New Here - Gastric Sleeve Patient

Hi everyone - after 25 years of dieting and a few successes followed by more failures, I decided to have bariatric surgery. It's a personal choice, and one that I hope everyone respects - if I thought there was a chance at all that I could do it again on my own, I would have!

I lost approximately 10 pounds prior to my surgery on 5/23/2011, and have lost about 20 additional pounds since then. I've been looking for a "diary" or "tracker" so I can monitor what I take in (and exercise), and found this yesterday - I love it! I'm really happy to be here, and finally feel like I might have a chance of success.

Good luck to everyone!


  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    No judging here! For some more than others it is extremely hard to keep the weight off. If you feel that was your best choice then who is anybody to tell you otherwise?

    Welcome to MFP. This site is amazing and the people are so wonderful and supportive. We are all going through the same thing so there is a lot of understanding amongst everyone.

    Good luck on your weight loss journey :)
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    welcome. I have enjoyed this site as well, loosing 70 before I started the site and 14 since I joined it,
    it's a great way to stay on track
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Welcome! You will find some great people and great support here. One of my favorite things about this site is that not everyone is taking the same path to getting healthy. Each of us are individuals and we each have our own way of doing things and this site allows for the different journey's we are all on. Feel free to "friend" me if you would like. Good luck on your journey!
  • Dawnsdream
    Dawnsdream Posts: 34
    Hello! My husband was 300 pounds and had baractric surgery two years ago. he was on all kinds of medicine for blood pressure, cholesteral and has hardening of artories. so he has had 6 heat attacks and one by pass. he is only 46 years old. but now thanks to the surgery. he has to take no medicine anymore and weighs 167 pounds and looks the best he has looked in years. he is very happy and satisfied with the surgery he had done. he tried different weight lose programs but he just couldnt do it. but he still to this day watches what he eats and eats healthier and doesnt stuff his self. its really easy to gain all the weight back if you overdo it. but my husband is very self controled in that matter. and i am really proud of how far he has came. he has alot more energy now and is more active. best choice he ever made. good luck!!!
  • tclausewitz
    tclausewitz Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you so much! My brother had surgery in the Fall and it changed his life - it gave me the courage to go for it myself!

    Best of luck to you!
  • onmyweightohappiness
    onmyweightohappiness Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me, love having others for support and to help support them!
    I had the gastric bypass (RY) done June 17th, 2010, a year ago tomorrow. I am down 102 lbs and don't regret the surgery at all! It's saved my life and I feel reborn. I have never felt this good ever in my life. It was the best decision I ever made for myself! It's taught and given me more than I ever could of imagined.