1300-1400 cals in. I try to get more but I often forget to eat because I am preoccupied with other things. I am a mom of 4. It's crazy here!
  • mkh858
    mkh858 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi! I am EBF also with an 8.5m old. I haven't cut anything out, just eating more healthily! I'm trying to lose a good 60lbs. "Breastfeed, they said. The pounds will come off, they said". Lol, didn't work for me!! I usually get in around 1300-1400 cals in. I try to get more but I often forget to eat because I am preoccupied with other things. I am a mom of 4. It's crazy here!

    Lol. I thought since I had twins breastfeeding them would mean me burning more calories. I too thought I'd lose the baby weight..breastfeeding did the opposite for me I was hungry all the time! Lol
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Hi! I have 3 kids, 11 (tomorrow eek!), 7, and 4 months. I am also ebf. I am eating 2000 cals a day, plus some exercise calories. I go for a 1/2 hour walk with babe in the carrier after I drop the big kids at school and I do some weights (barbell and hand weights at home) about twice a week, hoping to get to 4. I've lost 8 pounds in about 3 weeks, 41 more til goal.
  • smily5q
    smily5q Posts: 9 Member
    Me to girls, still no results, I am eating between 1400 to 1800 cal, walking with baby, but not a pound is dropping :s I think it will take a year. I read that as long as the pregnancy take for your body to grow, as long would be to lose the weight...
  • Turtlemummy
    Turtlemummy Posts: 71 Member
    Hi, just thought I'd add my experience. My daughter is 17 months, was exclusively breastfed and now still bf once a day. After having her I was 165 pounds. pre pregnancy/ goal weight 130-135. I did nothing until she was 6 months, let myself eat what I wanted and not much exercise, maybe an hour light exercise at a buggy fit class in the local park, nothing else (no time when small person surgically attached to me for most of the day!). At 6 months she was baptised and I saw myself in photos. Chunky with chipmunk cheeks. oops! So much for breastfeeding helping weight loss. I hired a personal trainer for 3 months before I went back to work at 9 months, and started just eating a little healthier, not tracking, but cutting out the cakes and watching portion size. After those 3 months I had dropped a dress size and was about 148 pounds. I'm back on here now, restarting with a new username, since by the new year I hadn't lost any more, and slowly it's working again (now at 142), I'd just say go easy on yourself in the early days/months, make sure you're making enough calories for baby. It's far easier to drop calorie intake once baby starts solids, and not so reliant on you :-)
  • pettit62213
    pettit62213 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a new mommy to a 5 month old little boy. I'm also looking for other moms wanting to lose weight. I need motivation and support.