100+ to lose

Hi! I'm in need of friends to help me on this journey. I have over 100 lbs to lose and I know I'll need motivation along the way.


  • gallantria
    gallantria Posts: 54 Member
    I would love to help motivate you and have you help motivate me in return. I'm wanting to lose about 130lbs. I hope that we can help each other. Look forward to hearing from you.
  • aflads25
    aflads25 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I need to lose 140 pounds and would love some friends for the journey. Let's motivate each other!
  • godiva4u2
    godiva4u2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I would like to lose 75 to 100 pounds also. If it's OK, let's add each other for motivation!
  • Lancer97
    Lancer97 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm at 291, trying to get to 180. Feel free to add me.
  • FaithFoodFitness
    FaithFoodFitness Posts: 19 Member
    I also have over 100 to lose. I recently hit my highest weight of 299 and I never want to see that (or more) again!
  • karisgould
    karisgould Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone. Also trying to lose 100+. Have found it so difficult getting my mind in the right place - I know the food is bad for me and will stop me getting the body I want... But I want the bad food! The part of my brain that wants the food is the strongest. I'm sure you all understand. I'm using this app and Easy Loss Hypnosis at the same time! Hopefully they'll work...
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    This app helped me lose over 100 lbs. Feel free to add me for support!
  • Amya2998
    Amya2998 Posts: 14 Member
    I have 80-100 pounds to lose. Add me, we can motivate each other along the way!
  • Mmarst
    Mmarst Posts: 24 Member
    I have 210 more to lose! Feel free to add me. Will be around for a while!
  • ravensdiet15
    ravensdiet15 Posts: 77 Member
    About 150lbs to lose, I'm always around!
  • jforce45
    jforce45 Posts: 4 Member
    People, I know it's not the same as losing 100 or more, but 16 years ago, I lost 70 lbs and have kept it off all those years...no cycling. Yes it takes an adjustment, but once you achieve health, it's so much better than what food did for us. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you've heard it before, I know. But I'm not some Dr. talking. I'm one of you. It can be done, you just have to believe and you have to want it. Achieving health is like a snowball rolling downhill. Reward yourself along the journey. Don't set yourself up for failure. Set up for success. Have your support in place when you embark. And don't give up if you have a setback. Just wake up the next day and get back on it. One tip, don't say 'I need to lose 100 lbs'. I know it sounds trite, but you must say 'I need to lose 1 lb at a time'. You must see the forest from the trees. Once you achieve your goal, you'll agree that mindset was a difference maker this time. People are going to ask you 'what was different this time?' Practice your speech now. It's that big a difference maker. Anything I can do to help you, let me know. Sorry for the unsolicited advice. Just wanted to let you know it can be done. I didn't start until I was 44 either.
  • auntiem1976
    auntiem1976 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all I'm Emma I'd love to make friends with people here I'm so determined to loose weight but it's so hard so all the motivation I can get n vice versa would be fantastic X good luck all c
  • Ksolis15
    Ksolis15 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm down 32 lbs with 77 more to lose. Just switched from a really extreme low carb diet to counting calories. Looking for support. Feel free to add me.
  • Harry56
    Harry56 Posts: 28 Member
    Feel free to add me. Need to loss 75 to 100 lbs
  • FaithFoodFitness
    FaithFoodFitness Posts: 19 Member
    karisgould wrote: »
    Hey everyone. Also trying to lose 100+. Have found it so difficult getting my mind in the right place - I know the food is bad for me and will stop me getting the body I want... But I want the bad food! The part of my brain that wants the food is the strongest. I'm sure you all understand. I'm using this app and Easy Loss Hypnosis at the same time! Hopefully they'll work...

    I understand. That's why I've struggled so much. I think my love for unhealthy food has overpowered my desire to be healthy. I love sweets and fast food! However, I don't love being almost 300 pounds, so I'm working on finding a balance.
  • nrsjac
    nrsjac Posts: 24 Member
    friend me if you'd like
  • rammendoza2k11
    rammendoza2k11 Posts: 15 Member
    I lost 100 so I encourage you never give up I will keep you in my prayers